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Merge pull request #1723 from pypeit/adap2019_collate_test
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Adap2019 collate test
badpandabear authored Nov 22, 2023
2 parents 7ef68ce + c034615 commit 70cfb02
Showing 8 changed files with 7,912 additions and 6,516 deletions.
117 changes: 108 additions & 9 deletions doc/dev/build_archived_sensfuncs.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,26 +3,63 @@

.. _build_archived_sensfuncs:

How to build archived sensitivity functions

Creating archival sensitivity functions

Archival sensitivity functions for instruments can be created by combining
multiple sensivity functions from different exposures at different
grating tilts to get a wider wavelength coverage. The steps in this
process are typically:

#. Choose sensitivity functions for grating. The functions should have good wavelength coverage,
and low airmass.

#. Start with the bluest sensitivity function and translate the next function up/down to roughly match.
One or both function may be truncated to fit.

#. If the gap between sensitivity function isn't smooth (for example on a detector boundary)
a polynomial fit can be used to join them.

There are helper functions in $PYPEIT_DEV/sensfunc_archive/ intended to make this easier. See
``$PYPEIT_DEV/sensfunc_archive/`` and ``$PYPEIT_DEV/sensfunc_archive/`` for examples of how this was done

The DEIMOS archived sensitivity functions

The DEIMOS archival sensitivity functions do not provide an absolute flux
calibration. Instead, they are only intended to remove the instrumental
response, providing a relative flux calibration up to some unknown

Creating DEIMOS stitched sensitivity functions for every grating

1. Make sure you have up to date versions of the `PypeIt
<>`_ and `PypeIt Development Suite`_
repositories from GitHub, and that PypeIt :ref:`installing` is complete.

2. Download the reduced slitless source images used to create Keck DEIMOS sensitivity functions from
the `PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive`_. The files are located under ``DEIMOS_Dev/Throughput/throughput_gdw/data_products/extract``.

.. code-block:: bash
the `PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive`_. The files are located under ``DEIMOS_Dev/Throughput/throughput_gdw/data_products/``.

rclone -P copy remote:/PypeIt-development-suite/DEIMOS_Dev/Throughput/throughput_gdw/data_products/extract/ source_files/
3. Run the ```` script.
3. Run the ```` script. The below examples assumes the files
were downloaded to a ``data_products`` directory and will create the archival
sensitivity function files under ``sensfunc_files``.

.. code-block:: bash
mkdir sensfunc_files
PypeIt-development-suite/sensfunc_archive/ all source_files sensfunc_files
$PYPEIT_DEV/sensfunc_archive/ all data_products sensfunc_files
The above creates spec1d files and sensfunc files from the reduced slitless source images. It then
stitches those sensfunc files together to form sensfuncs that cover a wider wavelength range. This results
in one stitched archival sensfunc for each grating (600ZD, 830G, 900ZD, 1200B, and 1200G).

To stitch together already created sensfunc files use the ``--reuse`` option. The pre-stitch sensfunc files used to
create the archival files are in the Google Drive under ``DEIMOS_Dev/sensfunc_stitch/pre_stitch_sensfuncs/``

4. Copy the results to the PypeIt repository.

@@ -31,4 +68,66 @@ How to build archived sensitivity functions
cd sensfunc_files
cp keck_deimos_*.fits PypeIt/pypeit/data/sensfuncs/
How each DEIMOS sensitivity functions was built

The archived sensitivity functions for DEIMOS were created from raw data
gathered from scripted standard star observations. These are slitless
observations that PypeIt cannot reduce on its own, so they are reduced using
IDL scripts from Greg Wirth.

Examples of this data can be found in the `PypeIt dev-suite Google Drive`_ Google Drive.

| ``DEIMOS_Dev/Throughput/YYYY`` | Contains raw data files from that year. |
| ``DEIMOS_Dev/Throughput/throughput_gdw/data_products/extract`` | Contains the reduced data from IDL used to generate the sensitivity functions.|

Converting the IDL reduced files to spec1d

In the PypeIt-development-suite repo, the ````
script can create PypeIt spec1d files from the IDL output.

