QMetry Automation Framework reportportal.io integration
This project provide implementation for integration of qaf test results with reportportal.io.
Refer reportportal documentation for installation-steps.
Once you have report portal up and running you can start sending results by using ReportPortalQAFListener
- Each step as log (pass - Info, Fail - Error, Warn - Warn)
- Web driver and element command log (DEBUG level)
- Screen shot attachement
- If loging enabled, logs will attached as attachment.
Add to POM.xml
Description of listeners input parameters and how to configure it see “Parameters” in Configuration section.
Which are common for all JVM based agents. You can provide it in reportportal.properties
available in class path or provide as system property.
If you want to provide it through application properties file add system
prefix. For example:
system.rp.endpoint = http://localhost:8080
system.rp.uuid = <UUID of user>
system.rp.launch = default_TEST_EXAMPLE
system.rp.project = default_project
Additional properties:
rp.step.astest : boolean to specify create a node for step under test or not. If rp.step.astest
is set to true you will see test node for each step under actual test case. Well suited for BDD implementation.
Log4J configuration Add following properties in log4j.properties file:
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, CONSOLE, LOGFILE,reportportal
log4j.appender.reportportal.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %-5p (%F:%L) - %m%n
There are several ways how to install listener:
- Maven Surefire plugin
- Specify listener in testng.xml
- Custom runner
- Using command line
- Using @Listeners annotation
- Using ServiceLoader
Please note, that listener must be configured in a single place only. Configuring multiple listeners will lead to incorrect application behavior.