Functionality Improvements / User-level Updates
Refactor quicklook scripts
Added spectral flexure and reference frame corrections for IFU data
Allow separate sky frame to be used for sky subtraction with IFU data
Limit the images written to the MasterEdges file to only the trace
image, mask, and detector.
Instrument-specific Updates
Limit LRISr header crashes
Parse Keck/NIRES dither patterns, similar to MOSFIRE
Started modifications and support for JWST NIRSpec
Minor / Under-the-hood Updates and Bug Fixes
Fixed bug that allowed science frames to be assigned to multiple
instrument configurations
Fixed typo related to GitHub download for offline processing
OpenMP link fix
Enable boxcar_radius for manual extraction
Prevent flexure crash
Fixed error with deprecated numpy types
Improved optimization of bspline c code
Introduce BitMaskArray class to ease use of bitmasks
Fixed memory hogging by matplotlib when using version >= 3.6.1
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