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don't use the nay data to save data in recorder. Instead just pickle …
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…the pupil_postion dicts. This breaks the recoding format. Thus we got v0.5
  • Loading branch information
mkassner committed Jun 5, 2015
1 parent 65dbfe7 commit 3b232c2
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Showing 6 changed files with 104 additions and 237 deletions.
24 changes: 9 additions & 15 deletions pupil_src/capture/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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from shutil import copy2
from glob import glob
from audio import Audio_Capture,Audio_Input_Dict
from file_methods import save_object
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,7 +167,6 @@ def get_rec_time_str(self):
def start(self):
self.timestamps = []
self.pupil_list = []
self.gaze_list = []
self.frame_count = 0
self.running = True = True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,16 +242,7 @@ def close_info_menu(self):

def update(self,frame,events):
if self.running:

# cv2.putText(frame.img, "Frame %s"%self.frame_count,(200,200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,(255,100,100))
for p in events['pupil_positions']:
pupil_pos = p['timestamp'],p['confidence'],p['id'],p['norm_pos'][0],p['norm_pos'][1],p['diameter']

for g in events.get('gaze_positions',[]):
gaze_pos = g['timestamp'],g['confidence'],g['norm_pos'][0],g['norm_pos'][1]

self.pupil_list += events['pupil_positions']
self.frame_count += 1
Expand All @@ -270,11 +261,14 @@ def stop(self):
logger.warning("Could not stop eye-recording. Please report this bug!")

gaze_list_path = os.path.join(self.rec_path, "gaze_positions.npy"),np.asarray(self.gaze_list))

pupil_list_path = os.path.join(self.rec_path, "pupil_positions.npy"),np.asarray(self.pupil_list))
save_object(self.pupil_list,os.path.join(self.rec_path, "pupil_positions"))

for p in g_pool.plugins:
if p.base_class_name == 'Calibration_Plugin':
calibration_plugin = p

timestamps_path = os.path.join(self.rec_path, "world_timestamps.npy")
ts = sanitize_timestamps(np.array(self.timestamps))
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions pupil_src/capture/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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from pupil_server import Pupil_Server
from pupil_remote import Pupil_Remote
from marker_detector import Marker_Detector
from fixation_detector import Fixation_Detector, Dispersion_Fixation_Detector

#manage plugins
user_launchable_plugins = [Show_Calibration,Pupil_Server,Pupil_Remote,Marker_Detector] # TODO: Dispersion_Fixation_Detector
user_launchable_plugins = [Show_Calibration,Pupil_Server,Pupil_Remote,Marker_Detector]
system_plugins = [Display_Recent_Gaze,Recorder]
plugin_by_index = user_launchable_plugins+system_plugins+calibration_plugins+gaze_mapping_plugins
name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in plugin_by_index]
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55 changes: 28 additions & 27 deletions pupil_src/player/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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y_scroll_factor = 1.0

from file_methods import Persistent_Dict
from file_methods import Persistent_Dict,load_object
import numpy as np

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,10 +116,12 @@
from show_calibration import Show_Calibration
from batch_exporter import Batch_Exporter
from eye_video_overlay import Eye_Video_Overlay
from gaze_mappers import Dummy_Gaze_Mapper,Simple_Gaze_Mapper,Volumetric_Gaze_Mapper,Bilateral_Gaze_Mapper

system_plugins = Seek_Bar,Trim_Marks
gaze_mapper_plugins = Dummy_Gaze_Mapper,Simple_Gaze_Mapper,Volumetric_Gaze_Mapper,Bilateral_Gaze_Mapper
user_launchable_plugins = Export_Launcher, Vis_Circle,Vis_Cross, Vis_Polyline, Vis_Light_Points,Scan_Path,Dispersion_Duration_Fixation_Detector,Vis_Watermark, Manual_Gaze_Correction, Show_Calibration, Offline_Marker_Detector,Pupil_Server,Batch_Exporter,Eye_Video_Overlay #,Marker_Auto_Trim_Marks
available_plugins = system_plugins + user_launchable_plugins
available_plugins = system_plugins + user_launchable_plugins + gaze_mapper_plugins
name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in available_plugins]
index_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index,range(len(name_by_index))))
plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index,available_plugins))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,32 +205,18 @@ def on_close(window):

rec_version = read_rec_version(meta_info)
if rec_version < VersionFormat('0.4'):
video_path = rec_dir + "world.avi"
timestamps_path = rec_dir + "timestamps.npy"
video_path = rec_dir + "world.mkv"
timestamps_path = rec_dir + "world_timestamps.npy"

if rec_version < VersionFormat('0.5'):
logger.Error("This version is to old. Please upgrade recording format.")

