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Merge pull request #1646 from pypeit/coadd1d_badspec1d
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Coadd1d bad spec1d
  • Loading branch information
debora-pe authored Sep 7, 2023
2 parents 23c1009 + 6687db3 commit 0187781
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Showing 7 changed files with 203 additions and 50 deletions.
99 changes: 95 additions & 4 deletions pypeit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
import numpy as np

from import fits
from astropy import stats

from pypeit.spectrographs.util import load_spectrograph
from pypeit.onespec import OneSpec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ def __init__(self, spec1dfiles, objids, spectrograph=None, par=None, sensfuncfil = show
self.nexp = len(self.spec1dfiles) # Number of exposures
self.coaddfile = None
self.gpm_exp = np.ones(self.nexp, dtype=bool).tolist() # list of bool indicating the exposures that have been coadded

def run(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ def save(self, coaddfile, telluric=None, obj_model=None, overwrite=True):

# Add history entries for coadding.
history = History()
history.add_coadd1d(self.spec1dfiles, self.objids)
history.add_coadd1d(self.spec1dfiles, self.objids, gpm_exp=self.gpm_exp)

# Add on others
if telluric is not None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,9 +209,97 @@ def load(self):
header_out['DEC_OBJ'] = sobjs[indx][0]['DEC']

return waves, fluxes, ivars, gpms, headers

def check_exposures(self):
Check if there are bad exposures.
Exposures with flux masked everywhere are always removed.
Exposures that are considered bad based on their S/N compared to the
average S/N among all the exposures, are removed only if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is set.
The attributes self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms need to be defined.
gpm_exp: list of bool
List of boolean that indicates which exposures
have been coadded. The length of the list is nexp.
_waves : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of wavelength arrays.
_fluxes : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of flux arrays.
_ivars : list of float `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of inverse variance arrays.
_gpms : list of bool `numpy.ndarray`_
Updated list of good pixel mask variance arrays.

# initialize the exposures lists
_waves = [wave for wave in self.waves]
_fluxes = [flux for flux in self.fluxes]
_ivars = [ivar for ivar in self.ivars]
_gpms = [gpm for gpm in self.gpms]
_spec1dfiles = [spec1dfile for spec1dfile in self.spec1dfiles]
_objids = [objid for objid in self.objids]

# good exposures index
goodindx_exp = np.arange(self.nexp)

# check if there are exposures that are completely masked out, i.e., gpms = False for all spectral pixels
masked_exps = [np.all(np.logical_not(gpm)) for gpm in _gpms]
if np.any(masked_exps):
msgs.warn(f'The following exposure(s) is/are completely masked out. It/They will not be coadded.')
[msgs.warn(f"Exposure {i}: {fname.split('/')[-1]} {obj}")
for i, (fname, obj, masked_exp) in enumerate(zip(_spec1dfiles, _objids, masked_exps)) if masked_exp]
# remove masked out exposure
_waves = [wave for (wave, masked_exp) in zip(_waves, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_fluxes = [flux for (flux, masked_exp) in zip(_fluxes, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_ivars = [ivar for (ivar, masked_exp) in zip(_ivars, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_gpms = [gpm for (gpm, masked_exp) in zip(_gpms, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_spec1dfiles = [spec1dfile for (spec1dfile, masked_exp) in zip(_spec1dfiles, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
_objids = [objid for (objid, masked_exp) in zip(_objids, masked_exps) if not masked_exp]
# update good exposures index
goodindx_exp = goodindx_exp[np.logical_not(masked_exps)]

# check if there is still more than 1 exposure left
if len(_fluxes) < 2:
msgs.error('At least 2 unmasked exposures are required for coadding.')

