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Pusher Channels Java HTTP library

Build Status Maven Central GitHub license

In order to use this library, you need to have an account on After registering, you will need the application credentials for your app.

Supported platforms

  • Java SE - supports versions 8, 11 and 17.
  • Oracle JDK
  • OpenJDK


The pusher-http-java library is available in Maven Central:



Javadocs for the latest version are published at Javadoc artifacts are also in Maven and should be available for automatic download and attaching by your IDE.

Synchronous vs asynchronous

The pusher-http-java library provides two APIs:

  •, synchronous, based on Apache HTTP Client (4 series)
  •, asynchronous, based on AsyncHttpClient (AHC)

The following examples are using Pusher, but PusherAsync exposes the exact same API, while returning CompletableFuture<T> instead of T.


The minimum configuration required to use the Pusher object are the three constructor arguments which identify your Pusher app. You can find them by going to "API Keys" on your app at

Pusher pusher = new Pusher(appId, apiKey, apiSecret);

You then need to specify your app cluster (eg mt1/eu/ap1/us2)


From URL

The basic parameters may also be set from a URL, as provided (for example) as an environment variable when running on Heroku with the Pusher Channels addon:

Pusher pusher = new Pusher("http://<key>:<secret>@api-<cluster>");

Note: the API URL differs depending on the cluster your app was created in. For example:


This form sets the key, secret, appId, host and secure (based on the protocol in the URL) parameters all at once.

Additional options

There are additional options which can be set on the Pusher object once constructed:


If you wish to set a non-standard endpoint, perhaps for testing, you may use setHost.



HTTPS can be used as transport by calling setEncrypted(true). Note that your credentials are not exposed on an unencrypted connection, however the contents of your messages are. Use this option if your messages themselves are sensitive.

Advanced HTTP configuration

Synchronous library

The synchronous library uses Apache HTTP Client (4 series) internally to make HTTP requests. In order to expose some of the rich and fine configuration available in this component, it is partially exposed. The HttpClient uses the Builder pattern to specify configuration. The Pusher Channels library exposes a method to fetch an HttpClientBuilder with sensible defaults, and a method to set the client instance in use to one created by a particular builder. By using these two methods, you can further configure the client, overriding defaults or adding new settings.

For example:

HTTP Proxy

To set a proxy:

HttpClientBuilder builder = Pusher.defaultHttpClientBuilder();
builder.setProxy(new HttpHost(""));
Asynchronous library

The asynchronous library uses AsyncHttpClient (AHC) internally to make HTTP requests. Just like the synchronous library, you have a fine-grained control over the HTTP configuration, see For example:

HTTP Proxy

To set a proxy:

        .setProxyServer(proxyServer("", 38080))


General info on responses

Requests return a member of the Result class. Results have a getStatus method returning a member of Status which classifies their outcome, for example Status.SUCCESS and Status.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR. Error Results yield a description from getMessage.

Publishing events

To send an event to one or more channels use the trigger method.

The data parameter is serialised using the GSON library ( by default. You may specify your own marshalling library if you wish by using the setDataMarshaller method. POJO classes or java.util.Maps are suitable for marshalling.

Single channel

pusher.trigger("channel-one", "test_event", Collections.singletonMap("message", "hello world"));

Multiple channels

List<String> channels = new ArrayList<>();

pusher.trigger(channels, "test_event", Collections.singletonMap("message", "hello world"));

You can trigger an event to at most 10 channels at once. Passing more than 10 channels will cause an exception to be thrown.

Excluding event recipients

In order to avoid the client that triggered the event from also receiving it, the trigger function takes an optional socketId parameter. For more information see:

pusher.trigger(channel, event, data, "1302.1081607");

Authenticating private channels

To authorise your users to access private channels on Channels, you can use the authenticate method. This method returns the response body which should be returned to the user requesting authentication.

String authBody = pusher.authenticate(socketId, channel);

For more information see:

Authenticating presence channels

Using presence channels is similar to using private channels, but you can specify extra data to identify that particular user. This data is passed as a PresenceUser object. As with the message data in trigger, the userInfo is serialised using GSON.

