What is TorchData? | Stateful DataLoader | Install guide | Contributing | License
The TorchData project is an iterative enhancement to the PyTorch torch.utils.data.DataLoader and torch.utils.data.Dataset/IterableDataset to make them scalable, performant dataloading solutions. We will be iterating on the enhancements under the torchdata repo.
Our first change begins with adding checkpointing to torch.utils.data.DataLoader, which can be found in
stateful_dataloader, a drop-in replacement for torch.utils.data.DataLoader, by defining
and state_dict
methods that enable mid-epoch checkpointing, and an API for users to track custom
iteration progress, and other custom states from the dataloader workers such as token buffers and/or RNG states.
is a drop-in replacement for torch.utils.data.DataLoader which
provides state_dict and load_state_dict functionality. See
the Stateful DataLoader main page for more information and examples. Also check out the
in this Colab notebook.
torchdata.nodes is a library of composable iterators (not iterables!) that let you chain together common dataloading and pre-proc operations. It follows a streaming programming model, although "sampler + Map-style" can still be configured if you desire. See torchdata.nodes main page for more details. Stay tuned for tutorial on torchdata.nodes coming soon!
The following is the corresponding torchdata
versions and supported Python versions.
torch |
torchdata |
python |
master / nightly |
main / nightly |
>=3.9 , <=3.13 |
2.6.0 |
0.11.0 |
>=3.9 , <=3.13 |
2.5.0 |
0.10.0 |
>=3.9 , <=3.12 |
2.5.0 |
0.9.0 |
>=3.9 , <=3.12 |
2.4.0 |
0.8.0 |
>=3.8 , <=3.12 |
2.0.0 |
0.6.0 |
>=3.8 , <=3.11 |
1.13.1 |
0.5.1 |
>=3.7 , <=3.10 |
1.12.1 |
0.4.1 |
>=3.7 , <=3.10 |
1.12.0 |
0.4.0 |
>=3.7 , <=3.10 |
1.11.0 |
0.3.0 |
>=3.7 , <=3.10 |
First, set up an environment. We will be installing a PyTorch binary as well as torchdata. If you're using conda, create a conda environment:
conda create --name torchdata
conda activate torchdata
If you wish to use venv
python -m venv torchdata-env
source torchdata-env/bin/activate
Install torchdata:
Using pip:
pip install torchdata
Using conda:
conda install -c pytorch torchdata
pip install .
In case building TorchData from source fails, install the nightly version of PyTorch following the linked guide on the contributing page.
The nightly version of TorchData is also provided and updated daily from main branch.
Using pip:
pip install --pre torchdata --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu
Using conda:
conda install torchdata -c pytorch-nightly
We welcome PRs! See the CONTRIBUTING file.
We'd love to hear from and work with early adopters to shape our designs. Please reach out by raising an issue if you're interested in using this tooling for your project.
TorchData is BSD licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.