# check if there is any bad exposure by comparing the rms_sn with the median rms_sn among all exposures
if len(_fluxes) > 2:
# Evaluate the sn_weights.
rms_sn, weights = coadd.sn_weights(_fluxes, _ivars, _gpms, const_weights=True)
# some stats
mean, med, sigma = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(rms_sn, sigma_lower=2., sigma_upper=2.)
_sigrej = self.par['sigrej_exp'] if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is not None else 10.0
# we set thresh_value to never be less than 0.2
thresh_value = round(0.2 + med + _sigrej * sigma, 2)
bad_exps = rms_sn > thresh_value
if np.any(bad_exps):
warn_msg = f'The following exposure(s) has/have S/N > {thresh_value:.2f} ' \
f'({_sigrej} sigma above the median S/N in the stack).'
if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is not None:
warn_msg += ' It/They WILL NOT BE COADDED.'
[msgs.warn(f"Exposure {i}: {fname.split('/')[-1]} {obj}")
for i, (fname, obj, bad_exp) in enumerate(zip(_spec1dfiles, _objids, bad_exps)) if bad_exp]
if self.par['sigrej_exp'] is not None:
# remove bad exposure
_waves = [wave for (wave, bad_exp) in zip(_waves, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_fluxes = [flux for (flux, bad_exp) in zip(_fluxes, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_ivars = [ivar for (ivar, bad_exp) in zip(_ivars, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_gpms = [gpm for (gpm, bad_exp) in zip(_gpms, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_spec1dfiles = [spec1dfile for (spec1dfile, bad_exp) in zip(_spec1dfiles, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
_objids = [objid for (objid, bad_exp) in zip(_objids, bad_exps) if not bad_exp]
# update good exposures index
goodindx_exp = goodindx_exp[np.logical_not(bad_exps)]

# gpm for the exposures, i.e., which exposures have been coadded
gpm_exp = np.zeros(self.nexp, dtype=bool)
gpm_exp[goodindx_exp] = True

return gpm_exp.tolist(), _waves, _fluxes, _ivars, _gpms

def coadd(self):
Perform coadd for for Multi/Longslit data using multi_combspec
Expand All @@ -220,9 +310,10 @@ def coadd(self):
# Load the data
self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms, self.headers = self.load()
# check if there are bad exposures and remove them
self.gpm_exp, _waves, _fluxes, _ivars, _gpms = self.check_exposures()
# Perform and return the coadd
return coadd.multi_combspec(
self.waves, self.fluxes, self.ivars, self.gpms,
return coadd.multi_combspec(_waves, _fluxes, _ivars, _gpms,
sn_smooth_npix=self.par['sn_smooth_npix'], wave_method=self.par['wave_method'],
dv=self.par['dv'], dwave=self.par['dwave'], dloglam=self.par['dloglam'],
wave_grid_min=self.par['wave_grid_min'], wave_grid_max=self.par['wave_grid_max'],
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38 changes: 22 additions & 16 deletions pypeit/
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Expand Up @@ -503,14 +503,14 @@ def optimal_weights(self, slitorderid, objid, const_weights=False):
if not np.any(ithis):
msgs.error('Slit/order or OBJID provided not valid. Optimal weights cannot be determined.')
# check if OPT_COUNTS is available
if sobjs[ithis][0].has_opt_ext():
if sobjs[ithis][0].has_opt_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ithis][0].OPT_MASK):
wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp = sobjs[ithis][0].get_opt_ext()
# check if BOX_COUNTS is available
elif sobjs[ithis][0].has_box_ext():
elif sobjs[ithis][0].has_box_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ithis][0].BOX_MASK):
wave_iexp, flux_iexp, ivar_iexp, gpm_iexp = sobjs[ithis][0].get_box_ext()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -959,19 +959,22 @@ def get_wave_grid(self, wave_method):
wave_box = moment1d(waveimg * mask, trace_spat, 2 * box_radius,
row=row)[0] / (box_denom + (box_denom == 0.0))
gpm_box = box_denom > 0.
waves += [wave for wave in wave_box.T]
gpms += [(wave > 0.) & gpm for (wave, gpm) in zip(wave_box.T, gpm_box.T)]
waves += [wave for (wave, gpm) in zip(wave_box.T, gpm_box.T) if np.any(gpm)]
gpms += [(wave > 0.) & gpm for (wave, gpm) in zip(wave_box.T, gpm_box.T) if np.any(gpm)]

