Installation | Run cmd | Run python | Configuration | Dashboard | Tuning | Simulation | Citing
pyRDDLGym-jax (known in the literature as JaxPlan) is an efficient gradient-based/differentiable planning algorithm in JAX.
- automatic translation of RDDL description files into differentiable JAX simulators
- implementation of (highly configurable) operator relaxations for working in discrete and hybrid domains
- flexible policy representations and automated Bayesian hyper-parameter tuning
- interactive dashboard for dyanmic visualization and debugging
- hybridization with parameter-exploring policy gradients.
Some demos of solved problems by JaxPlan:
Starting in version 1.0 (major release), the weight
parameter in the config file was removed,
and was moved to the individual logic components which have their own unique weight parameter assigned.
Furthermore, the tuning module has been redesigned from the ground up, and supports tuning arbitrary hyper-parameters via config templates!
Finally, the terrible visualizer for the planner was removed and replaced with an interactive real-time dashboard (similar to tensorboard, but custom designed for the planner)!
While JaxPlan can support some discrete state/action problems through model relaxations, on some discrete problems it can perform poorly (though there is an ongoing effort to remedy this!). If you find it is not making sufficient progress, check out the PROST planner (for discrete spaces) or the deep reinforcement learning wrappers.
To install the bare-bones version of JaxPlan with minimum installation requirements:
pip install pyRDDLGym-jax
To install JaxPlan with the automatic hyper-parameter tuning and rddlrepository:
pip install pyRDDLGym-jax[extra]
(Since version 1.0) To install JaxPlan with the visualization dashboard:
pip install pyRDDLGym-jax[dashboard]
(Since version 1.0) To install JaxPlan with all options:
pip install pyRDDLGym-jax[extra,dashboard]
A basic run script is provided to train JaxPlan on any RDDL problem:
jaxplan plan <domain> <instance> <method> <episodes>
is the domain identifier as specified in rddlrepository (i.e. Wildfire_MDP_ippc2014), or a path pointing to a validdomain.rddl
is the instance identifier (i.e. 1, 2, ... 10), or a path pointing to a validinstance.rddl
is the planning method to use (i.e. drp, slp, replan) or a path to a valid .cfg file (see section below)episodes
is the (optional) number of episodes to evaluate the learned policy.
The method
parameter supports four possible modes:
is the basic straight line planner described in this paperdrp
is the deep reactive policy network described in this paperreplan
is the same asslp
except the plan is recalculated at every decision time step- any other argument is interpreted as a file path to a valid configuration file.
For example, the following will train JaxPlan on the Quadcopter domain with 4 drones (with default config):
jaxplan plan Quadcopter 1 slp
To run JaxPlan from within a Python application, refer to the following example:
import pyRDDLGym
from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.planner import JaxBackpropPlanner, JaxOfflineController
# set up the environment (note the vectorized option must be True)
env = pyRDDLGym.make("domain", "instance", vectorized=True)
# create the planning algorithm
planner = JaxBackpropPlanner(rddl=env.model, **planner_args)
controller = JaxOfflineController(planner, **train_args)
# evaluate the planner
controller.evaluate(env, episodes=1, verbose=True, render=True)
Here, we have used the straight-line controller, although you can configure the combination of planner and policy representation if you wish.
All controllers are instances of pyRDDLGym's BaseAgent
class, so they provide the evaluate()
function to streamline interaction with the environment.
The **planner_args
and **train_args
are keyword argument parameters to pass during initialization, but we strongly recommend creating and loading a config file as discussed in the next section.
The simplest way to configure the planner is to write and pass a configuration file with the necessary hyper-parameters. The basic structure of a configuration file is provided below for a straight-line planner:
comparison_kwargs={'weight': 20}
rounding_kwargs={'weight': 20}
control_kwargs={'weight': 20}
optimizer_kwargs={'learning_rate': 0.001}
The configuration file contains three sections:
specifies the fuzzy logic operations used to relax discrete operations to differentiable approximations; theweight
dictates the quality of the approximation, andtnorm
specifies the type of fuzzy logic for relacing logical operations in RDDL (e.g.ProductTNorm
generally specify the optimizer and plan settings; themethod
specifies the plan/policy representation (e.g.JaxStraightLinePlan
), the gradient descent settings, learning rate, batch size, etc.[Training]
specifies computation limits, such as total training time and number of iterations, and options for printing or visualizing information from the planner.
