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Merge and trim the two utils modules
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almarklein committed Nov 11, 2024
1 parent 95bb8f4 commit bcf8e89
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Showing 11 changed files with 160 additions and 285 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rendercanvas/
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# ruff: noqa: F401

from ._version import __version__, version_info
from . import _gui_utils
from . import _coreutils
from ._events import EventType
from .base import BaseRenderCanvas, BaseLoop, BaseTimer

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261 changes: 149 additions & 112 deletions rendercanvas/
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Core utilities that are loaded into the root namespace or used internally.

import os
import re
import sys
import types
import atexit
import weakref
import logging
import importlib.resources
from contextlib import ExitStack
import ctypes.util
from contextlib import contextmanager

# Our resources are most probably always on the file system. But in
# case they don't we have a nice exit handler to remove temporary files.
_resource_files = ExitStack()

def get_resource_filename(name):
"""Get the filename to a wgpu resource."""
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
context = importlib.resources.path("wgpu.resources", name)
ref = importlib.resources.files("wgpu.resources") / name
context = importlib.resources.as_file(ref)
path = _resource_files.enter_context(context)
return str(path)
# %% Logging

logger = logging.getLogger("rendercanvas")

err_hashes = {}

_re_wgpu_ob = re.compile(r"`<[a-z|A-Z]+-\([0-9]+, [0-9]+, [a-z|A-Z]+\)>`")

Expand All @@ -42,6 +31,55 @@ def error_message_hash(message):
return hash(message)

def log_exception(kind):
"""Context manager to log any exceptions, but only log a one-liner
for subsequent occurrences of the same error to avoid spamming by
repeating errors in e.g. a draw function or event callback.
except Exception as err:
# Store exc info for postmortem debugging
exc_info = list(sys.exc_info())
exc_info[2] = exc_info[2].tb_next # skip *this* function
sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = exc_info
# Show traceback, or a one-line summary
msg = str(err)
msgh = error_message_hash(msg)
if msgh not in err_hashes:
# Provide the exception, so the default logger prints a stacktrace.
# IDE's can get the exception from the root logger for PM debugging.
err_hashes[msgh] = 1
logger.error(kind, exc_info=err)
# We've seen this message before, return a one-liner instead.
err_hashes[msgh] = count = err_hashes[msgh] + 1
msg = kind + ": " + msg.split("\n")[0].strip()
msg = msg if len(msg) <= 70 else msg[:69] + "…"
logger.error(msg + f" ({count})")

# %% Weak bindings

def weakbind(method):
"""Replace a bound method with a callable object that stores the `self` using a weakref."""
ref = weakref.ref(method.__self__)
class_func = method.__func__
del method

def proxy(*args, **kwargs):
self = ref()
if self is not None:
return class_func(self, *args, **kwargs)

proxy.__name__ = class_func.__name__
return proxy

# %% Enum

# We implement a custom enum class that's much simpler than Python's enum.Enum,
# and simply maps to strings or ints. The enums are classes, so IDE's provide
# autocompletion, and documenting with Sphinx is easy. That does mean we need a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,101 +150,100 @@ def __init__(self):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot instantiate an enum.")

_flag_cache = {} # str -> int
# %% lib support

def str_flag_to_int(flag, s):
"""Allow using strings for flags, i.e. 'READ' instead of wgpu.MapMode.READ.
No worries about repeated overhead, because the results are cached.
cache_key = f"{flag.__name__}.{s}" # use class name
value = _flag_cache.get(cache_key, None)

if value is None:
parts = [p.strip() for p in s.split("|")]
parts = [p for p in parts if p]
invalid_parts = [p for p in parts if p.startswith("_")]
if not parts or invalid_parts:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid flag value: {s}")

value = 0
for p in parts:
v = flag.__dict__[p.upper()]
value += v
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid flag value for {flag}: '{p}'") from None
_flag_cache[cache_key] = value

return value

class ApiDiff:
"""Helper class to define differences in the API by annotating
methods. This way, these difference are made explicit, plus they're
logged so we can automatically include these changes in the docs.
QT_MODULE_NAMES = ["PySide6", "PyQt6", "PySide2", "PyQt5"]

def get_imported_qt_lib():
"""Get the name of the currently imported qt lib.
Returns (name, has_application). The name is None when no qt lib is currently imported.

