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Side collapse: move out of structure
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It can be defined in terms of others, as it turns out.
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pthariensflame committed May 5, 2024
1 parent b505a41 commit bbe3bd4
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Showing 5 changed files with 38 additions and 26 deletions.
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/Algebra/Fumula/Construct.agda
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Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,6 @@ module Reverse where
; ◆-collapse-middle = F.◆-collapse-middleʳ , F.◆-collapse-middleˡ
; ●-outer-commute = outer-commute-with _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ F.sym (RawFumula.● F.rawFumula) F.●-outer-commute
; ●-inner-commute = inner-commute-with _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ (RawFumula.● F.rawFumula) F.●-inner-commute
; ●-◆-collapse-side = F.●-◆-collapse-sideʳ , F.●-◆-collapse-sideˡ
; ◆-outer-associate = outer-associate-with _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ F.sym (RawFumula.◆ F.rawFumula) F.◆-outer-associate
; ◆-pullout = pullout-with _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ (RawFumula.◆ F.rawFumula) F.◆-pullout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,9 +289,6 @@ module DirectProduct {c ℓ} where
; ●-inner-commute =
(λ (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) F₁.●-inner-commuteˡ x₁ y₁ , F₂.●-inner-commuteˡ x₂ y₂) ,
(λ (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) F₁.●-inner-commuteʳ x₁ y₁ , F₂.●-inner-commuteʳ x₂ y₂)
; ●-◆-collapse-side =
(λ (x₁ , x₂) F₁.●-◆-collapse-sideˡ x₁ , F₂.●-◆-collapse-sideˡ x₂) ,
(λ (x₁ , x₂) F₁.●-◆-collapse-sideʳ x₁ , F₂.●-◆-collapse-sideʳ x₂)
; ◆-outer-associate = λ (w₁ , w₂) (x₁ , x₂) (y₁ , y₂) (z₁ , z₂)
F₁.◆-outer-associate w₁ x₁ y₁ z₁ , F₂.◆-outer-associate w₂ x₂ y₂ z₂
; ◆-pullout =
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11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions src/Algebra/Fumula/Convert.agda
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Expand Up @@ -130,17 +130,6 @@ module FromRing where
x + y ≈⟨ +-congʳ (sym (*-identityˡ x)) ⟩
1# * x + y ≈⟨ +-congʳ (*-congʳ 1≈-1*-1+[-1*-1+-1]) ⟩
(- 1# * - 1# + (- 1# * - 1# + - 1#)) * x + y ∎)
; ●-◆-collapse-side =
(λ x begin
(- 1# * - 1# + (- 1# * - 1# + - 1#)) * x + (- 1# * - 1# + - 1#) ≈⟨ +-cong (*-congʳ (sym 1≈-1*-1+[-1*-1+-1])) (sym 0≈-1*-1+-1) ⟩
1# * x + 0# ≈⟨ +-identityʳ (1# * x) ⟩
1# * x ≈⟨ *-identityˡ x ⟩
x ∎) ,
(λ x begin
x * (- 1# * - 1# + (- 1# * - 1# + - 1#)) + (- 1# * - 1# + - 1#) ≈⟨ +-cong (*-congˡ (sym 1≈-1*-1+[-1*-1+-1])) (sym 0≈-1*-1+-1) ⟩
x * 1# + 0# ≈⟨ +-identityʳ (x * 1#) ⟩
x * 1# ≈⟨ *-identityʳ x ⟩
x ∎)
; ◆-outer-associate = λ w x y z +-congʳ (begin
(w * x + (- 1# * - 1# + - 1#)) * y ≈⟨ *-congʳ (+-congˡ (sym 0≈-1*-1+-1)) ⟩
(w * x + 0#) * y ≈⟨ *-congʳ (+-identityʳ (w * x)) ⟩
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/Algebra/Fumula/Extrusion/Properties.agda
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Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,15 @@
module Algebra.Fumula.Extrusion.Properties where
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid)
open import Algebra.Fumula.Bundles
import Algebra.Fumula.Properties as FumulaProperties
open import Algebra.Fumula.Extrusion.Bundles
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning

module LeftProperties {f fℓ x xℓ} (F : Fumula f fℓ) (X : LeftFumulaExtrusion F x xℓ) where
module F = Fumula F
module F where
open Fumula F public
open FumulaProperties F public
open LeftFumulaExtrusion X
open Setoid setoid using (refl)
open SetoidReasoning setoid
Expand All @@ -25,7 +28,9 @@ module LeftProperties {f fℓ x xℓ} (F : Fumula f fℓ) (X : LeftFumulaExtrusi

module RightProperties {f fℓ x xℓ} (F : Fumula f fℓ) (X : RightFumulaExtrusion F x xℓ) where
module F = Fumula F
module F where
open Fumula F public
open FumulaProperties F public
open RightFumulaExtrusion X
open Setoid setoid using (refl)
open SetoidReasoning setoid
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33 changes: 31 additions & 2 deletions src/Algebra/Fumula/Properties.agda
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ open import Algebra.Fumula.Bundles using (Fumula)
module Algebra.Fumula.Properties {c ℓ} (F : Fumula c ℓ) where

open import Function.Definitions using (Inverseˡ; Inverseʳ; Inverseᵇ)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_)
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (zero; suc) renaming (_+_ to _ℕ+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-comm)
open import Data.Integer.Base using (ℤ; +_; -[1+_]; -1ℤ; 0ℤ; 1ℤ; _+_; _-_)
Expand All @@ -19,14 +19,34 @@ open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_) renaming (cong t
open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid setoid
open import Algebra.Fumula.Definitions _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ using (OuterCommutativeWith)

-- The "side collapse" property: the "missing" collapse form,
-- derivable from the other axioms.

●-◆-collapse-sideˡ : x (● ⤙ ◆ ⤚ x) ≈ x
●-◆-collapse-sideˡ x = begin
● ⤙ ◆ ⤚ x ≈⟨ ●-inner-commuteʳ ◆ x ⟩
● ⤙ x ⤚ ◆ ≈⟨ ◆-collapse-middleʳ ● x ⟩
x ∎

●-◆-collapse-sideʳ : x (x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ ●) ≈ x
●-◆-collapse-sideʳ x = begin
x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ ● ≈⟨ ●-inner-commuteˡ x ◆ ⟩
◆ ⤙ x ⤚ ● ≈⟨ ◆-collapse-middleˡ ● x ⟩
x ∎

●-◆-collapse-side : ( x (● ⤙ ◆ ⤚ x) ≈ x) × ( x (x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ ●) ≈ x)
●-◆-collapse-side = ●-◆-collapse-sideˡ , ●-◆-collapse-sideʳ

-- The "pull apart" property: a way of separating the two ring
-- operators from within a fumula, or of melding them again.

●-◆-pull-apartˡ : x y z (x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ y) ⤙ z ⤚ ● ≈ x ⤙ z ⤚ y
●-◆-pull-apartˡ x y z = begin
(x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ y) ⤙ z ⤚ ● ≈⟨ ◆-outer-associate x y ● z
(x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ y) ⤙ z ⤚ ● ≈⟨ ◆-outer-associate x y ● z ⟩
x ⤙ z ⤚ (y ⤙ ◆ ⤚ ●) ≈⟨ ⤙⤚-cong refl refl (●-◆-collapse-sideʳ y) ⟩
x ⤙ z ⤚ y ∎

Expand All @@ -36,6 +56,9 @@ open import Algebra.Fumula.Definitions _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ using (OuterCommutativeWi
(● ⤙ ◆ ⤚ x) ⤙ z ⤚ y ≈⟨ ⤙⤚-cong (●-◆-collapse-sideˡ x) refl refl ⟩
x ⤙ z ⤚ y ∎

●-◆-pull-apart : ( x y z (x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ y) ⤙ z ⤚ ● ≈ x ⤙ z ⤚ y) × ( x y z ● ⤙ z ⤚ (x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ y) ≈ x ⤙ z ⤚ y)
●-◆-pull-apart = ●-◆-pull-apartˡ , ●-◆-pull-apartʳ

-- Properties of the successor and predecessor operations.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,6 +108,9 @@ open import Algebra.Fumula.Definitions _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ using (OuterCommutativeWi
x ⤙ x ⤙ z ⤚ y ⤚ ● ≈⟨ double-exchange x ● x y z ⟩
x ⤙ x ⤙ z ⤚ ● ⤚ y ∎

↑-⤙⤚-●-dup-nest : ( x y z x ↑ ⤙ z ⤚ y ≈ x ⤙ ● ⤙ z ⤚ y ⤚ y) × ( x y z x ⤙ z ⤚ y ↑ ≈ x ⤙ x ⤙ z ⤚ ● ⤚ y)
↑-⤙⤚-●-dup-nest = ↑-⤙⤚-●-dup-nestˡ , ↑-⤙⤚-●-dup-nestʳ

↓-⤙⤚-■-dup-nestˡ : x y z x ↓ ⤙ z ⤚ y ≈ x ⤙ ■ ⤙ z ⤚ y ⤚ y
↓-⤙⤚-■-dup-nestˡ x y z = begin
x ↓ ⤙ z ⤚ y ≈⟨ ◆-pulloutˡ x ■ ● y z ⟩
Expand All @@ -99,6 +125,9 @@ open import Algebra.Fumula.Definitions _≈_ _⤙_⤚_ using (OuterCommutativeWi
x ⤙ x ⤙ z ⤚ y ⤚ ■ ≈⟨ double-exchange x ■ x y z ⟩
x ⤙ x ⤙ z ⤚ ■ ⤚ y ∎

↓-⤙⤚-■-dup-nest : ( x y z x ↓ ⤙ z ⤚ y ≈ x ⤙ ■ ⤙ z ⤚ y ⤚ y) × ( x y z x ⤙ z ⤚ y ↓ ≈ x ⤙ x ⤙ z ⤚ ■ ⤚ y)
↓-⤙⤚-■-dup-nest = ↓-⤙⤚-■-dup-nestˡ , ↓-⤙⤚-■-dup-nestʳ

-- Properties of the invert operation.
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7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions src/Algebra/Fumula/Structures.agda
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Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ record IsFumula (■ : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
◆-collapse-middle : ( x z (◆ ⤙ z ⤚ x) ≈ z) × ( x z (x ⤙ z ⤚ ◆) ≈ z)
●-outer-commute : OuterCommutativeWith ●
●-inner-commute : InnerCommutativeWith ●
●-◆-collapse-side : ( x (● ⤙ ◆ ⤚ x) ≈ x) × ( x (x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ ●) ≈ x) -- not primitive (TODO: move)

■-collapse-dupˡ : x (■ ⤙ x ⤚ x) ≈ ◆
■-collapse-dupˡ = proj₁ ■-collapse-dup
Expand All @@ -106,12 +105,6 @@ record IsFumula (■ : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
●-inner-commuteʳ : RightInnerCommutativeWith ●
●-inner-commuteʳ = proj₂ ●-inner-commute

●-◆-collapse-sideˡ : x (● ⤙ ◆ ⤚ x) ≈ x
●-◆-collapse-sideˡ = proj₁ ●-◆-collapse-side

●-◆-collapse-sideʳ : x (x ⤙ ◆ ⤚ ●) ≈ x
●-◆-collapse-sideʳ = proj₂ ●-◆-collapse-side

◆-outer-associate : OuterAssociativeWith ◆
◆-pullout : PulloutWith ◆
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