gaze_positions_path = rec_dir + "gaze_positions.npy"
pupil_positions_path = rec_dir + "pupil_positions.npy"
#load gaze information
gaze_list = np.load(gaze_positions_path)
timestamps = np.load(timestamps_path)

#correlate data
if rec_version < VersionFormat('0.4'):
gaze_positions_by_frame = correlate_gaze_legacy(gaze_list,timestamps)
pupil_positions_by_frame = [[]for x in range(len(timestamps))]
pupil_list = np.load(pupil_positions_path)
gaze_positions_by_frame = correlate_gaze(gaze_list,timestamps)
pupil_positions_by_frame = correlate_pupil_data(pupil_list,timestamps)
video_path = rec_dir + "world.mkv"
timestamps_path = rec_dir + "world_timestamps.npy"
pupil_positions_path = rec_dir + "pupil_positions"
gaze_mapper_path = rec_dir + 'active_gaze_mapper'

# Initialize capture
cap = autoCreateCapture(video_path,timestamps=timestamps_path)

if isinstance(cap,FakeCapture):
logger.error("could not start capture.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,15 +252,12 @@ def on_close(window):

# create container for globally scoped vars (within world)
# create container for globally scoped vars
g_pool = Global_Container() = 'player'
g_pool.version = get_version(version_file)
g_pool.capture = cap
g_pool.timestamps = timestamps
g_pool.pupil_positions_by_frame = pupil_positions_by_frame
g_pool.gaze_positions_by_frame = gaze_positions_by_frame
# g_pool.fixations_by_frame = [[] for x in timestamps] #let this be filled by the fixation detector plugin = False
g_pool.new_seek = True
g_pool.user_dir = user_dir
Expand All @@ -281,6 +266,22 @@ def on_close(window):
g_pool.meta_info = meta_info
g_pool.pupil_confidence_threshold = session_settings.get('pupil_confidence_threshold',.6)

# load calibration and map gaze
pupil_list = load_object(pupil_positions_path)
timestamps = np.load(timestamps_path)
gaze_mapper_init_dict = load_object(gaze_mapper_path)
name, args = gaze_mapper_init_dict"Loading gaze mapper: %s with settings %s"%(name, args))
gaze_mapper = gaze_mapper_plugins[name](g_pool,**args)
gaze_list = gaze_mapper.map_gaze_offline(pupil_list)

#add new data to g_pool
g_pool.pupil_positions_by_frame = correlate_data(pupil_list,timestamps)
g_pool.gaze_positions_by_frame = correlate_data(gaze_list,timestamps)
g_pool.fixations_by_frame = [[] for x in timestamps] #let this be filled by the fixation detector plugin

def next_frame(_):
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185 changes: 17 additions & 168 deletions pupil_src/player/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def correlate_pupil_data(pupil_list,timestamps):
def correlate_data(data,timestamps):
pupil_list: timestamp | confidence | id | norm_pos x | norm_pos y | diameter | other data ...
data: dict of data :
will have at least:
timestamp: float
timestamps timestamps to correlate gaze data to
timestamps: timestamps list to correlate data to
this takes a pupil positions list and a timestamps list and makes a new list
with the length of the number of recorded frames.
Each slot conains a list that will have 0, 1 or more assosiated pupil data points.
this takes a data list and a timestamps list and makes a new list
with the length of the number of timestamps.
Each slot conains a list that will have 0, 1 or more assosiated data points.
pupil_list = list(pupil_list)
timestamps = list(timestamps)

positions_by_frame = [[] for i in timestamps]
data_by_frame = [[] for i in timestamps]

frame_idx = 0
data_point = list(pupil_list.pop(0))
logger.warning("No gaze positons in this recording.")
return positions_by_frame
data_index = 0

gaze_timestamp = data_point[0]

while pupil_list:
# if the current gaze point is before the mean of the current world frame timestamp and the next worldframe timestamp
while True:
datum = data[data_index]
t_between_frames = ( timestamps[frame_idx]+timestamps[frame_idx+1] ) / 2.
except IndexError:
# we might loose a data point at the end but we dont care
if gaze_timestamp <= t_between_frames:
timestamp, confidence, id, x, y, diameter = data_point[:6]
other_data = data_point[6:] #use python slicing to generate empty list is case no other_data is recorded.
positions_by_frame[frame_idx].append({'norm_pos':(x,y), 'confidence':confidence, 'timestamp':timestamp,'id':id,'diameter':diameter,'other_data':other_data})
data_point = list(pupil_list.pop(0))
gaze_timestamp = data_point[0]

