You are now in a GitHub source code view - click this link to view the read me file as a web page
Very simple JavaScript files to help you explore and build new tools on GitHub. Code names are a riff on Dr Dolittle naming style
TooToo Read Me
- 2019-06-08 ~ TooToo14 now running these pages
- 2019-01-17 ~ TooToo13 now in its own repository
- Templates for GitHub and Three.js users
- 'Hamburger Theme CMS' - as used here - is one of several templates
- Browse and view many files on GitHub with remarkable ease
- Buttons for: Edit this page,
Next page,Previous page Menus with current selection highlighted- 2018-07-24 ~ Where the current action is occurring
Full screen GubGub Script
- Explore the activity of many GitHub users
- View the Read Me files of their repositories
- Helped by the GitHub API and client-side cookbook JavaScript.
Full screen DabDab Script
- Got friends? Monitor updates for selected GitHub users
- Select users from a list
- View user's events by repo and by date
- Links to numerous GitHub user statistics
- RSS reader for Ladybug Tools users. Captures and displays RSS feed updates fron Grasshoppe3D and GitHub
- May be adapted for any GiHub user or organization
- A simple online text editor
- Built on the Mozilla editor
The issues and problems we are trying to solve
GitHub has millions of projects.
With so many projects, finding GitHub projects that are of interest to you may not be easy.
Finding projects with code you might actually want to fork use can be even less easy.
And then, when you identify a GitHub user of interest, it's not that easy to explore the user's work.
When you find somebody you like, it's not easy to:
- Monitor what they have done recently
- Search their many repositories
- Discard material that looks interesting - but has not been updated in years
Then there's the other side of the coin:
- How can you make your own work more visible to the world?
- How can visitors to your GitHub projects become informed in a speedy, fun manner about all the things you are doing.
Certainly the Explore GitHub page is a good place to start.
And there are a number of really interesting curation efforts. See 'Links of Interest' below.
And none of that stops you or us from investigating even more ways of exploring GitHub.
And, guess what, GitHub supplies a quite amazing tool for finding stuff on GitHub.
The GitHub Developer API provides fast, free and easy access to millions of GitHub projects.
So, if you are looking to build tools to:
- help you snoop around GitHub
- find the things that are of particular interest to you
- and monitor their progress
then you have come to a good place...
- We live in a world where the full-stack developer reigns supreme
- We champion DevOps as if good DevOps is the primary goal
- What if you are an entry-level coder?
- What if you are more interested in STEM topics more than and programming?
Then you have come to the right place.
- Access locally/remotely, online/offline
- Solve problems faster by melding coding and using input/processing/output tools into unified flow of efforts
- Help you develop skills you can use over and over again most everywhere
- Built to fork, edit and share - all FOSS in GitHub
- Build using fastest, shortest and easiest code possible
- Ready to use, cut and paste vary short cookbook-style scripts
- Code that's easy to read - so you concentrate on solving the problem more than guessing the intent of the programmer
- Explore GitHub using the GitHub API
- Explore the GitHub API using entry-level, plain-vanilla JavaScript
- Help you build tools that make the GitHub web pages and the data come to you
- Reduce that endless click to go there and click to come back, click go there and click come back - repeated endlessly
- 'You don't have to go there. It comes to you.' - Henrik Bennetsen
- Provide you with as many ways as possible for viewing content and statistics - really quickly and easily readable
- Display ways of getting to content such as the README files and gists wherever possible
- Show what is being created in a timely fashion
- Create a variety of versions - from very simple to totally custom-tailored for a particular user
- Replicate the above in various languages and dialects
- Build code so simple to read that you can easily translate/fix/alter it to make it work the way you want it to work
To help you
- Concentrate on your project at hand - but its substance no its code