By default, this script splits the IDL output into two detectors (DET03 and DET07). Because the IDL output isn't always
even in length, it is neccessary to pass "pad" to the script. Alternatively the script can generate spec1d files by treating the IDL output as a
mosaic ('MSC03') by passing "nosplit":

For example, if the files from Google Drive was downloaded to a
``data_products`` directory. The below would create a ``spec1d_files`` directory with
spec1d files created from the IDL output:

.. code-block:: bash
# Create two detector spec1d files
python $PYPEIT_DEV/dev_algorithms/fluxing/ data_products/extract spec1d_files pad
# Create a mosaic spec1d file
python $PYPEIT_DEV/dev_algorithms/fluxing/ data_products/extract spec1d_files nosplit
The current DEIMOS archival sensfuncs were created by splitting the output into two detectors using the "pad" parameter.

Creating the individual sensitivity functions
The individual DEIMOS sensitivity functions were created with the following ``pypeit_sensfunc`` input file (See :ref:`sensitivity_file`).

.. code-block:: ini
multi_spec_det = 3,7
algorithm = "IR"
extrap_blu = 0.
extrap_red = 0.
The sensitivity functions can be created in bulk using the ```` script.
Assuming the sensfunc input file above is named ``deimos_arxiv_sensfunc.sens``, the below
example will create individual sensfunc files for each matching 600ZD spec1d file and place
them in the ``sens_files`` directory:

.. code-block:: bash
python $PYPEIT_DEV/dev_algorithms/fluxing/ spec1d_files/600ZD/ *2023jan17*.fits sens_files/600ZD deimos_arxiv_sensfunc.sens
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions doc/fluxing.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -510,8 +510,7 @@ view them.
Archival Sensitivity Functions

PypeIt supports using archived sensitivity functions for flux calibration. Currently only
experimental ``keck_deimos`` sensitivity files are available. They can be applied by adding
PypeIt supports using archived sensitivity functions for flux calibration. They can be applied by adding
``use_archived_sens = True`` to the flux file passed to ``pypeit_flux_calib``. For example:

.. code-block:: ini
@@ -523,6 +522,11 @@ experimental ``keck_deimos`` sensitivity files are available. They can be appli
flux end
*Disclaimer*: Currently only ``keck_deimos`` sensitivity files are available. These DEIMOS archival
sensitivity functions do not provide an absolute flux calibration. Instead, they are only intended to
remove the instrumental response, providing a relative flux calibration up to some unknown normalization.


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/releases/1.14.1dev.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Functionality/Performance Improvements and Additions
Instrument-specific Updates

- Updated archival sensivity functions for DEIMOS 1200G, 800G, and 600ZD gratings.
- Keck/KCWI and Keck/KCRM: Turned on polynomial correction for sky subtraction.
- We now support the reduction of VLT/FORS2 data taken in MOS mode.
- Fixed fluxing file format in the ``Keck-DEIMOS HOWTO`` documentation.
4,421 changes: 2,403 additions & 2,018 deletions pypeit/data/sensfuncs/keck_deimos_1200G_sensfunc.fits

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

5,101 changes: 2,786 additions & 2,315 deletions pypeit/data/sensfuncs/keck_deimos_600ZD_sensfunc.fits

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4,729 changes: 2,571 additions & 2,158 deletions pypeit/data/sensfuncs/keck_deimos_830G_sensfunc.fits

