All to be considered work in progress
- MCNP related - The MCNP team has now released their MCNP tools which is far more comprehensive than this project, but it still has a few useful parts to it..
lost_points :- simple script to read MCNP output file and create a list of x,y,z co-ordinates where particles were lost which can be plotted in visit
mcnp_run_plot :- read the dump to std out from MCNP6 and plots graphs of nps vs time, coll, nrn, ctm
ofile_reduce :- reduces mcnp output file to just the last rendevous data, can be useful if the file size exceeds that of most text editors
mcnp_input_reader :- work in progress, soem basic ability to read and extract data from MCNP input file
mcnp_output_reader :- work in progress, can read some f2, f4 and f5 tally results
mcnp_analysis :- work in progress tools to analyse and plot MCNP output when read by mcnp_output_reader
meshtal_analysis :- reads MCNP meshtal file, can plot a slice, do some statistics, plot histogram of the rel err, count zeros etc
ptrac_reader :- reads MCNP ptrac files
magic:- mesh based magic variance reduction method
- Fispact related It should be noted that these are now mostly for historic useage as UKAEA have released an python fispact API which is superior for most cases.
- fispact_input_reader :- currently just template stuff - do not use
- fispact_output_reader :- currently just template stuff - do not use
- fispact_analysis :- a few plotting routines for fispact data
- fispact_fluxes_writer:- useful functions for generating fluxes files
- General
- neut_utilities :- simple functions used by multiple modules
- neut_constants :- set of useful constants and unit conversions
- geom_utils :- set of geometry functions, distance between planes, area, volumes, intersections etc
- r2s :- cell based two step activation tool, currently set for using mcnp and fispact