- Discover new algorithms and new concepts
- Link associated projects that you had no idea they were associated
- Transfer all of these abilities into your own set of tools
See also individual script read me files in folders for more timely and script-specific features
- Display and compare GitHub responses in many different ways
- 100% client-side - host on GitHub Pages - no server needed
- Coded throughout with entry-level JavaScript
- Code is almost all entry level JavaScript
- Download and run
- JavaScript is used for everything including
- Adding HTML
- Applying CSS
- The dependencies are:
- ShowDown Markdown interpreter
- GitHub API
- Anticipated user: somebody who writes code
- Sitting in front of a modern computer with recent multi-core CPU and Intel HD4000 GPU or better
- Display 1600 x 900 pixels or better
- Every effort made to use latest most simple methods
- Tested on latest Chrome, FireFox, Edge and Safari << Not yet
- Tested on Windows and MacOS << Not yet
- Operation on Android and iOS is a bonus not a requirement
- Backwards compatibility eschewed
- Adds complexities to scripts
- Strikes fear in the hearts of new users
- Looks to the future not the past
- Simple features in the pipeline are built on the lessons learned from the complexities of the past
- 100% client side
- Loads scripts from GitHub pages or localhost
- Uses Rawgit or equivalent as a content delivery network (CDN)
- Accesses GitHub Developer API via RESTful URL calls
- No terminal window/ curl needed here
* Menu and column headers have tooltips that indicate namespace and script name.
* Example: the Select menu has `SEL` as a namespace and `sel-select-r1.js` as a file
* Every script is in its own folder with its own HTML testing file
You are here to explore code, therefore:
- Font is default monotype font - fixed character spacing
- UI is minimal
- Offers many - too many? - options
- Uses most up-to-date JavaScript features
- Displays the identical data using varying methods
But some idiosyncrasies:
- Follows Mr.doob coding style
- Open airy, almost a poetic style of displaying code
- Does not follow normal split up of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Content, appearance and behavior
- Does follow the idea that its all mutable stuff in the DOM
- Even content
- It all starts as alphanumeric characters and ends up as pixels
- Remix, re-appropriate, re-hash as needed
- Uses JavaScript to do this mash-up
- It's
turtlesJavaScript all the way down
There are hundreds of computer programming languages. And so, there can be many styles of coding in each language. And each can have its own beauty.
The names of the scripts here are derived the the names of characters in Hugh Lofting's Dr Dolittle series of children's books.
See: List of Doctor Dolittle characters
The pushmi-pullyu (pronounced "push-me—pull-you") is a "gazelle-unicorn cross" which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body - Wikipedia
We use pushMe pullYou
instead of pushmi-pullyu
The reference is based on the coincidence that much of the usage of Git is based on the process of pulling and pushing data to and fro a server.
Gub-Gub is Doctor Dolittle's pet pig.
Dab-Dab is Doctor Dolittle's pet duck.
Too-Too is the doctor's pet owl.
- jaanga/gubgub#2
- ~ added 2016-10-19
Things You Can Do with the GitHub Search API
- Please add more!
- GitHub Developer API
- Showdown
- Showdown is a JavaScript Markdown to HTML converter, based on the original works by John Gruber.
- Showdown can be used client side (in the browser) or server side (with NodeJs).
- This README is much influenced by noffle's README
- Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) JavaScript
- Much maligned by full-stack developers,
- but it the first thing that show up on Google
Copyright © 2018 pushMe pullYou authors. MIT License.
- 2017-07-01 ~ Bring all explore GitHub links into one place
- Start upgrading to GitHub graphQL
- Start exploring GitHub Topics
- And projects?
See also individual script read me files in folders for more timely and script-specific updates
- Update to TooToo / Hamburger Theme CMS
- Update readme
- Many updates to files, menus and read me files through out
- Start moving read me data from GubGub to pushMe pullYou
- Add Dr doLittle naming references to read me
- Blog Post
- Many updates
- On TooToo R7 (home page script)
- Update readme
- Update readme
- Create organization & first commit
- Copy over GubGub & TooToo