A simple goal tracking app that allows users to set, track, and manage their goals.
Backend built with Flask & SQLAlchemy in python.
Frontend built in React with Javascript and Vite
Users can:
Add goals to the tracker. Each goal has a title and an optional description
View goals
Filter goals based on Status types
Update the status of any goal
Delete Goals
Toggle between dark and light mode
Data Quality:
- Form validation on the Frontend / field constaints on the Backend
- Drop down picker for Status ensures only 3 settings are ever used
- Goal Status types are color coded in order to quickly get a sense overall goal progress
- Titles are always visible, while hovering over a Goal will reveal the Description. A simple layout helps to make the data easily understantable without losing detail.
If you'd like to get TRKR up and running locally, start by cloning this repo.
Install dependencies:
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
$ npm install --prefix client
Run the Flask API on localhost:5555
$ python server/app.py
Run the React app on localhost:5173
$ npm run dev --prefix client