Impression data files in a private S3 bucket. Each file is comma delimited and compressed using the GZIP. The files sizes usually range between 3GB and 12GB and contain data for the previous day.
The impressions data must be joined with campaign metadata joined based on the “campaign_id”, partitioned by AdDate.
Campaign metadata can change over time, and the existing impressions files must be updated data as campaign metadata is updated.
Create dashboard that displays the metrics listed below:
The status of each load
File counts per file
Standard deviation of the “viewing_percentage”
- We will need valid job queue and compute environment for AWS Batch.
- Also we need working Docker environment to complete this task (Amazon Linux +Docker).
- Build Docker images for partition, join, and update processes.
- Create an Amazon ECR or Docker Hub repo for the images.
- Push the built image to ECR or DH.
- Create job script and upload it to S3.
- Create IAM role to be used by jobs to access S3.
- Create a job definition that uses the built images.
- Submit and run a job that executes the job script from S3.
- Partition large impressions file by date (list partition) and campaign id (hash partition). Upload results to S3 as FACT_PARTITONED.
- Join FACT_PARTITONED file (from step 1) with smaller campaign dimension file. Upload results to S3 as FACT_JOINED.
- Update FACT_JOINED file (from step 2) with data from changed campaign dimension. Upload results to S3 as FACT_UPDATED.
echo "Args: $@"
echo "Partition Fact."
echo "jobId: $AWS_BATCH_JOB_ID"
echo "jobQueue: $AWS_BATCH_JQ_NAME"
echo "computeEnvironment: $AWS_BATCH_CE_NAME"
python3 bucket_name/fact_file.gz tables/FACT_PARTITIONED
python3 bucket_name/campaign_meta_file.gz tables/ FACT_PARTITIONED tables/FACT_JOINED
python3 bucket_name/updated_campaign_meta_file.gz tables/FACT_JOINED tables/FACT_UPDATED
echo "Done. – partitions impressions files by date (list) and campaign_id (hash) – joins impressions partitioned file with campaign metadata file by date and campaign_id. – updates impressions partitioned files with data from updated metadata file by date and campaign_id. - total line count across all files in S3 bucket. - viewing_percentage mean across all files in S3 bucket. - standard deviation for viewing_percentage across all files in S3 bucket.
- CloudWatch logs (Write logs from your Python scripts into CloudWatch log group. Then use CW Logs Insights query language to create dashboard)
- S3 file metadata (assumed you updated file metadata with row counts from your python script at data load time)
- S3 bucket tags (assumed you created those bucket tags with row counts from your python script at data load time)
- Brute–force recount all rows in a bucket FACT_UPDATED using Python.
- CloudWatch logs (Write job leg status from your Python scripts into CloudWatch log group. Then use CW Logs Insights query language to create dashboard)
[‘01/01/2019’, '50000', 'campaign_00', 'video_0', '0.5']
[‘02/02/2020’, '50018', 'campaign_08', 'video_0', '0.33']
[‘03/03/2020’, '50020', 'campaign_00', 'video_0', '0.25']
[‘04/04/2019’, '50030', 'campaign_00', 'video_0', '0.2']
Last column is viewing_percentage = VP
Mean (run S3 Select query on FACT_UPDATED to calculate sum of all values in VP, then calculate number of all rows.
Mean = sum_of_val_VP/total_row_count
SELECT avg(cast(S._4 as float)) VP_mean FROM s3object S where date> ‘06/01/2019’
Now calculate std deviation.. (Run S3 Select query on FACT_UPDATED to do it)
SELECT sum((cast(S._4 as float)- VP_mean)* (cast(S._4 as float)- VP_mean)) VP_mean_sum FROM s3object S where date> ‘06/01/2019’
VP_std_dev = sqrt(VP_mean_sum/VP_count)
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_0/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_0.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_1/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_1.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_2/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_2.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_3/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_3.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_4/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_4.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_5/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_5.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_6/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_6.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
S3 key: tables/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED/B_7/FACT_IMPRESSIONS_UPDATED.B_7.campaign_00.updated_fact_from_dim.csv.gz
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.6\n']
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.4242424242424242\n']
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.3333333333333333\n']
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.27692307692307694\n']
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.23809523809523808\n']
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.2095238095238095\n']
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.1875\n']
VP cnt, sum: ['2', '0.16993464052287582\n']
Total rows: 16.0 , sum: 2.4395525226407577
Mean: 0.15247203266504736
Sum executed in 0.74 seconds.
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.12352900229196570572376147394975029549\n']
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.036500805877071419603623708664217207643\n']
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.014291864157768743390423972286257298116\n']
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.0079665523926945334146743244339381149809\n']
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.0067695302436281042192323652445238045379\n']
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.0074550069401342117967235206082362826225\n']
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.0088496792406297783063180620859392\n']
VP cnt, square: ['2', '0.010480767993370960680744330116208007637\n']
Total rows: 16.0 , squares: 0.21584320913726343
Stddev: 0.11614732270301785
Stddev executed in 1.22 seconds.