String userId = "unique_user_id";
Map<String, String> userInfo = new HashMap<>();
userInfo.put("name", "Phil Leggetter");
userInfo.put("twitterId", "@leggetter");

String authBody = pusher.authenticate(socketId, channel, new PresenceUser(userId, userInfo));

For more information see:

Application state

It's possible to query the state of the application using the get method.

The path parameter identifies the resource that the request should be made to and the parameters parameter should be a map of additional query string key and value pairs.

For example:

Get the list of channels in an application

Result result = pusher.get("/channels", params);
if (result.getStatus() == Status.SUCCESS) {
    String channelListJson = result.getMessage();
    // Parse and act upon list

Information on the optional params and the structure of the returned JSON is defined in the HTTP API reference.

Get the state of a channel

Result result = pusher.get("/channels/[channel_name]");

Information on the optional params option property and the structure of the returned JSON is defined in the HTTP API reference.

Get the list of users in a presence channel

Result result = pusher.get("/channels/[channel_name]/users");

The channel_name in the path must be a presence channel. The structure of the returned JSON is defined in the HTTP API reference.


The library provides a simple helper to validate the authenticity of webhooks received from Channels.

Call validateWebhookSignature with the values from the X-Pusher-Key and X-Pusher-Signature headers from the webhook request, and the body as a String. You will receive a member of Validity indicating whether the webhook could be validated or not.

Generating HTTP API signatures

If you wanted to send the HTTP API requests manually (e.g. using a different HTTP client), you can use the signedUri method to generate a for your request which contains the necessary signatures:

URI requestUri = pusher.signedUri("GET", "/apps/<appId>/channels", null); // no body on GET request

Note that the URI does not include the body parameter, however the signature contains a digest of it, so the body must be sent with the request as it was presented at signature time:

URI requestUri = pusher.signedUri("POST", "/apps/<appId>/events", body);

PostRequest request = new PostRequest(requestUri);

Additional query params may be passed to be added to the URI:

URI requestUri = pusher.signedUri("GET", "/apps/<appId>/channels", null, Collections.singletonMap("filter_by_prefix", "myprefix-"));

Query parameters can't contain following keys, as they are used to sign the request:

  • auth_key
  • auth_timestamp
  • auth_version
  • auth_signature
  • body_md5

Multi-threaded usage with the synchronous library

The library is threadsafe and intended for use from many threads simultaneously. By default, HTTP connections are persistent and a pool of open connections is maintained. This re-use reduces the overhead involved in repeated TCP connection establishments and teardowns.

IO calls are blocking, and if more threads make requests at one time than the configured maximum pool size, they will wait for a connection to become idle. By default there are at most 2 concurrent connections maintained. This should be enough to many use cases, but it can be configured:

PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();


End-to-end encryption

This library supports end-to-end encryption of your private channels. This means that only you and your connected clients will be able to read your messages. Pusher cannot decrypt them.

You can enable this feature by following these steps:

  1. You should first set up Private channels. This involves creating an authentication endpoint on your server.

  2. Next, generate your 32 byte master encryption key, encode it as base64 and pass it to the Pusher constructor.

    This is secret, and you should never share this with anyone. Not even Pusher.

    Generate base64 encoded 32 byte key:

    openssl rand -base64 32
    Pusher pusher = new Pusher(APP_ID, API_KEY, API_SECRET, ENCRYPTION_MASTER_KEY_BASE64);
  3. Channels where you wish to use end-to-end encryption should be prefixed with private-encrypted-.

  4. Subscribe to these channels in your client, and you're done! You can verify it is working by checking out the debug console on the dashboard and seeing the scrambled ciphertext.

Important note: This will not encrypt messages on channels that are not prefixed by private-encrypted-.

Limitation: you cannot trigger a single event on multiple channels in a call to trigger when one of the channels is e2e encrypted (i.e. prefixed by private-encrypted-).

Rationale: the methods in this library map directly to individual Channels HTTP API requests. If we allowed triggering a single event on multiple channels (some encrypted, some unencrypted), then it would require two API requests: one where the event is encrypted to the encrypted channels, and one where the event is unencrypted for unencrypted channels.


This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.