waves, gpms = [], []
for iexp, spec_this in enumerate(self.stack_dict['specobjs_list']):
for spec in spec_this:
# NOTE: BOX extraction usage needed for quicklook
waves.append(spec.OPT_WAVE if spec.OPT_WAVE is not None else spec.BOX_WAVE)
gpms.append(spec.OPT_MASK if spec.OPT_MASK is not None else spec.BOX_MASK)
# TODO -- OPT_MASK is likely to become a bpm with int values
#gpm[:self.nspec_array[iexp], indx] = spec.OPT_MASK
#indx += 1
good_opt_ext = spec.has_opt_ext() and np.any(spec.OPT_MASK)
good_box_ext = spec.has_box_ext() and np.any(spec.BOX_MASK)
if good_opt_ext or good_box_ext:
waves.append(spec.OPT_WAVE if good_opt_ext else spec.BOX_WAVE)
gpms.append(spec.OPT_MASK if good_opt_ext else spec.BOX_MASK)
# TODO -- OPT_MASK is likely to become a bpm with int values
#gpm[:self.nspec_array[iexp], indx] = spec.OPT_MASK
#indx += 1

return wvutils.get_wave_grid(waves=waves, gpms=gpms, wave_method=wave_method,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1433,19 +1436,21 @@ def get_brightest_obj(self, specobjs_list, spat_ids):
for iexp, sobjs in enumerate(specobjs_list):"Working on exposure {}".format(iexp))
for islit, spat_id in enumerate(spat_ids):
if len(sobjs) == 0:
ithis = np.abs(sobjs.SLITID - spat_id) <= self.par['coadd2d']['spat_toler']
if np.any(ithis):
objid_this = sobjs[ithis].OBJID
fluxes, ivars, gpms = [], [], []
for iobj, spec in enumerate(sobjs[ithis]):
# check if OPT_COUNTS is available
if spec.has_opt_ext():
if spec.has_opt_ext() and np.any(spec.OPT_MASK):
_, flux_iobj, ivar_iobj, gpm_iobj = spec.get_opt_ext()
# check if BOX_COUNTS is available
elif spec.has_box_ext():
elif spec.has_box_ext() and np.any(spec.BOX_MASK):
_, flux_iobj, ivar_iobj, gpm_iobj = spec.get_box_ext()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1549,9 +1554,10 @@ def get_maskdef_dict(self, slit_idx, ref_trace_stack):
objpos_dspat_vec = np.zeros(self.nexp)
for iexp in range(self.nexp):
# get maskdef_slitcen
maskdef_slitcen_pixpos = \
self.stack_dict['slits_list'][iexp].maskdef_slitcen[self.nspec_array[0]//2, slit_idx] \
+ self.maskdef_offset[iexp]
mslitcen_pixpos = self.stack_dict['slits_list'][iexp].maskdef_slitcen
if mslitcen_pixpos.ndim < 2:
mslitcen_pixpos = mslitcen_pixpos[:, None]
maskdef_slitcen_pixpos = mslitcen_pixpos[self.nspec_array[0]//2, slit_idx] + self.maskdef_offset[iexp]

# get maskdef_objpos
# find left edge
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1730,10 +1736,10 @@ def get_brightest_obj(self, specobjs_list, nslits):
flux = None
ind = (sobjs.ECH_ORDERINDX == iord) & (sobjs.ECH_OBJID == uni_objid[iobj])
# check if OPT_COUNTS is available
if sobjs[ind][0].has_opt_ext():
if sobjs[ind][0].has_opt_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ind][0].OPT_MASK):
_, flux, ivar, mask = sobjs[ind][0].get_opt_ext()
# check if BOX_COUNTS is available
elif sobjs[ind][0].has_box_ext():
elif sobjs[ind][0].has_box_ext() and np.any(sobjs[ind][0].BOX_MASK):
_, flux, ivar, mask = sobjs[ind][0].get_box_ext()
msgs.warn(f'Optimal extraction not available for object {sobjs[ind][0].ECH_OBJID} '
f'in order {sobjs[ind][0].ECH_ORDER}. Using box extraction.')
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pypeit/core/wavecal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ def get_wave_grid(waves=None, gpms=None, wave_method='linear', iref=0, wave_grid
gpms = [wave > 1.0 for wave in waves]

if wave_grid_min is None:
wave_grid_min = np.min([wave[gpm].min()for wave, gpm in zip(waves, gpms)])
wave_grid_min = np.min([wave[gpm].min() for wave, gpm in zip(waves, gpms)])
if wave_grid_max is None:
wave_grid_max = np.max([wave[gpm].max() for wave, gpm in zip(waves, gpms)])