For a policy network approach, simply change the [Optimizer]
settings like so:
method_kwargs={'topology': [128, 64], 'activation': 'tanh'}
The configuration file must then be passed to the planner during initialization. For example, the previous script here can be modified to set parameters from a config file:
from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.planner import load_config
# load the config file with planner settings
planner_args, _, train_args = load_config("/path/to/config.cfg")
# create the planning algorithm
planner = JaxBackpropPlanner(rddl=env.model, **planner_args)
controller = JaxOfflineController(planner, **train_args)
Since version 1.0, JaxPlan has an optional dashboard that allows keeping track of the planner performance across multiple runs, and visualization of the policy or model, and other useful debugging features.
To run the dashboard, add the following entry to your config file:
More documentation about this and other new features will be coming soon.
A basic run script is provided to run automatic Bayesian hyper-parameter tuning for the most sensitive parameters of JaxPlan:
jaxplan tune <domain> <instance> <method> <trials> <iters> <workers> <dashboard>
is the domain identifier as specified in rddlrepositoryinstance
is the instance identifiermethod
is the planning method to use (i.e. drp, slp, replan)trials
is the (optional) number of trials/episodes to average in evaluating each hyper-parameter settingiters
is the (optional) maximum number of iterations/evaluations of Bayesian optimization to performworkers
is the (optional) number of parallel evaluations to be done at each iteration, e.g. the total evaluations =iters * workers
is whether the optimizations are tracked in the dashboard application.
It is easy to tune a custom range of the planner's hyper-parameters efficiently. First create a config file template with patterns replacing concrete parameter values that you want to tune, e.g.:
comparison_kwargs={'weight': TUNABLE_WEIGHT}
rounding_kwargs={'weight': TUNABLE_WEIGHT}
control_kwargs={'weight': TUNABLE_WEIGHT}
optimizer_kwargs={'learning_rate': TUNABLE_LEARNING_RATE}
would allow to tune the sharpness of model relaxations, and the learning rate of the optimizer.
Next, you must link the patterns in the config with concrete hyper-parameter ranges the tuner will understand, and run the optimizer:
import pyRDDLGym
from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.tuning import JaxParameterTuning, Hyperparameter
# set up the environment
env = pyRDDLGym.make(domain, instance, vectorized=True)
# load the config file template with planner settings
with open('path/to/config.cfg', 'r') as file:
config_template =
# map parameters in the config that will be tuned
def power_10(x):
return 10.0 ** x
hyperparams = [
Hyperparameter('TUNABLE_WEIGHT', -1., 5., power_10), # tune weight from 10^-1 ... 10^5
Hyperparameter('TUNABLE_LEARNING_RATE', -5., 1., power_10), # tune lr from 10^-5 ... 10^1
# build the tuner and tune
tuning = JaxParameterTuning(env=env,
tuning.tune(key=42, log_file='path/to/log.csv')
The JAX compiler can be used as a backend for simulating and evaluating RDDL environments:
import pyRDDLGym
from pyRDDLGym.core.policy import RandomAgent
from pyRDDLGym_jax.core.simulator import JaxRDDLSimulator
# create the environment
env = pyRDDLGym.make("domain", "instance", backend=JaxRDDLSimulator)
# evaluate the random policy
agent = RandomAgent(action_space=env.action_space, num_actions=env.max_allowed_actions)
agent.evaluate(env, verbose=True, render=True)
For some domains, the JAX backend could perform better than the numpy-based one, due to various compiler optimizations. In any event, the simulation results using the JAX backend should (almost) always match the numpy backend.
The following citation describes the main ideas of JaxPlan. Please cite it if you found it useful:
title={JaxPlan and GurobiPlan: Optimization Baselines for Replanning in Discrete and Mixed Discrete and Continuous Probabilistic Domains},
author={Michael Gimelfarb and Ayal Taitler and Scott Sanner},
booktitle={34th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling},
Some of the implementation details derive from the following literature, which you may wish to also cite in your research papers:
- A Distributional Framework for Risk-Sensitive End-to-End Planning in Continuous MDPs, AAAI 2022
- Deep reactive policies for planning in stochastic nonlinear domains, AAAI 2019
- Stochastic Planning with Lifted Symbolic Trajectory Optimization, AAAI 2019
- Scalable planning with tensorflow for hybrid nonlinear domains, NeurIPS 2017
- Baseline-Free Sampling in Parameter Exploring Policy Gradients: Super Symmetric PGPE, ANN 2015
The model relaxations in JaxPlan are based on the following works:
- Poisson Variational Autoencoder, NeurIPS 2025
- Analyzing Differentiable Fuzzy Logic Operators, AI 2022
- Learning with algorithmic supervision via continuous relaxations, NeurIPS 2021
- Universally quantized neural compression, NeurIPS 2020
- Generalized Gumbel-Softmax Gradient Estimator for Generic Discrete Random Variables, 2020
- Categorical Reparametrization with Gumbel-Softmax, ICLR 2017