Welcome to Wax Staxx! - A React app that provides information about various albums, allowing users to track and showcase their personal collection.
- Browse the main Collection of albums.
- Search and filter albums by artist or title.
- Sort albums by artist or title in alphabetical order
- Add new albums to the Collection and your Staxx at the same time using the form.
- An option to remove an album from your Staxx but not from the Collection.
- View album details by clicking on the album itself.
Root componentAlbumProvider
Provides context data to share with child routesLibrary
Default view, shows the main CollectionSearchBar
component for searching and filtering albums.Form
Allows users to add an albumSingleAlbumDetails
Displays a single album along with details by matching to the album's assigned database id/album/:id
Navigation component, appears in the header of all pages to allow easy navigationErrorPage
Provide context, manages alerts and popups to inform user of successful actions or prompting a different action. Custom hook.Footer
Links and credits to app authorshelpers
utility file holding different functional helpersroutes
Routing structure defining pairs of routes and the component to display when called
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies:
npm install
npm run server
will start the server onhttp://localhost:4000/records
npm run start
stars the frontend onhttp://localhost:5173/
- http://localhost:5173/ is fetching from http://localhost:4000/records which is required to run the application
- Vite
- React
- React-Router-Dom
- Scss
- Formik
- Yup
- UUID v4
⚡Waxx Staxx was built with 💖 by 👨🎤 Vinny Revard, 👩🎤 Xen Contreras, and 👩🎤 Peggy Wang for educational purposes as part of Flatiron School's Software Engineering bootcamp.⚡
- Library
- (MVP 1. Display all albums (Lib) - GET) - pw
- (MVP 1.5 Click - add to collection ) - pw
- MyStaxx
- (MVP 2. view My Collection - POST & GET)
- (MVP 4. Remove from My Collection ONLY (not allowed to remove from Lib) - PATCH) - pw
- Form
- (MVP 3. Add new album to library & My Collection (Form) - POST) - vr
- Card - called by library and mystaxx, component to hold basic info about each album - pw
- Nav - links to: Home, mystaxx, Form, called in App - xen
- Search - called in LibraryContainer - xen
- LibraryProvider --- figure out how this works
- ErrorPage - vr
- libraryLoader - understand this and use it if appropriate - rm
- load logo and favicon
- Writeup and clean up readme
- finish styling
- Search by Artist
- Improve search functionality, include more than just Artist
- individual album view - xen
- make icon clickable '/'
- Edit Album info - PATCH only to Lib (allowing for mutations of albums specific to user)
- Validation on album addition form to check for incoming duplicates
- When editing Album, edits the MyCollection at the same time (lib is always source of truth)
- light mode