Hashicorp Vagrant is a powerful platform for local automated creation and deployment of virtual machines. This tutorial shows the basics and practical examples of how to use Vagrant to create FreeBSD based development environments on a suitable machine.
Participants need an amd64 laptop and VirtualBox and Vagrant installed on their operating system of choice to follow the practical parts of the tutorial. I'm using NFS for folder sharing, so Windows is probably out. Mac OS, any BSD that supports VirtualBox, or Linux will all do fine.
- Fundamentals
- Managing boxes
- Practical 1: bring up your first box
- Provisioners
- Practical 2: install Apache to view the famous "It works!" page
- Networking fundamentals
- Practical 3: make Apache accessible from the host
- More networking
- File sharing
- Practical 4: experiment with file sharing
- Multiple VMs
- Practical 5: bring up three boxes in parallel
- Ansible integration
- Practical 6: deploy a distributed application with Ansible
- How boxes are built
- Vagrant OPNsense - run an OPNsense firewall on your desktop for development
- Vagrant FreeBSD Boxbuilder - automatically build boxes