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Moving all abstract functionality to QuantumInterface.jl (#100)
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* avoid piracy of SparseArrays.permutedims(::AbstractSparseMatrix, ...)

use the new _permutedims in operators_sparse

* new abstract ParticleBasis to avoid piracy of QuantumInterface.Basis

* move all operations on abstract types to QuantumInterface.jl

* document the purposeful piracy of identityoperator

* test with QuantumInterface v0.2.0

* bump version number
  • Loading branch information
Krastanov authored Jun 9, 2023
1 parent c5543d8 commit d9b5ae1
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Showing 13 changed files with 26 additions and 553 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "QuantumOpticsBase"
uuid = "4f57444f-1401-5e15-980d-4471b28d5678"
version = "0.4.1"
version = "0.4.2"

Adapt = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e"
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Adapt = "1, 2, 3.3"
FFTW = "1.2"
FillArrays = "0.13, 1"
LRUCache = "1"
QuantumInterface = "0.1.0"
QuantumInterface = "0.2.0"
Strided = "1, 2"
UnsafeArrays = "1"
julia = "1.3"
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/QuantumOpticsBase.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,11 @@ module QuantumOpticsBase
using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, LRUCache, Strided, UnsafeArrays, FillArrays
import LinearAlgebra: mul!, rmul!

import QuantumInterface: dagger, directsum, , dm, embed, expect, permutesystems,
projector, ptrace, reduced, tensor,
import QuantumInterface: dagger, directsum, , dm, embed, expect, identityoperator,
permutesystems, projector, ptrace, reduced, tensor, , variance

# index helpers
import QuantumInterface: complement, remove, shiftremove, reducedindices!, check_indices, check_sortedindices, check_embed_indices

export Basis, GenericBasis, CompositeBasis, basis,
tensor, , permutesystems, @samebases,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +58,6 @@ export Basis, GenericBasis, CompositeBasis, basis,
SumBasis, directsum, , LazyDirectSum, getblock, setblock!,
qfunc, wigner, coherentspinstate, qfuncsu2, wignersu2

Expand Down
232 changes: 1 addition & 231 deletions src/operators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,94 +13,7 @@ abstract type DataOperator{BL,BR} <: AbstractOperator{BL,BR} end

# Common error messages
arithmetic_unary_error(funcname, x::AbstractOperator) = throw(ArgumentError("$funcname is not defined for this type of operator: $(typeof(x)).\nTry to convert to another operator type first with e.g. dense() or sparse()."))
arithmetic_binary_error(funcname, a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = throw(ArgumentError("$funcname is not defined for this combination of types of operators: $(typeof(a)), $(typeof(b)).\nTry to convert to a common operator type first with e.g. dense() or sparse()."))
addnumbererror() = throw(ArgumentError("Can't add or subtract a number and an operator. You probably want 'op + identityoperator(op)*x'."))

length(a::AbstractOperator) = length(a.basis_l)::Int*length(a.basis_r)::Int
basis(a::AbstractOperator) = (check_samebases(a); a.basis_l)

# Ensure scalar broadcasting
Base.broadcastable(x::AbstractOperator) = Ref(x)

# Arithmetic operations
+(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_binary_error("Addition", a, b)
+(a::Number, b::AbstractOperator) = addnumbererror()
+(a::AbstractOperator, b::Number) = addnumbererror()
+(a::AbstractOperator) = a

-(a::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_unary_error("Negation", a)
-(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_binary_error("Subtraction", a, b)
-(a::Number, b::AbstractOperator) = addnumbererror()
-(a::AbstractOperator, b::Number) = addnumbererror()

*(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_binary_error("Multiplication", a, b)
^(a::AbstractOperator, b::Integer) = Base.power_by_squaring(a, b)

dagger(a::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_unary_error("Hermitian conjugate", a)
Base.adjoint(a::AbstractOperator) = dagger(a)

conj(a::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_unary_error("Complex conjugate", a)
conj!(a::AbstractOperator) = conj(a::AbstractOperator)

# dense(a::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_unary_error("Conversion to dense", a)

transpose(a::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_unary_error("Transpose", a)

