Some personal projects I've been working on .... still not done. Time permitting :-)
Is an an Image Upload service that runs in CloudRun. It will upload an image to GCP cloud-bucket and attach meta-data to the Cloud Firestore Metadata.
TODO: Finish front-end, not a front-end guy so borrowing front-end design from different books. Use Hugo perhaps?
TODO: move static files to either GCP Bucket or look at embedding them via the Go embed
package that is available from Go 1.16.
TODO: CI/CDI - for now updates CloudRun via manual deployment using gcloud cli (works).
TODO: CLI for CLI upload???
TODO: Restructure server start.
TODO: Better signalling shutdown and load shedding.
Telegram Bot that will interact with CoinGecko API. For now project abandoned.
TODO: lots :-)
See Readme in dir. Abandoned for now ....
- Created repo
- Moved projects from various folders to this new repo.