the web framework to provide dom component
See doc/ for the document. Both English and Chinese document are provided.
中文文档: 请看 doc/Chinese/ 文件夹。
npm install --save domcom
or use the cdn provided by (replace "x.y.z" with the real version number):
`<script src=""/>`
declarative composable components with reactive function
only render the invalidated components and refresh the really changed dom nodes with better automatic update status checking
decouple with model and controller completely
simple but powerful route
convenient support for promise
never pollute the dom because of the framework itself
good browser compatiblity, even with IE 6, 7, 8
no dependencies, no polyfill, no immutable data, no companion libraries is necessary
no necessary to use any template language
There is some samples, and a todoMVC implementation.
The code below give a taste of domcom:
In javascript:
// Although it's not necessary,
// but I recommend to use some tool like babel to support ES6, especially destructive syntax
const {list, text, p, flow, see} = dc
// otherwise you need write the the code like below, it's not an ideal method:
// var demoSum, flow, list, p, see, text;
// list = dc.list, text = dc.text, p = dc.p, flow = dc.flow, see = dc.see;
demoSum = function() {
var a, b, comp, p1, t1, t2;
a$ = see(1);
b$ = see(2);
comp = list((t1 = text({
value: a$,
onchange(event, node) { return a$(node.value * 1); } // ES 6
// onchange: function(event, node) { return a$(node.value * 1) } // ES5
})), (t2 = text({
value: b$,
onchange(event, node) { return b$(node.value * 1); } // ES 6
// onchange: function(event, node) { return b$(node.value * 1);} // ES5
})), p1 = p(flow.add(a$, b$)));
p1.renderWhen([t1, t2], 'change');
return comp.mount();
In coffee-script(recommended):
{list, text, p, flow, see} = dc
demoSum = ->
a$ = see 1; b$ = see 2
comp = list \
(t1 = text value: a$, onchange: (event, node) -> a$ node.value*1),
(t2 = text value: b$, onchange: (event, node) -> b$ node.value*1),
p1 = p flow.add a$, b$
p1.renderWhen [t1, t2], 'change'