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions pypeit/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -776,16 +776,17 @@ def main(args):
# Flux the spec1ds based on a archived sensfunc
spec1d_failure_msgs = []
copied_spec1d = False
if par['collate1d']['flux']:
if par['collate1d']['flux'] and not args.dry_run:
if par['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir'] is not None:
# Fluxing modifies the spec1d files, copy them to a new output directory
# if requested
spec1d_files = copy_spec1d_to_outdir(spec1d_files, par['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir'])
copied_spec1d = True
spec1d_files = flux(par, spectrograph, spec1d_files, spec1d_failure_msgs)

# Perform reference frame correction
if par['collate1d']['refframe'] in ['heliocentric', 'barycentric']:
if par['collate1d']['refframe'] in ['heliocentric', 'barycentric'] and not args.dry_run:
if not copied_spec1d and par['collate1d']['spec1d_outdir'] is not None:
# Refframe correction modifies the spec1d files, copy them to a new output directory
# if requested and fluxing hasn't already done so
@@ -810,12 +811,18 @@ def main(args):
successful_source_list = []
failed_source_msgs = []
for source in source_list:

coaddfile = os.path.join(par['collate1d']['outdir'], build_coadd_file_name(source))'Creating {coaddfile} from the following sources:')
for i in range(len(source.spec_obj_list)):' {source.spec1d_file_list[i]}: {source.spec_obj_list[i].NAME} '

# Exclude sources with a single object to coadd
if len(source.spec_obj_list) == 1:
excluded_obj_msgs.append(f"Excluding {source.spec_obj_list[0].NAME} in {source.spec1d_file_list[0]} because there's no other SpecObj to coadd with.")

if not args.dry_run:
coadd(par, coaddfile, source)
40 changes: 28 additions & 12 deletions pypeit/spectrographs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1900,7 +1900,7 @@ def deimos_read_1chip(hdu,chipno):
return data, oscan

def load_wmko_std_spectrum(fits_file:str, outfile=None, pad = False):
def load_wmko_std_spectrum(fits_file:str, outfile=None, pad = False, split=True):
"""Load up a Standard spectrum generated by WMKO IDL scripts
of the great Greg Wirth
@@ -1909,6 +1909,9 @@ def load_wmko_std_spectrum(fits_file:str, outfile=None, pad = False):
fits_file (str): filename
outfile ([type], optional): Write the SpecObjs object to a FITS file. Defaults to None.
pad (bool,optional): True if the resulting SpecObjs should be padded to an even length. Defaults to False
split (bool,optional): True if the resulting SpecObjs should be split into two detectors, False if it
should be treated as a mosaic. Defaults to True.
specobjs.SpecObjs: object holding the spectra
@@ -1920,7 +1923,10 @@ def load_wmko_std_spectrum(fits_file:str, outfile=None, pad = False):
idl_spec = Table(hdul[2].data)

# Hope this always works..
npix = int(len(idl_spec)/2)
if split:
npix = int(len(idl_spec)/2)
npix = len(idl_spec)

if pad:
if int(len(idl_spec)) % 2 != 0:
@@ -1931,27 +1937,37 @@ def load_wmko_std_spectrum(fits_file:str, outfile=None, pad = False):
idl_vac = wave.airtovac(idl_spec['WAVELENGTH']*units.AA)

# Generate SpecObj
sobj1 = specobj.SpecObj.from_arrays('MultiSlit', idl_vac.value[0:npix],
sobj2 = specobj.SpecObj.from_arrays('MultiSlit', idl_vac.value[npix:],
if not split:
sobj1 = specobj.SpecObj.from_arrays('MultiSlit', idl_vac.value[0:npix],
sobj1 = specobj.SpecObj.from_arrays('MultiSlit', idl_vac.value[0:npix],

sobj2 = specobj.SpecObj.from_arrays('MultiSlit', idl_vac.value[npix:],

# SpecObjs
sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs()
if split:

# Fill in header
coord = linetools.utils.radec_to_coord((meta['RA'][0], meta['DEC'][0]))
sobjs.header = dict(EXPTIME=1.,
SLMSKNAM='', # No slitmask is used for the throughput data

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