This is not going to be just another curated list of Geometric Algebra/Calculus resources inspired by awesome lists, and it will not be just maintaining one
The preliminary result of this work is rendered at . There's almost nothing yet.
The vision for this work is:
- Citation-based: every resource colleted here will use sphinxcontrib-bibtex to maintain the citations in the familiar form of
files, including books, papers, articles and online resources like online pdf files, blog posts, videos, as well as software packages. - Web-based: almost all of the citations will have the "url" property, at least linking to related information if not directly consumable.
- Multi-perspective: every resource colleted here thus can be referenced by label multiple times like in a paper, so it can live in different "lists" from different angles.
- Broader view: Geometric Algebra is related to many areas of Mathematics, and has applications in Physics, Computer Science and other areas, and its pros and cons can only be identified in a broader view.
- Demonstrated: with the help of nbsphinx and Jupyter kernels or Julia bridge for Python, Julia, Javascript, Haskell, C++, Mathematica etc., existing software packages of Geometric Algebra written in different languages will be demonstrated in the form of Jupyter Notebooks, verified by CI, and a running environment will be setup in cloud IDE, REPL or Jupyter services (if no proprietary software are involved), just one click away.