def __init__(self):
self.hidden = {}
self.added = {}
self.changed = {}

def hide(self, func_or_text):
"""Decorator to discard certain methods from the "reference" API.
Intended only for the base API where we deviate from WebGPU.
return self._diff("hidden", func_or_text)

def add(self, func_or_text):
"""Decorator to add certain methods that are not part of the "reference" spec.
Intended for the base API where we implement additional/alternative API,
and in the backend implementations where additional methods are provided.
return self._diff("added", func_or_text)

def change(self, func_or_text):
"""Decorator to mark certain methods as having a different signature
as the "reference" spec. Intended only for the base API where we deviate
from WebGPU.
return self._diff("changed", func_or_text)

def _diff(self, method, func_or_text):
def wrapper(f):
d = getattr(self, method)
name = f.__qualname__ if hasattr(f, "__qualname__") else f.fget.__qualname__
d[name] = text
return f

if callable(func_or_text):
text = None
return wrapper(func_or_text)
text = func_or_text
return wrapper

def remove_hidden_methods(self, scope):
"""Call this to remove methods from the API that were decorated as hidden."""
for name in self.hidden:
classname, _, methodname = name.partition(".")
cls = scope[classname]
delattr(cls, methodname)

def __doc__(self):
"""Generate a docstring for this instance. This way we can
automatically document API differences.
lines = [""]
for name, msg in self.hidden.items():
line = f" * Hides ``{name}()``"
lines.append(f"{line} - {msg}" if msg else line)
for name, msg in self.added.items():
line = f" * Adds ``{name}()``"
lines.append(f"{line} - {msg}" if msg else line)
for name, msg in self.changed.items():
line = f" * Changes ``{name}()``"
lines.append(f"{line} - {msg}" if msg else line)
return "\n".join(sorted(lines))
# Get all imported qt libs
imported_libs = []
for libname in QT_MODULE_NAMES:
qtlib = sys.modules.get(libname, None)
if qtlib is not None:

# Get which of these have an application object
imported_libs_with_app = []
for libname in imported_libs:
QtWidgets = sys.modules.get(libname + ".QtWidgets", None) # noqa: N806
if QtWidgets:
app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
if app is not None:

# Return findings
if imported_libs_with_app:
return imported_libs_with_app[0], True
elif imported_libs:
return imported_libs[0], False
return None, False

def asyncio_is_running():
"""Get whether there is currently a running asyncio loop."""
asyncio = sys.modules.get("asyncio", None)
if asyncio is None:
return False
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except Exception:
loop = None
return loop is not None

# %% Linux window managers

SYSTEM_IS_WAYLAND = "wayland" in os.getenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE", "").lower()

if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and SYSTEM_IS_WAYLAND:
# Force glfw to use X11. Note that this does not work if glfw is already imported.
if "glfw" not in sys.modules:
os.environ["PYGLFW_LIBRARY_VARIANT"] = "x11"
# Force Qt to use X11. Qt is more flexible - it ok if e.g. PySide6 is already imported.
os.environ["QT_QPA_PLATFORM"] = "xcb"
# Force wx to use X11, probably.
os.environ["GDK_BACKEND"] = "x11"

_x11_display = None

def get_alt_x11_display():
"""Get (the pointer to) a process-global x11 display instance."""
# Ideally we'd get the real display object used by the backend.
# But this is not always possible. In that case, using an alt display
# object can be used.
global _x11_display
assert sys.platform.startswith("linux")
if _x11_display is None:
x11 = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("X11"))
x11.XOpenDisplay.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
_x11_display = x11.XOpenDisplay(None)
return _x11_display

_wayland_display = None

def get_alt_wayland_display():
"""Get (the pointer to) a process-global Wayland display instance."""
# Ideally we'd get the real display object used by the backend.
# This creates a global object, similar to what we do for X11.
# Unfortunately, this segfaults, so it looks like the real display object
# is needed? Leaving this here for reference.
global _wayland_display
assert sys.platform.startswith("linux")
if _wayland_display is None:
wl = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("wayland-client"))
wl.wl_display_connect.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
_wayland_display = wl.wl_display_connect(None)
return _wayland_display
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions rendercanvas/
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@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import time
from collections import defaultdict, deque

from ._gui_utils import log_exception
from ._coreutils import BaseEnum
from ._coreutils import log_exception, BaseEnum

class EventType(BaseEnum):
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