return positions_by_frame

def correlate_gaze(gaze_list,timestamps):
gaze_list: timestamp | confidence | gaze x | gaze y |
timestamps timestamps to correlate gaze data to
this takes a gaze positions list and a timestamps list and makes a new list
with the length of the number of recorded frames.
Each slot conains a list that will have 0, 1 or more assosiated gaze postions.
gaze_list = list(gaze_list)
timestamps = list(timestamps)

positions_by_frame = [[] for i in timestamps]

frame_idx = 0
data_point = gaze_list.pop(0)
logger.warning("No gaze positons in this recording.")
return positions_by_frame

gaze_timestamp = data_point[0]

while gaze_list:
# if the current gaze point is before the mean of the current world frame timestamp and the next worldframe timestamp
t_between_frames = ( timestamps[frame_idx]+timestamps[frame_idx+1] ) / 2.
except IndexError:
if gaze_timestamp <= t_between_frames:
ts,confidence,x,y, = data_point
positions_by_frame[frame_idx].append({'norm_pos':(x,y), 'confidence':confidence, 'timestamp':ts})
data_point = gaze_list.pop(0)
gaze_timestamp = data_point[0]
if datum['timestamp'] <= t_between_frames:
data_index +=1

return positions_by_frame

def correlate_gaze_legacy(gaze_list,timestamps):
gaze_list: gaze x | gaze y | pupil x | pupil y | timestamp
timestamps timestamps to correlate gaze data to
this takes a gaze positions list and a timestamps list and makes a new list
with the length of the number of recorded frames.
Each slot conains a list that will have 0, 1 or more assosiated gaze postions.
load gaze information
gaze_list = list(gaze_list)
timestamps = list(timestamps)

positions_by_frame = [[] for i in timestamps]

frame_idx = 0
data_point = gaze_list.pop(0)
logger.warning("No gaze positons in this recording.")
return positions_by_frame

gaze_timestamp = data_point[4]
return data_by_frame

while gaze_list:
# if the current gaze point is before the mean of the current world frame timestamp and the next worldframe timestamp
t_between_frames = ( timestamps[frame_idx]+timestamps[frame_idx+1] ) / 2.
except IndexError:
if gaze_timestamp <= t_between_frames:
positions_by_frame[frame_idx].append({'norm_pos':(data_point[0],data_point[1]), 'timestamp':data_point[4],'confidence':data_point[5]})
data_point = gaze_list.pop(0)
gaze_timestamp = data_point[4]

return positions_by_frame

Expand All @@ -156,69 +67,7 @@ def is_pupil_rec_dir(data_dir):
logger.debug("%s contains %s and is therefore considered a valid rec dir."%(data_dir,required_files))
return True

# backwards compatibility tools:

def patch_meta_info(rec_dir):
#parse info.csv file

This is how we need it:
Recording Name 2014_01_21
Start Date 21.01.2014
Start Time 11:42:24
Duration Time 00:00:29
World Camera Frames 710
World Camera Resolution 1280x720
Capture Software Version v0.3.7
User testing
Platform Linux
Machine brosnan
Release 3.5.0-45-generic
Version #68~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 4 16:18:46 UTC 2013
proper_names = ['Recording Name',
'Start Date',
'Start Time',
'Duration Time',
'World Camera Frames',
'World Camera Resolution',
'Capture Software Version',

with open(rec_dir + "/info.csv") as info:
meta_info = [line.strip().split('\t') for line in info.readlines() ]

for entry in meta_info:
for proper_name in proper_names:
if proper_name == entry[0]:
elif proper_name in entry[0]:"Permanently updated info.csv field name: '%s' to '%s'."%(entry[0],proper_name))

new_info = ''
for e in meta_info:
new_info += e[0]+'\t'+e[1]+'\n'

with open(rec_dir + "/info.csv",'w') as info:

def convert_gaze_pos(gaze_list,capture_version):
util fn to update old gaze pos files to new coordsystem. UNTESTED!
#lets make a copy here so that we are not making inplace edits of the passed array
gaze_list = gaze_list.copy()
if capture_version < .36:"Gaze list is from old Recoding, I will update the data to work with new coordinate system.")
gaze_list[:,:4] += 1. #broadcasting
gaze_list[:,:4] /= 2. #broadcasting
return gaze_list

def transparent_circle(img,center,radius,color,thickness):
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