Microservices skeleton on Docker using RabbitMQ for asynchronous IPC support Python & Golang.
- Setup simple Microservice on Docker using RabbitMQ
- Create a service skeleton with Flask
- Create a service skeleton with Go
- Sample for handle inter-process communication (IPC)
- Implement business transactions using Microservices use Saga Pattern
- Create a service skeleton with FastAPI
Start python service on docker
$ cd microservices-rabbitmq
$ docker exec -it microservices-rabbitmq_python-service bash
# root@62fa0cbb4d35:/python-service#
# Run Flask application
FLASK_APP=main.py python -m flask run --port 3000 --host
Start go service on docker
$ cd microservices-rabbitmq
$ docker exec -it microservices-rabbitmq_go-service bash
# root@ede84d6b4e7e:/go-service#
# Run go application
go run main.go
Start a client on new termial
$ curl -d "full_name=David" -X POST http://localhost:3000/users/1
# {"full_name":"David"}
Open sevice's terminal you will see the update.
Thanks to nice articles: