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Meeting 2015 10 15
Public call: https://identi.ca/larjona/note/J6rady20TbKu1GsPIPp7Hg
When: 2015/10/15, 9AM PDT, Convert to your time
Where: #pump.io channel at IRC (irc.freenode.net), you can attend also via XMPP/Jabber, since we have a bridge (MUC: [email protected] ), or via web ( http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=pump.io )
Items new from last week are in bold.
- Getting started on pump.io development
- Status update about Roadmap with priorities
- Use a branch model? (http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/)
- What about the CLA, especially with the move to a community-based model?
- What can we do to improve community, and your, participation in pump development?
- Communication channels
- (where can people get updates and these call for meetings? Github issue(s) so people suscribe and get mails? Pump.io 'official' account so people follows it? Mailing list?)
- Website/forum? (https://www.discourse.org/)?
- Documentation to https://readthedocs.org/?
- Preferred Deployment (automated using github webhooks)
- Docker?
- Turnkey Linux: status update
- Funding
- Flattr?
- Sponsoring; maybe https://jolla.com or others, get good deals on hosting and can host a pump with or without banners?
- EU fund CAPS (https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/collective-awareness-platforms, like http://dcentproject.eu/)?
- Status update: ActivityPump (and ActivityStreams 2.0)
(Add your items here!)
[18:14] <larjona> ============================== BEGIN LOG====================================================
[18:15] --> efraim joined.
[18:15] <larjona> 1. Roll call. Who's here?
[18:15] <Nemno> o/
[18:16] <paroneayea> o/
[18:16] <larjona> sorry I forgot to spread the word about today's meeting, it's been a crazy week
[18:16] <paroneayea> larjona: no worries, same here :)
[18:17] <strugee> o/
[18:17] <guido> hi
[18:17] <larjona> Evan not here? No cake?
[18:17] <strugee> no, he's not here
[18:18] <strugee> paroneayea pinged him on Pump
[18:18] <JanKusanagi> o/
[18:18] <larjona> well, let's see what can we do in the meanwhile
[18:18] <paroneayea> I saw a note from him that he's in an airport this morning
[18:19] <paroneayea> not sure what that means from his availability
[18:19] <larjona> we can talk about "Communication channels"
[18:19] <strugee> ah, ok
[18:19] <larjona> Communication channels
[18:19] <larjona> (where can people get updates and these call for meetings? Github issue(s) so people suscribe and get mails? Pump.io 'official' account so people follows it? Mailing list?)
[18:19] <larjona> Website/forum? (https://www.discourse.org/)?
[18:19] <larjona> Documentation to https://readthedocs.org/?
[18:19] <strugee> btw I added a new item to the backlog of items to talk about, in bold
[18:19] <strugee> hope that's ok
[18:20] <larjona> ok strugee, but that one I think it's better when/if Evan comes
[18:20] <paroneayea> yeah
[18:20] <larjona> Do you agree in giving opinions about communication channels?
[18:21] <strugee> larjona: me too
[18:21] <paroneayea> larjona: I think it's worth talking about
[18:21] <strugee> yeah, let's do it
[18:21] <paroneayea> though, I will say, I'm not sure what should be expanded!
[18:21] <paroneayea> at the very least
[18:21] <paroneayea> I think that the uptake in IRC conversation has been good
[18:21] <strugee> yeah, seems like IRC + wiki is working pretty well
[18:21] <paroneayea> a forum is mostly useful if we actually have more users, and it's a lot of work to run (same with a wiki)
[18:22] <strugee> for me the main problem is publicizing stuff
[18:22] <Nemno> I did put the 'forum?' there so its easier to prepare for a meeting and have opinions grouped
[18:22] <paroneayea> Nemno: what do you think about the current method of putting it on the wiki?
[18:22] <paroneayea> strugee: I think you're right about publicizing
[18:22] <larjona> I think a kind-of-official pump.io account could be nice to send meeting calls, or announcements. Several people could handle that account.
[18:22] <paroneayea> maybe we need to set up a pump.io account on pump.io, and on twitter
[18:23] <strugee> yeah
[18:23] <strugee> diaspora* does that
[18:23] <strugee> seems to be working pretty well for them
[18:23] <paroneayea> https://twitter.com/pumpdotio is available
[18:23] <guido> as i plan to do some work for pump (for politcal/ethical reasons), i don't feel really comfortable using github. neither as hosting or a communication channel
[18:24] <guido> all the rest seems fine to me
[18:24] <JanKusanagi> little warning: if you create a pump accounmt for this, do not use dots on it :p
[18:24] <Nemno> paroneyea, i have to check it again. But for a discussion I'ts not that great
[18:24] <paroneayea> guido: I understand... it's hard to change that right now though
[18:24] <larjona> ok I could handle pump.io account, but not twitter account. Other volunteers? Pump node? my pump proposal would be pumprock.net/pumpio
[18:24] <strugee> paroneayea: I can set up @pumpdotio
[18:24] <paroneayea> strugee: great :)
[18:24] <JanKusanagi> I could handle that Pump account too, if needed
[18:25] <strugee> and make some Pump account syndicate
[18:25] <paroneayea> strugee: maybe generate a pwgen'ed password and set up access for larjona, evan, JanKusanagi and myself?
[18:25] <Nemno> larjona is there a pump2tweet?
[18:25] <guido> paroneayea: for communication i guess is not that hard?
[18:25] <strugee> paroneayea: sure
[18:25] <larjona> pump2tweet I'm not sure it works; pump2status is down since some time.
[18:25] <strugee> Nemno: yes, there is
[18:25] <JanKusanagi> there is a pump2tweet (web service) and a pumptweet (console utility)
[18:26] <strugee> I use pump2tweet
[18:26] <strugee> it works
[18:26] <JanKusanagi> your own server, or pump2tweet.com?
[18:26] <strugee> my own
[18:26] <strugee> I run it on a cronjob
[18:26] <JanKusanagi> cool
[18:26] <larjona> ok, let me wrap up the proposal:
[18:26] <strugee> I use https://github.com/dper/pumptweet
[18:27] <JanKusanagi> yep, that's the command line utility I was talking about :D
[18:27] <larjona> #PROPOSAL: (1) Create a pump.io account @[email protected] and a twitter account @pumpdotio
[18:27] <larjona> (2) strugee can handle both, link them with his own pumptweet cron job, and give permissions to other volunteers
[18:28] <strugee> larjona: oh, am I handling the pump-native account too?
[18:28] <strugee> I'm fine with that fwiw
[18:28] <larjona> (3) people could follow this account for getting calls for meetings, minutes, and status updates about the community (and the network?)
[18:29] <paroneayea> larjona: sounds good
[18:29] <guido> i fully agree with that
[18:29] <larjona> (4) larjona, evan, jankusanagi and paroneayea can handle the pump.io account too
[18:29] <larjona> #END-PROPOSAL
[18:29] <larjona> Agree?
[18:30] <Nemno> =true
[18:30] <paroneayea> yes
[18:30] <strugee> larjona: so am I the one setting up the Pump-native account? and then sharing the password?
[18:30] <strugee> sounds good either way
[18:31] <larjona> Ok, now what do we do with the proposal? Do we wait that Evan agrees too, or we go straight ahead?
[18:31] <larjona> (this is being logged, so everybody got silent :D )
[18:31] <Nemno> go ahead, and if he want to change it we pump the change to the [email protected]
[18:31] <paroneayea> larjona: I think we can move ahead with it.
[18:32] <larjona> ok, agreed then.
[18:32] <paroneayea> if evan somehow objects
[18:32] <paroneayea> I'm sure everyone would be open to re-discussion.
[18:32] <strugee> yeah
[18:32] <strugee> +1 for moving on
[18:32] <-- jaywink left
[18:33] <larjona> We stick in IRC, and the pump.io/twitter account. And for now, we stick with github for code, wiki, and issues. Or anybody wants to discuss this now? (I would leave the topic for later meetings)
[18:33] <paroneayea> I think that's fine for now. Anything more would definitely require evan to be here to discuss.
[18:33] <larjona> I understand the feelings about the nonfree infrastructure, but I think we can workaround
[18:34] <paroneayea> re: nonfree infrastructure, one problem is that everyone here is strapped for time
[18:34] <strugee> one thing we could do is set up a ML for people to send patches to
[18:34] <paroneayea> and as people in #userops will tell you, self-hosting hasn't been made easy enough yet, so it's asking to take on a lot more than one might expect right now
[18:34] <strugee> it's not ideal, but it would work
[18:34] <paroneayea> strugee: quite possibly; it requires that evan be on board with that though
[18:34] <paroneayea> it's a major workflow change.
[18:34] <strugee> true
[18:34] <larjona> If somebody with commit permissions is willing to merge requests or patches coming from other git hosting, I think the issue can be workarounded
[18:35] <strugee> so the idea is that PRs would be preferred but if you don't do GitHub, you could send patches to the ML
[18:35] <paroneayea> strugee: it's a good idea, and maybe we can do it and get a mirror with a patch avenue set up through something like savannah
[18:35] <paroneayea> but
[18:35] <paroneayea> I think we want to wait to talk with evan about that
[18:36] <paroneayea> but that could allow contributions from people who are unwilling to use github's infrastructure
[18:36] <guido> mailing list or gitlab mirror can work fine
[18:36] <paroneayea> it would require someone being willing to actively handle that though
[18:36] <strugee> yeah, agreed that Evan needs to OK it
[18:37] <larjona> paroneayea could you prepare a proposal to send to Evan? Or should I (more theoretical proposal, since I don't control the details about savannah, mirrors...)?
[18:37] <larjona> And, if he agrees, where the mailing list? savannah too?
[18:37] <paroneayea> larjona: could you send me a brief writeup of the proposal, and I can clarify
[18:37] <paroneayea> and then we can send to him
[18:37] <paroneayea> or
[18:37] <paroneayea> we can raise it in next meeting
[18:37] <paroneayea> and hope he comes :)
[18:37] <paroneayea> which may be even better
[18:38] <larjona> I can prepare a proposal for next meeting (next week?)
[18:38] <strugee> yeah
[18:38] <strugee> let's just make sure to put it on the agenda
[18:38] <larjona> Ok, I'll put it on the agenda, and we can receive ideas/proposals in the official pump.io account
[18:39] <larjona> (or in the wiki page)
[18:40] <strugee> great
[18:40] * strugee will be right back
[18:40] <paroneayea> sounds good.
[18:40] <paroneayea> thanks strugee / larjona !
[18:40] <paroneayea> are we on to the next topic then?
[18:41] <larjona> I don't know. Does former topic cover also documentation?
[18:41] <paroneayea> larjona: I don't know we have enough docs to put up on readthedocs, but maybe the point is that pump.io should have more docs
[18:41] <paroneayea> there are some file sin there
[18:42] <paroneayea> maybe they could be better organized
[18:42] <larjona> ok, who is willing to put workforce in enhancing documentation?
[18:42] <paroneayea> maybe we should make a github issue about "better organized docs"?
[18:42] <paroneayea> larjona: right, that's the question in some ways :)
[18:43] <larjona> I can open that issue. And I think I know the wiki, so I can put workforce on it. But I still didn't deployed pump.io so I cannot provide better guides now.
[18:43] <larjona> Anybody else?
[18:44] <larjona> C'mon selfhosters!!
[18:44] <JanKusanagi> I'm up for documentation
[18:44] <Nemno> a moment
[18:44] <paroneayea> JanKusanagi: you'd be a great person to do it
[18:44] <JanKusanagi> thanks :D
[18:44] <larjona> great JanKusanaki - Thanks for the user guide BTW
[18:44] <paroneayea> yes
[18:44] <larjona> ok, let's move
[18:45] <larjona> #TOPIC "What can we do to improve community, and your, participation in pump development?"
[18:45] <Nemno> I will install pump in Docker again...So i shall write down the steps in the progress. Also the same for a turnkeylinux iso. (but i have to find some time to do it)
[18:45] <larjona> I'd like to know if the tests issues are solved, and if anybody is able to merge patches/requests now
[18:45] <larjona> great Nemno!
[18:46] <JanKusanagi> there are a few people with admin rights to the github.com repo
[18:46] <paroneayea> cool
[18:46] <paroneayea> yeah I have admin rights
[18:46] <JanKusanagi> it would be really great for the spirit to see at least one new commit =)
[18:47] <paroneayea> :)
[18:47] <larjona> Yes JanKusanagi, I'm asking about the actual ability (permissions= ok; time = ?; tests_passing =?)
[18:47] <strugee> I'll send some of the fixes to the tests that I wrote up a while ago
[18:47] <strugee> this weekend
[18:47] <larjona> great strugee!
[18:47] <paroneayea> I have permissions but not time, and no tests passing is one big blocker from me contributing
[18:47] <paroneayea> well not no tests passing :)
[18:47] <Nemno> didn't got arround toe test it.. but it would be nice to log a install... what linux flavor, version, npm version, node version etc.. This will make it easier to track. And we will have versions we know that work all the way
[18:48] <larjona> any taker to log an install?
[18:48] --> elf-pavlik joined.
[18:48] <-- elf-pavlik left.
[18:48] --> elf-pavlik joined.
[18:49] <paroneayea> eventually, I would like to package pump.io for guix, but it's going to require more general work to get npm based stuff there not be so hard
[18:49] <paroneayea> it's a pretty big nightmare right now
[18:49] <Nemno> Extend the wiki with server info and versions
[18:50] <larjona> Nemno I'll create/review the wiki page(s) about Deployments details
[18:50] <Nemno> nice
[18:50] <Nemno> I'll add my host(s) and info
[18:50] <larjona> and call from the pump.io account for people that already selfhost, to fill in their details, if they want
[18:51] <larjona> Does the wiki allow tables?
[18:51] <Nemno> yes
[18:51] <strugee> I selfhost, fwiw
[18:51] <paroneayea> if documentation improvements come in
[18:51] <larjona> ok, so I'll make a table similar to the gnusocial federated hosts
[18:51] <paroneayea> just ping me
[18:51] <paroneayea> and I'll merge.
[18:51] <strugee> larjona: yeah, search up "GitHub Flavored Markdown"
[18:51] <paroneayea> as long as they're sane
[18:51] <paroneayea> JanKusanagi: ^^
[18:52] <paroneayea> it's a much easier review to do right now than the technology end of things
[18:53] <larjona> Ok who is willing to put workforce in reviewing issues/merge requests?
[18:53] <larjona> (Or do we wait for next week when tests are ok?)
[18:53] <strugee> let's wait for tests
[18:53] <paroneayea> yeah tests are kind of necessary right now
[18:53] <strugee> I will look into fixing them this weekend
[18:54] <larjona> strugee do you think you can solve it or you need help?
[18:54] <Nemno> keep me posted strugee
[18:54] <strugee> I said this last week, but the #1 problem is Zombie. we may just want to ditch those tests for now
[18:54] <Nemno> maybe i can be of assistance
[18:54] <JanKusanagi> paroneayea: you mean documentation improvements that go in the repo, like the README.md and such?
[18:54] <strugee> larjona: I think some of the bugs I ran into last time have been fixed, so
[18:54] * strugee will be back in a minute, walking to a different class
[18:54] <larjona> Do we need that I ping Evan about his proposal of dropping some tests and splitting them? Or is it ok right now?
[18:55] <Nemno> we can do it know (different branch). See if it works
[18:56] <paroneayea> JanKusanagi: yes
[18:56] * larjona needs to run at "nn:15" #timezones
[18:56] <paroneayea> JanKusanagi: or setting up a sphinx repo or something so we can move to readthedocs... if that's the plan
[18:56] <larjona> JanKusanagi The welcome message!!!
[18:56] <paroneayea> oh yes
[18:56] <paroneayea> pleeeease we need a new photo plus welcome message
[18:56] <paroneayea> rather than bro camera + awkward text
[18:56] --> cmaloney joined
[18:57] <Nemno> yes and some firehose on the front?
[18:58] <larjona> Ok any other thing we can help on? Any news about the pump-network-nodes-adoption?
[18:58] <paroneayea> http://opengameart.org/content/fire-hydrant-32x32-sidescroller-view scale up some pixel art? :)
[18:58] <-- DistopicoVegan left.
[18:59] <paroneayea> larjona: I can give an update on the activitypump stuff
[18:59] <paroneayea> oh wait
[18:59] <paroneayea> we just hit top of the hour huh
[18:59] <strugee> ok, I'm back!
