This DOES NOT AGGREGATE PACKGES! It only aggregates information about packages.
At php|tek, I was chatting with MWOP, Ed, and Helgi about adding a search
command to pyrus. This command
would search some service that aggregates PEAR package information, and would make it easier for people to
discover PEAR channels and packages.
I hacked this together at php|tek, and this is my response to that discussion.
There's no admin interface, only CLI scripts to add channels and update channels.
I just used what I knew... so it's a mysql db using the mysqi ext and a stupid active record implementation.
Clone the repo!
There's a Config class in etc/
with the default configuration in it.
Just copy it to
and adjust paths.
You'll need a checkout of PEAR2_Pyrus as well:
Create a DB that can be connected using mysqli://pearhunt:pearhunt@localhost/pearhunt
If you want to use your own mysql credentials, copy etc/config.sample.php
and add the following:
'host' => '',
'username' => 'mysql user',
'password' => 'super secret password'
'dbname' => 'my_database',
- run
from cli to create and setup the DB - run
to add a channel to the db.
Add a channel and discover all packages:
Update a channel:
- Search using the form which comes up from
- It'll issue an ajax request to
Content type is determined by the client's Accept
When scanning the channels, also scan the packages and index all the classes each package provides... this would allow us to build a really dangerous autoloader that would install vendor dependencies automatically B-)