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75 changes: 56 additions & 19 deletions pypeit/
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@

import os.path
import numpy as np
from IPython import embed

from astropy.time import Time
from import fits
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ def add_reduce(self, calib_id, metadata, frames, bg_frames):
for frame in calib_frames:
self.append(f'{frame["frametype"]} "{frame["filename"]}"', add_date=False)

def add_coadd1d(self, spec1d_files, objids):
def add_coadd1d(self, spec1d_files, objids, gpm_exp=None):
Add history entries for 1D coadding.
Expand All @@ -104,27 +106,62 @@ def add_coadd1d(self, spec1d_files, objids):
spec1d_files (:obj:`list`): List of the spec1d files used for coadding.
objids (:obj:`list`): List of the PypeIt object ids used in coadding.
gpm_exp (:obj:`list`, optional): List of boolean indicating which exposures were coadded.

combined_files_objids = list(zip(spec1d_files, objids))
self.append(f'PypeIt Coadded {len(combined_files_objids)} objects from {len(set(spec1d_files))} spec1d files')

current_spec1d = ""
for (spec1d, objid) in combined_files_objids:
if spec1d != current_spec1d:
current_spec1d = spec1d

self.append(f'From "{os.path.basename(spec1d)}"', add_date=False)
header = fits.getheader(spec1d)
additional_info = None
if 'SEMESTER' in header:
additional_info = f"Semester: {header['SEMESTER']}"
if 'PROGID' in header:
additional_info += f" Program ID: {header['PROGID']}"
if additional_info is not None:
self.append(additional_info, add_date=False)
self.append(objid, add_date=False)
if gpm_exp is not None:
# Not coadded files and objids
notcoadded_spec1d_files = [spec1d_file for (spec1d_file, gpm_exp) in zip(spec1d_files, gpm_exp) if not gpm_exp]
notcoadded_objids = [objid for (objid, gpm_exp) in zip(objids, gpm_exp) if not gpm_exp]
combined_notcoadd_files_objids = list(zip(notcoadded_spec1d_files, notcoadded_objids))

# Coadded files and objids
coadded_spec1d_files = [spec1d_file for (spec1d_file, gpm_exp) in zip(spec1d_files, gpm_exp) if gpm_exp]
coadded_objids = [objid for (objid, gpm_exp) in zip(objids, gpm_exp) if gpm_exp]
combined_files_objids = list(zip(coadded_spec1d_files, coadded_objids))
combined_files_objids = list(zip(spec1d_files, objids))
combined_notcoadd_files_objids = None

files_objids = [combined_files_objids, combined_notcoadd_files_objids]
# add history
for file_objid in files_objids:
if file_objid is None:
elif file_objid == combined_files_objids:
self.append(f'PypeIt Coadded {len(file_objid)} objects '
f'from {np.unique([f[0] for f in file_objid]).size} spec1d files')
elif file_objid == combined_notcoadd_files_objids and len(file_objid) > 0:
self.append(f'PypeIt DID NOT COADD {len(file_objid)} objects '
f'from {np.unique([f[0] for f in file_objid]).size} spec1d files', add_date=False)

current_spec1d = ""
for (spec1d, objid) in file_objid:
if spec1d != current_spec1d:
current_spec1d = spec1d

self.append(f'From "{os.path.basename(spec1d)}"', add_date=False)
header = fits.getheader(spec1d)
additional_info = None
if 'SEMESTER' in header:
additional_info = f"Semester: {header['SEMESTER']}"
if 'PROGID' in header:
additional_info += f" Program ID: {header['PROGID']}"
if additional_info is not None:
self.append(additional_info, add_date=False)
obj_info = objid
# get extension names
hnames = [ for h in]
# find the extension name that include objid
ind_ext = np.where([objid in h for h in hnames])[0]
if ind_ext.size > 0:
# get the header for this extension
this_ext_header = fits.getheader(spec1d, ext=ind_ext[0])
if 'MASKDEF_ID' in this_ext_header:
obj_info += f" {this_ext_header['MASKDEF_ID']}"
if 'MASKDEF_OBJNAME' in this_ext_header:
obj_info += f" {this_ext_header['MASKDEF_OBJNAME']}"
self.append(obj_info, add_date=False)

def append(self, history, add_date=True):
"""Append a new history entry.
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