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Rails 5 getting started, docker, activejob and sidekiq workshop

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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby / Rails version ruby 2.3.1 + rails 5

  • System dependencies

This guide assume that you have installed docker for easy dev environment setup, if you don't like to go with docker, you must have:

  • Redis
  • Rails
  • Ruby 2.3.1
  • Rails 5.0
  • PostgreSQL 9.4+


$ docker-compose build

Database initialization

In order to create the database, run migrations and seed people data, run this command:

$ docker-compose run app rake db:setup

How to run the test suite

$ docker-compose run -e "RAILS_ENV=test" app rspec -fd

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

Mails are handled by a `sidekiq` queue through ActiveJob, all jobs are
stored in redis. When you start docker containers, sidekiq and redis
are started too

Running the app

Docker will check the system dependencies, download the dabases images (pg and redis), bundle the gemfile and start sidekiq and puma

$ docker-compose up

Now you can access to your docker ip and port 3000, http://localhost:3000

  • Note

Note: If you stop the example application and attempt to restart it, you might get the following error: web_1 | A server is already running. Check /var/www/myapp/tmp/pids/ One way to resolve this is to delete the file /var/www/myapp/, and then re-start the application with docker-compose up.

$ docker-compose run web rm /var/www/myapp/tmp/pids/ $ docker-compose up


Send email to users that have pending payments. In dev mode, all mails are stored in letter opener, if you like to check all sent mails, go to http://localhost:3000/letter_opener

Contributing Guidelines

Use the following guides for getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.


Rails 5 getting started, docker, activejob and sidekiq workshop






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