(I am working on this project in my free time with the goal to build a blockchain framework to use in my other for-fun projects I am working on at the moment)
Initial version of a blockchain implementation in Go.
You will need to run a couple of chain servers:
cd chainserver
go run main.go chainserver.go -p=5555
go run main.go chainserver.go -p=6666
and run one web wallet server that will connect to at least one mining node:
cd walletserver
go run main.go walletserver.go -port=8888 -gateway= -gateway_port=5555
access the wallet at: localhost:8888
or whatever port value you specified for -port
and use sender address as "MOVIECOIN BLOCKCHAIN" to send yourself a few coins to get started. At the moment it's an unlimited supply of coins.
Added support for AES-256 CBC encryption. Individual strings can be strongly encrypted before being saved to a database.
What I am working on next: Web Wallet front with React.js