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[WIP] Use privateuseone dispatch key
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will-cromar committed Jul 17, 2024
1 parent 6ad843c commit 8b8e05f
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Showing 4 changed files with 330 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions experimental/torch_xla2/pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ dependencies = [
# Developers should install `dev-requirements.txt` first
# TODO: needed for JIT compiling C++ module
requires-python = ">=3.10"
license = {file = "LICENSE"}
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280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions experimental/torch_xla2/torch_xla2/cpp/registration.cpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
#include <c10/core/impl/alloc_cpu.h>
#include <c10/core/Allocator.h>
#include <c10/core/DeviceGuard.h>
#include <c10/core/impl/DeviceGuardImplInterface.h>

#include <torch/csrc/Device.h>
#include <torch/extension.h>

#include <ATen/native/cpu/Loops.h>
#include <ATen/native/DispatchStub.h>
#include <ATen/EmptyTensor.h>

#include <iostream>

// This file contains the heavy lifting to add a new C++ backend
// and integrate it directly into the PyTorch backend. It mainly involves:
// (1) Writing a custom allocator and registering it to pytorch
// (see DummyCustomAllocator)
// (2) Writing a custom device guard, registering it to pytorch,
// and using the device guard in kernels
// (see DummyDeviceGuard)
// (3) Writing a custom aten::empty.memory_format function

// basic dummy add function
// at::Tensor custom_add_Tensor(const at::Tensor & self, const at::Tensor & other, const at::Scalar & alpha) {
// const at::OptionalDeviceGuard device_guard(at::device_of(self));
// std::cout << "Custom aten::add.Tensor() called!" << std::endl;
// // Since this custom device is just for testing, not bothering to implement kernels.
// return at::empty(self.sizes(), self.options());
// }

// =====================================
// ========= Custom Allocators =========
// =====================================

// PyTorch provides an API for registering custom allocators for your device.
// You can create one by inheriting from the at::Allocator class,
// and registering your allocator for the particular device type
// (PrivateUse1 for open registration devices)

// A dummy allocator for our custom device, that secretly uses the CPU
// struct DummyCustomAllocator final : at::Allocator {
// DummyCustomAllocator() = default;
// at::DataPtr allocate(size_t nbytes) const override {
// std::cout << "Custom allocator's allocate() called!" << std::endl;
// void* data = c10::alloc_cpu(nbytes);
// return {data, data, &ReportAndDelete, at::Device(at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, 0)};
// }

// static void ReportAndDelete(void* ptr) {
// if (!ptr) {
// return;
// }
// std::cout << "Custom allocator's delete() called!" << std::endl;
// c10::free_cpu(ptr);
// }

// at::DeleterFnPtr raw_deleter() const override {
// return &ReportAndDelete;
// }
// };

// // Register our dummy allocator
// static DummyCustomAllocator global_custom_alloc;
// REGISTER_ALLOCATOR(c10::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, &global_custom_alloc);

// =====================================
// ============= Device Guards =========
// =====================================

// PyTorch has an API for registering device guards.
// Device guards can be used to set the current "active" device,
// and e.g. error if the user provides an invalid device index.
// If your device doesn't support indices (e.g. foo:0 vs. foo:1),
// then the guards probably aren't needed.
// You can use it by creating a DeviceGuard class, registering it
// in PyTorch, and invoking the device guard before any kernels are called.
// For a more full-featured example of a device guard,
// check out the code at c10/cuda/CUDAGuard.h

// Represents the current "active" device.
// The dummy device guard registered below is meant to show how a backend
// can integrate custom device guard with pytorch.
// For something like cuda this represents the current active cuda device,
// which is directly set using the cuda API calls cudaGetDevice/cudaSetDevice.
// static uint16_t CURR_DEVICE = -1;

