Molotov is a bot for the insanely addictive game Bomb Party (
Programmed on Python 3.10
Bomb Party is a simple game where you try to create words that contain a certain subset. For example, an answer to the subset 'AC' might be 'catarACt' or 'sACk'.
Given that I am kind of bad at this game, I made a bot for it!
One command (linux):
git clone && cd Molotov && pip3 install -r requirements.txt && python3
You will need git and python3 to run Molotov.
You will need a Bomb Party game open to complete setup, just follow the instructions from
Just run python3
to activate. If you move or resize your window, run python3 --reconfigure
and follow the setup again!
Just post the full output of the program under Issues and I will try to fix it as best I can!
- join-game: this is the x/y coordinates of the Join Game button
- join-game-color: the RGB of the Join Game button
- letter: the x/y of the subset
- current-turn: the RGB of the text box
- record: the record of the bot
- delay: the delay for typing (to impersonate >:)