[19:00] <guido> larjona: i could help doing admin stuff and also can check if riseup can host one of the homeless nodes
[19:00] <JanKusanagi> [15/10/15 18:57] <larjona> JanKusanagi The welcome message!! ← that's right!! \o/
[19:00] <Nemno> :p
[19:00] <JanKusanagi> I'll check that out ASAP
[19:00] <guido> also i plan to puppetize pump, so it can be easy to mantain
[19:00] <larjona> I think we cannot discuss more stuff without evan (tell me if you think differently), maybe hear the ActivityPump update, and that's all
[19:01] <JanKusanagi> the message in the frontpage, and the private message users receive upon registering
[19:01] <strugee> if there are still homeless nodes after the new year I should be able to help at that time
[19:01] <paroneayea> larjona: I think you're right
[19:01] <paroneayea> is an activitypump update wanted?
[19:01] <paroneayea> I can keep it brief
[19:01] <larjona> ok JanKusanagi, if you can send a patch/merge request, it would be great. There are issues already created for those.
[19:01] <larjona> go paroneayea
[19:02] <JanKusanagi> updates are always wanted =)
[19:02] <paroneayea> okay. So, I've been doing my best to keep the w3c group moving along, basically I spent a plea that we at least agree on a format and move forward with that... http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-socialweb/2015Oct/0013.html
[19:02] <paroneayea> feel free to read at your leisure
[19:03] <paroneayea> it was well received on list
[19:03] <paroneayea> but people balked at it in-meeting
[19:03] <paroneayea> so
[19:03] <paroneayea> I'm not sure what to do, we have activitystreams as a required deliverable
[19:04] <paroneayea> yet using that as a required format seems hard for the group to agree on, which is strange given the groupa already has it as a deliverable
[19:04] <paroneayea> not agreeing to use the standard you're advancing seems bizarre to me.
[19:04] --> DistopicoVegan joined
[19:04] <paroneayea> anyway, I think at this point, I am forging ahead
[19:04] <paroneayea> evan has started on a test suite
[19:04] <paroneayea> and the main activitystreams author has as well
[19:04] <paroneayea> and i am working on an activitystreams easy-to-get-going python llibrary
[19:05] <paroneayea> basically, if we want activitystreams 2.0 to succeed
[19:05] <paroneayea> getting a working test suite and implementations at this stage is critical.
[19:05] <paroneayea> there are already some implementations, and now a couple of candidate test suites
[19:05] <paroneayea> so we're in a good spot there
[19:06] <Nemno> nice to know
[19:06] <paroneayea> I think our best strategy is to "forge ahead"
[19:06] <paroneayea> so that's my update
[19:06] <larjona> ok paroneayea, can we help on something?
[19:07] <paroneayea> larjona: hm, good question
[19:07] <paroneayea> are there any python hackers here?
[19:07] <larjona> (in addition to what we agreed to do in this meeting)
[19:07] <paroneayea> maybe by next week
[19:07] <paroneayea> I can ask if anyone here is willing to review my library and see if it is easy for them to get going with.
[19:07] <larjona> ok, so we wait for your ping
[19:07] <paroneayea> yes I'll update again next week
[19:08] <larjona> (and try to meet some python and node hackers out there) :D
[19:08] <paroneayea> in the meanwhile, #pump.io is already helping, having real users is important to the standard's success
[19:08] <larjona> Ok, anything else?
[19:08] <paroneayea> larjona: that's it for now from me :)
[19:08] <paroneayea> larjona: great job running the meeting!
[19:09] <paroneayea> despite the late start (and many of us started late), it was a good meeting I think!
[19:09] <strugee> \o/
[19:09] <paroneayea> and larjona did a great job running it
[19:09] <guido> thank you, larjona
[19:09] <larjona> ok I wait for one minute for people answering, and close the logs at :10
[19:09] <strugee> larjona++
[19:09] <larjona> No cake, sorry :(
[19:09] <Nemno> I can take a look at your library, but I'm not hardcore @ python
[19:09] <paroneayea> Nemno: okay, maybe I'll have docs up by next week :)
[19:10] <larjona> well, ice cream for share
[19:10] <larjona> . ,
[19:10] <larjona> * ,
[19:10] <larjona> `
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[19:10] <larjona> '------`
[19:10] <larjona> and
[19:10] <larjona> ======================= END LOGGING ==========================