Ask a yes or no question and get a consensus response from our network of 8-balls! Why settle for just one?!
Ask a Question... Get an Answer!
Click the triangle to see how the answer was derived!
Click the Network Graph tab to see the distributed network!
Assumes Node.js and Yarn are installed.
git clone
cd 8ball/web
yarn install
yarn start
Assumes Golang is installed.
git clone
cd 8ball/hub
go get -d ./...
go run .
Assumes Node.js, Yarn, Golang and Docker are installed.
git clone
cd 8ball
This app is being collaboratively built by the members of QC Coders as part of the Hacktoberfest 2019 event. Our goal is to make something fun while providing our members with experience collaborating on an Open Source project and using Git and GitHub.
We aren't taking this project or ourselves too seriously and you shouldn't either. We'd like everyone that is interested to participate; if you aren't confident in your skills then this is a great opportunity to learn.
Be sure that you've registered on the Hacktoberfest 2019 site!
- Contact us (via Slack, email to [email protected], or GitHub issue) to be added as a collaborator.
- Find an open, unassigned issue that you'd like to work on and assign yourself. If the work you'd like to do doesn't have an issue, create one and wait for feedback from a maintainer before beginning work.
- Clone (or make sure you're up to date with
git pull
) the repository, then create a new branch for your change withgit checkout -b <your branch name>
. - Make your changes.
- Submit a Pull Request; be descriptive, and indicate which issue(s) are related to your changes.
- Your PR must be reviewed and approved by a maintainer and at least one other person prior to being merged. If changes are requested, push additional commits to your branch accordingly.
- When your PR has been approved it will be merged. Thanks for your contribution!
If you aren't sure what to do at any point, ask! There are no stupid questions.