// Create and register a dummy device guard.
// struct DummyDeviceGuardImpl final : public c10::impl::DeviceGuardImplInterface {
// static constexpr c10::DeviceType static_type = c10::DeviceType::PrivateUse1;
// DummyDeviceGuardImpl() {}
// explicit DummyDeviceGuardImpl(c10::DeviceType t) {
// TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(t == c10::DeviceType::PrivateUse1);
// }
// at::DeviceType type() const override {
// return at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1;
// }
// at::Device exchangeDevice(at::Device d) const override {
// TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(d.type() == at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1);
// TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(d.index() < deviceCount(), "Error: device index ", d.index(), " does not exist.");
// at::Device old_device = getDevice();
// if (old_device.index() != d.index()) {
// // "set the active device"
// CURR_DEVICE = d.index();
// }
// return old_device;
// }
// at::Device getDevice() const override {
// return at::Device(at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, CURR_DEVICE);
// }
// void setDevice(at::Device d) const override {
// TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(d.type() == at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1);
// TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(d.index() < deviceCount(), "Error: device index ", d.index(), " does not exist.");
// at::Device current_device = getDevice();
// if (current_device != d) {
// CURR_DEVICE = d.index();
// }
// }
// void uncheckedSetDevice(at::Device d) const noexcept override {
// auto current_device = getDevice();
// if (current_device != d) {
// CURR_DEVICE = d.index();
// }
// }
// at::Stream getStream(at::Device d) const noexcept override {
// // no-op
// return at::Stream(at::Stream::DEFAULT, d);
// }
// // NB: These do NOT set the current device
// at::Stream exchangeStream(at::Stream) const noexcept override {
// // no-op
// return at::Stream(at::Stream::DEFAULT, at::Device(at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, CURR_DEVICE));
// }
// at::DeviceIndex deviceCount() const noexcept override {
// // Hardcoding the number of "valid" devices here at 2.
// return 2;
// }

// // Event-related functions
// void record(
// void** /*event*/,
// const at::Stream& /*stream*/,
// const at::DeviceIndex /*device_index*/,
// const c10::EventFlag /*flag*/) const override {
// TORCH_CHECK(false, at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, " backend doesn't support events.");
// }
// void block(void* /*event*/, const at::Stream& /*stream*/) const override {
// TORCH_CHECK(false, at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, " backend doesn't support events.")
// }
// bool queryEvent(void* /*event*/) const override {
// TORCH_CHECK(false, at::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, " backend doesn't support events.")
// }
// void destroyEvent(void* /*event*/, const at::DeviceIndex /*device_index*/)
// const noexcept override {}

// // Stream-related functions
// bool queryStream(const at::Stream& /*stream*/) const override {
// return true;
// }
// void synchronizeStream(const at::Stream& /*stream*/) const override {
// // Don't wait for anything.
// }
// };

// struct DummyGuard {
// explicit DummyGuard() = delete;
// explicit DummyGuard(at::DeviceIndex device_index) : guard_(device_index) {}
// explicit DummyGuard(at::Device device) : guard_(device) {}
// DummyGuard(const DummyGuard&) = delete;
// DummyGuard& operator=(const DummyGuard&) = delete;
// DummyGuard(DummyGuard&& other) = delete;
// DummyGuard& operator=(DummyGuard&& other) = delete;

// void set_device(at::Device device) {
// guard_.set_device(device);
// }

// void reset_device(at::Device device) {
// guard_.reset_device(device);
// }

// void set_index(at::DeviceIndex device_index) {
// guard_.set_index(device_index);
// }

// at::Device original_device() const {
// return guard_.original_device();
// }

// at::Device current_device() const {
// return guard_.current_device();
// }

// private:
// c10::impl::InlineDeviceGuard<DummyDeviceGuardImpl> guard_;
// };

// C10_REGISTER_GUARD_IMPL(PrivateUse1, DummyDeviceGuardImpl);

// =====================================
// ============= KERNELS ===============
// =====================================

// basic dummy empty function, so we can directly construct tensors on the custom device
// This dummy test device will just use the CPU allocator, and ignores pinned memory.
// Note: this kernel is very simple because our "custom device" just uses the normal TensorImpl object
// to store data under the hood.
// In PyTorch core today, both cpu and cuda are implemented with an ordinary TensorImpl class.
// Sometimes, backends prefer to subclass TensorImpl in order to store extra information.
// If this is the case, then this kernel is where you'll be responsible for creating and returning
// a fresh at::Tensor object, that properly stores a TensorImpl of your subclass.
// at::Tensor custom_empty_memory_format(at::IntArrayRef size, c10::optional<at::ScalarType> dtype, c10::optional<at::Layout> layout, c10::optional<at::Device> device, c10::optional<bool> pin_memory, c10::optional<at::MemoryFormat> memory_format) {
// const at::OptionalDeviceGuard device_guard(device);
// std::cout << "Custom aten::empty.memory_format() called!" << std::endl;
// constexpr c10::DispatchKeySet private_use_ks(c10::DispatchKey::PrivateUse1);
// return at::detail::empty_generic(size, &global_custom_alloc, private_use_ks, c10::dtype_or_default(dtype), memory_format);
// }

