Python 3 tools for you!
Ever had the situation where you ended up with loads of pictures/videos on your smartphone and wanted to sort them by the creation date?
I have searched the web for a free, lightweight solution and came up with nothing fitting.
So this will help you hopefully as much as it helped me.
Just throw your media files into a folder and drop this folder onto the script.
It will scan fotos for the EXIF date and create subfolders YYYY-MM-DD and move the fotos there.
Same goes for videos. Meta info is being scanned and 'cration_date' is searched for via regex.
As this might differ for your video files, adjustments might be needed.
Therefore a 'checkmode' can be activated to see just the video metadata output so that the regex can (hopefully) easily be adjusted.
Have fun!
-> You will need to download and install FFMPEG as well as the python module ExifRead to get the code running <-