Check if an operator is Hermitian.
ishermitian(op::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_unary_error(ishermitian, op)

tensor(x::AbstractOperator, y::AbstractOperator, z::AbstractOperator...)
Tensor product ``\\hat{x}⊗\\hat{y}⊗\\hat{z}⊗…`` of the given operators.
tensor(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_binary_error("Tensor product", a, b)
tensor(op::AbstractOperator) = op
tensor(operators::AbstractOperator...) = reduce(tensor, operators)

embed(basis1[, basis2], indices::Vector, operators::Vector)
Tensor product of operators where missing indices are filled up with identity operators.
function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
indices, operators::Vector{T}) where T<:AbstractOperator

@assert check_embed_indices(indices)

N = length(basis_l.bases)
@assert length(basis_r.bases) == N
@assert length(indices) == length(operators)

# Embed all single-subspace operators.
idxop_sb = [x for x in zip(indices, operators) if x[1] isa Integer]
indices_sb = [x[1] for x in idxop_sb]
ops_sb = [x[2] for x in idxop_sb]

for (idxsb, opsb) in zip(indices_sb, ops_sb)
(opsb.basis_l == basis_l.bases[idxsb]) || throw(IncompatibleBases())
(opsb.basis_r == basis_r.bases[idxsb]) || throw(IncompatibleBases())

S = length(operators) > 0 ? mapreduce(eltype, promote_type, operators) : Any
embed_op = tensor([i indices_sb ? ops_sb[indexin(i, indices_sb)[1]] : identityoperator(T, S, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]) for i=1:N]...)

# Embed all joint-subspace operators.
idxop_comp = [x for x in zip(indices, operators) if x[1] isa Array]
for (idxs, op) in idxop_comp
embed_op *= embed(basis_l, basis_r, idxs, op)

return embed_op
using QuantumInterface: arithmetic_binary_error, arithmetic_unary_error, addnumbererror

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,12 +69,6 @@ function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,

return unpermuted_op
# The dictionary implementation works for non-DataOperators
embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis, indices, op::T) where T<:AbstractOperator = embed(basis_l, basis_r, Dict(indices=>op))

embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis, index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis_l, basis_r, index, [op])
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices, operators::Vector{T}) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis, basis, indices, operators)
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, indices, op::AbstractOperator) = embed(basis, basis, indices, op)

function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
index::Integer, op::T) where T<:DataOperator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,70 +102,6 @@ function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
return Operator(basis_l, basis_r, data)

embed(basis1[, basis2], operators::Dict)
`operators` is a dictionary `Dict{Vector{Int}, AbstractOperator}`. The integer vector
specifies in which subsystems the corresponding operator is defined.
function embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis,
operators::Dict{<:Vector{<:Integer}, T}) where T<:AbstractOperator
@assert length(basis_l.bases) == length(basis_r.bases)
N = length(basis_l.bases)::Int # type assertion to help type inference
if length(operators) == 0
return identityoperator(T, basis_l, basis_r)
indices, operator_list = zip(operators...)
operator_list = [operator_list...;]
S = mapreduce(eltype, promote_type, operator_list)
indices_flat = [indices...;]::Vector{Int} # type assertion to help type inference
start_indices_flat = [i[1] for i in indices]
complement_indices_flat = Int[i for i=1:N if i indices_flat]
operators_flat = AbstractOperator[]
if all(([minimum(I):maximum(I);]==I)::Bool for I in indices) # type assertion to help type inference
for i in 1:N
if i in complement_indices_flat
push!(operators_flat, identityoperator(T, S, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]))
elseif i in start_indices_flat
push!(operators_flat, operator_list[indexin(i, start_indices_flat)[1]])
return tensor(operators_flat...)
complement_operators = [identityoperator(T, S, basis_l.bases[i], basis_r.bases[i]) for i in complement_indices_flat]
op = tensor([operator_list; complement_operators]...)
perm = sortperm([indices_flat; complement_indices_flat])
return permutesystems(op, perm)
embed(basis_l::CompositeBasis, basis_r::CompositeBasis, operators::Dict{<:Integer, T}; kwargs...) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis_l, basis_r, Dict([i]=>op_i for (i, op_i) in operators); kwargs...)
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, operators::Dict{<:Integer, T}; kwargs...) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis, basis, operators; kwargs...)
embed(basis::CompositeBasis, operators::Dict{<:Vector{<:Integer}, T}; kwargs...) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = embed(basis, basis, operators; kwargs...)