// at::Tensor & custom_fill__scalar(at::Tensor & self, const at::Scalar & value) {
// const at::OptionalDeviceGuard device_guard(at::device_of(self));
// // Not bothering to implement.
// // Should fill the tensor's data with "value".
// return self;
// }

// // basic dummy copy_() function, so we can copy from the custom device to/from CPU
// at::Tensor custom__copy_from(const at::Tensor& self, const at::Tensor& dst, bool non_blocking) {
// const at::OptionalDeviceGuard device_guard(at::device_of(self));
// std::cout << "Custom aten::_copy_from() called!" << std::endl;
// TORCH_CHECK(self.is_cpu() || self.device().type() == c10::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, "Dummy test only allows copy from cpu -> dummy device.");
// TORCH_CHECK(dst.is_cpu() || dst.device().type() == c10::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, "Dummy test only allows copy from cpu -> dummy device.");

// // Some dummy asserts for the basic use case: inputs are the same size / dtype, all contiguous.
// TORCH_CHECK(self.sizes() == dst.sizes());
// TORCH_CHECK(self.scalar_type() == dst.scalar_type());
// TORCH_CHECK(self.is_contiguous() && dst.is_contiguous());

// std::memcpy(,,;
// return dst;
// }

// This macro does the heavy lifting.
// With TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL, you can register custom kernels for your backend.
// For open registration, we're registering all of our kernels to the PrivateUse1 dispatch key.
// Later in this file, we map a custom device to the PrivateUse1 device type,
// which allows user code that puts a tensor on your custom_device to eventually get plumbed
// into the kernels registered here.
// This macro registers your kernels to the PyTorch Dispatcher.
// More details on the dispatcher can be found at
// TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(aten, PrivateUse1, m) {
// m.impl("add.Tensor", &custom_add_Tensor);
// m.impl("empty.memory_format", &custom_empty_memory_format);
// m.impl("fill_.Scalar", &custom_fill__scalar);
// m.impl("_copy_from", &custom__copy_from);
// }

// This basic implementation doesn't bother dealing with different device indices
// (e.g. custom_device:0 vs. custom_device:1).
// We could do that by letting the user pass in a device index in our exposed device function.
// Note that if you do that, you'll also need to register a device guard to core.
// See `c10/core/impl/DeviceGuardImplInterface.h:C10_REGISTER_GUARD_IMPL`.
c10::Device get_custom_device(int idx) {
return c10::Device(c10::DeviceType::PrivateUse1, idx);

// Here, we're exposing a custom device object that corresponds to our custom backend.
// We do this using pybind: exposing an "extension_name.custom_device()" function in python,
// that's implemented in C++.
// The implementation in this file maps directly to the `PrivateUse1` device type.
m.def("custom_device", &get_custom_device, "get custom device object");
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions experimental/torch_xla2/torch_xla2/
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import os
import torch
import torch.utils.cpp_extension

import torch_xla2.ops.jaten

# TODO: Do I even need a C++ module at all?
# Load the C++ extension containing your custom kernels.
# foo_module = torch.utils.cpp_extension.load(
# name="custom_device_extension",
# sources=[
# os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/cpp/registration.cpp",
# ],
# #extra_include_paths=["cpp_extensions"],
# extra_cflags=["-g"],
# verbose=True,
# )

# torch.register_privateuse1_backend('foo')

# print(foo_module.Tensor)
print('Create a tensor with `jax` device:', torch.tensor([0], device='jax:0'))
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions experimental/torch_xla2/torch_xla2/ops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,17 @@ def op(*aten, **kwargs):
def inner(func):
for a in aten:
ops_registry.register_torch_dispatch_op(a, func, **kwargs)

match type(a):
case torch._ops.OpOverloadPacket:
opname = a._qualified_op_name
case torch._ops.OpOverload:
# opname =
continue # prevent multiple funcs from being registered?
case _:
raise RuntimeError(f'oops {a}')

torch.library.impl(opname, 'privateuseone')(func)
return func

return inner
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,11 +409,22 @@ def _aten_dot(x, y):

def _aten__to_copy(self, **kwargs):
# HACK: should we wrap every function to do this?
import torch_xla2
if type(self) is torch.Tensor:
return torch_xla2.default_env().j2t_iso(mappings.t2j(self))
# return torch_xla2.tensor.XLATensor2(mappings.t2j(self))
dtype = mappings.t2j_dtype(kwargs["dtype"])
if dtype != self.dtype:
return self.astype(dtype)
return jnp.copy(self)

# TODO: not clear what this function should actually do
def _aten_lift_fresh(self):
return self

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