Redaktilo allows you to find, insert, replace and remove lines using an editor-like object.
Because your code too needs an editor to manipulate files.
Use Composer to install Redaktilo in your projects:
composer require "gnugat/redaktilo:~1.0"
Redaktilo provides an Editor
class which can be instanciated using
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Gnugat\Redaktilo\EditorFactory;
$editor = EditorFactory::createEditor();
For our example, we will create a KernelManipulator
similar to the one we can find in SensioGeneratorBundle.
It takes a bundle's fully qualified classname and inserts it in the AppKernel
namespace Sensio\Bundle\GeneratorBundle\Manipulator;
use Gnugat\Redaktilo\Editor;
class KernelManipulator extends Manipulator
protected $editor;
protected $appKernelFilename;
public function __construct(Editor $editor, $appKernelFilename)
$this->editor = $editor;
$this->appKernelFilename = $appKernelFilename;
public function addBundle($bundle)
$appKernel = $this->editor->open($this->appKernelFilename);
$newBundle = " new $bundle(),";
if ($this->editor->hasBelow($appKernel, $newBundle)) {
$message = sprintf('Bundle "%s" is already defined in "AppKernel::registerBundles()".', $bundle);
throw new \RuntimeException($message);
$this->editor->jumpBelow($appKernel, ' );');
$this->editor->insertAbove($appKernel, $newBundle);
return true;
As you can see it's easier to read and to understand than the original PHP token parsing.
You can see the current and past versions using one of the following:
- the
git tag
command - the releases page on Github
- the file listing the changes between versions
You can find more documentation at the following links:
- copyright and MIT license
- versioning and branching models
- contribution instructions
- migration to 2.0 instructions
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