Trace of the given operator.
tr(x::AbstractOperator) = arithmetic_unary_error("Trace", x)

ptrace(a::AbstractOperator, index) = arithmetic_unary_error("Partial trace", a)

Return the normalized operator so that its `tr(op)` is one.
normalize(op::AbstractOperator) = op/tr(op)

In-place normalization of the given operator so that its `tr(x)` is one.
normalize!(op::AbstractOperator) = throw(ArgumentError("normalize! is not defined for this type of operator: $(typeof(op)).\n You may have to fall back to the non-inplace version 'normalize()'."))

expect(op, state)
Expand All @@ -267,30 +110,15 @@ Expectation value of the given operator `op` for the specified `state`.
`state` can either be a (density) operator or a ket.
expect(op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{B}) where B = dot(, (op * state).data)
expect(op::AbstractOperator{B1,B2}, state::AbstractOperator{B2,B2}) where {B1,B2} = tr(op*state)

expect(index, op, state)
If an `index` is given, it assumes that `op` is defined in the subsystem specified by this number.
function expect(indices, op::AbstractOperator{B1,B2}, state::AbstractOperator{B3,B3}) where {B1,B2,B3<:CompositeBasis}
N = length(state.basis_l.shape)
indices_ = complement(N, indices)
expect(op, ptrace(state, indices_))
function expect(indices, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{B2}) where {B,B2<:CompositeBasis}
N = length(state.basis.shape)
indices_ = complement(N, indices)
expect(op, ptrace(state, indices_))

expect(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator{B1,B2}, state::AbstractOperator{B3,B3}) where {B1,B2,B3<:CompositeBasis} = expect([index], op, state)
expect(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{B2}) where {B,B2<:CompositeBasis} = expect([index], op, state)

expect(op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [expect(op, state) for state=states]
expect(indices, op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [expect(indices, op, state) for state=states]

variance(op, state)
Expand All @@ -302,60 +130,14 @@ function variance(op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{B}) where B
x = op*state'*(op*x).data - ('*^2
function variance(op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::AbstractOperator{B,B}) where B
expect(op*op, state) - expect(op, state)^2

variance(index, op, state)

If an `index` is given, it assumes that `op` is defined in the subsystem specified by this number
function variance(indices, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::AbstractOperator{BC,BC}) where {B,BC<:CompositeBasis}
N = length(state.basis_l.shape)
indices_ = complement(N, indices)
variance(op, ptrace(state, indices_))
function variance(indices, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{BC}) where {B,BC<:CompositeBasis}
N = length(state.basis.shape)
indices_ = complement(N, indices)
variance(op, ptrace(state, indices_))

variance(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::AbstractOperator{BC,BC}) where {B,BC<:CompositeBasis} = variance([index], op, state)
variance(index::Integer, op::AbstractOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{BC}) where {B,BC<:CompositeBasis} = variance([index], op, state)
variance(op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [variance(op, state) for state=states]
variance(indices, op::AbstractOperator, states::Vector) = [variance(indices, op, state) for state=states]

Operator exponential.
exp(op::AbstractOperator) = throw(ArgumentError("exp() is not defined for this type of operator: $(typeof(op)).\nTry to convert to dense operator first with dense()."))

permutesystems(a::AbstractOperator, perm) = arithmetic_unary_error("Permutations of subsystems", a)

identityoperator(a::Basis[, b::Basis])
identityoperator(::Type{<:AbstractOperator}, a::Basis[, b::Basis])
identityoperator(::Type{<:Number}, a::Basis[, b::Basis])
identityoperator(::Type{<:AbstractOperator}, ::Type{<:Number}, a::Basis[, b::Basis])
Return an identityoperator in the given bases. One can optionally specify the container
type which has to a subtype of [`AbstractOperator`](@ref) as well as the number type
to be used in the identity matrix.
identityoperator(::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where {T<:AbstractOperator,S} = throw(ArgumentError("Identity operator not defined for operator type $T."))
identityoperator(::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, b::Basis) where {T<:AbstractOperator,S} = identityoperator(T,S,b,b)
identityoperator(::Type{T}, bases::Basis...) where T<:AbstractOperator = identityoperator(T,eltype(T),bases...)
identityoperator(op::T) where {T<:AbstractOperator} = identityoperator(T, op.basis_l, op.basis_r)

