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Deep learning from scratch

Implementing deep learning algorithms in python with numpy.


  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib (for Loss plots only)

Logistic Regression

Implementation -> logistic-regression.ipynb


  • ReLU in hidden layers and Sigmoid in the output layer.
  • Number of layers and number of units in each layer can be set using layers_dims hyper-parameter.
  • Uses sigmoid cross entropy for loss computation.
  • Vectorized implementation.

Softmax Classification


  • ReLU in hidden layers and Softmax in the output layer.
  • Number of layers and number of units in each layer can be set using layers_dims hyper-parameter.
  • Uses softmax cross entropy for loss computation.
  • Vectorized implementation

Vanilla char level RNN

Implementation -> vanilla-char-rnn.ipynb


  • tanh as activation for hidden state, Softmax at output.
  • Adagrad optimization.
  • Uses softmax cross entropy for loss computation.