# Catch case where eltype cannot be inferred from type; this is a bit hacky
identityoperator(::Type{T}, ::Type{Any}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where T<:AbstractOperator = identityoperator(T, ComplexF64, b1, b2)

one(x::Union{<:Basis,<:AbstractOperator}) = identityoperator(x)

# Helper functions to check validity of arguments
function check_ptrace_arguments(a::AbstractOperator, indices)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,17 +165,5 @@ function check_ptrace_arguments(a::StateVector, indices)
check_indices(length(basis(a).shape), indices)

samebases(a::AbstractOperator) = samebases(a.basis_l, a.basis_r)::Bool
samebases(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = samebases(a.basis_l, b.basis_l)::Bool && samebases(a.basis_r, b.basis_r)::Bool
check_samebases(a::AbstractOperator) = check_samebases(a.basis_l, a.basis_r)

multiplicable(a::AbstractOperator, b::Ket) = multiplicable(a.basis_r, b.basis)
multiplicable(a::Bra, b::AbstractOperator) = multiplicable(a.basis, b.basis_l)
multiplicable(a::AbstractOperator, b::AbstractOperator) = multiplicable(a.basis_r, b.basis_l)

Base.size(op::AbstractOperator) = (length(op.basis_l),length(op.basis_r))
function Base.size(op::AbstractOperator, i::Int)
i < 1 && throw(ErrorException("dimension index is < 1"))
i > 2 && return 1
i==1 ? length(op.basis_l) : length(op.basis_r)
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/operators_dense.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,9 +204,6 @@ function ptrace(psi::Bra, indices)
return Operator(b_, b_, result)

_index_complement(b::CompositeBasis, indices) = complement(length(b.bases), indices)
reduced(a, indices) = ptrace(a, _index_complement(basis(a), indices))

normalize!(op::Operator) = (rmul!(, 1.0/tr(op)); op)

function expect(op::DataOperator{B,B}, state::Ket{B}) where B
Expand Down
13 changes: 2 additions & 11 deletions src/operators_sparse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,12 +24,6 @@ SparseOperator(::Type{T},b::Basis) where T = SparseOperator(b,b,spzeros(T,length
SparseOperator(b1::Basis, b2::Basis) = SparseOperator(ComplexF64, b1, b2)
SparseOperator(b::Basis) = SparseOperator(ComplexF64, b, b)

Convert an arbitrary operator into a [`SparseOperator`](@ref).
sparse(a::AbstractOperator) = throw(ArgumentError("Direct conversion from $(typeof(a)) not implemented. Use sparse(full(op)) instead."))
sparse(a::DataOperator) = Operator(a.basis_l, a.basis_r, sparse(

function ptrace(op::SparseOpPureType, indices)
Expand All @@ -56,7 +50,7 @@ function permutesystems(rho::SparseOpPureType{B1,B2}, perm) where {B1<:Composite
@assert length(rho.basis_l.bases) == length(rho.basis_r.bases) == length(perm)
@assert isperm(perm)
shape = [rho.basis_l.shape; rho.basis_r.shape]
data = permutedims(, shape, [perm; perm .+ length(perm)])
data = _permutedims(, shape, [perm; perm .+ length(perm)])
SparseOperator(permutesystems(rho.basis_l, perm), permutesystems(rho.basis_r, perm), data)

Expand All @@ -74,10 +68,7 @@ identityoperator(::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where {T<:DataOpera
identityoperator(::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, b::Basis) where {T<:DataOperator,S<:Number} =
Operator(b, b, Eye{S}(length(b)))

identityoperator(::Type{T}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where T<:Number = identityoperator(DataOperator, T, b1, b2)
identityoperator(::Type{T}, b::Basis) where T<:Number = identityoperator(DataOperator, T, b)
identityoperator(b1::Basis, b2::Basis) = identityoperator(ComplexF64, b1, b2)
identityoperator(b::Basis) = identityoperator(ComplexF64, b)
identityoperator(::Type{T}, b1::Basis, b2::Basis) where T<:Number = identityoperator(DataOperator, T, b1, b2) # XXX This is purposeful type piracy over QuantumInterface, that hardcodes the use of QuantumOpticsBase.DataOperator in identityoperator. Also necessary for backward compatibility.

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