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CDR(Call Data Record) logger that sends call logs to the Quartx Call Monitoring service for analysis.


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Quartx Call Logger

Call logger component for the Quartx phone system monitoring service.

This logger can monitor phone systems for CDR(Call Data Records) and send the records to the monitoring service. The monitoring frontend will then analyze the records and display them in a easy to view web interface.

Phone system support is done using plugins. The currently available plugins are:

  • SiemensHipathSerial: Add's support for the Siemens Hipath phone system, using the serial interface.
  • BeroNet: Add's support for ISDN -> SIP exchange BeroNet devices, HTTP API requests.
  • Mock: Generate random call records continuously.

This package is designed to be run within a containerized environment, for this we use docker. The containerized image is built to work on linux/amd64 and linux/arm64.


All the configuration is done through the docker command. Docker is configured through the command options and the call logger is configured using environment variables.

Here is a list of command options that we will use to configure the docker container.

  • --detach: Tell docker to start in the background.
  • --name "calllogger": Set the identifier name for the container.
  • --volume="calllogger-data:/data": Create a docker data volume and mount it into the container, this is required as containers are stateless.
  • --restart=on-failure: Tell docker to start on startup and restart the docker container if the program exits unexpectedly.
  • --network host: Give the container direct access to the network devices. This is required for device identification.
  • --env "KEY=VALUE": Set environment variables to be used by the call logger (Should not be needed).
  • --device=/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0: Mount the USB serial device into the container. The first path component is the path to the device on the host. The second path component is the mount point in the container. The call logger expects the device path to be /dev/ttyUSB0 by default.
  • --group-add dialout: This will give the container permission to access a serial device.

If you do not need access to any serial device, you can omit the --device and --group-add parameters.

Below is a list of environment variables that can be used to configure the call logger. This is normally controlled by the server, and is only used for testing.

  • CHECKIN_INTERVAL: Time between server checkins in minutes. Max 30min.
  • TIMEOUT: Timeout in seconds to sleep between errors.
  • TIMEOUT_DECAY: Multiplier that increases the timeout on continuous errors.
  • MAX_TIMEOUT: The max value the timeout can be after continuous decay.
  • QUEUE_SIZE: Size of the call queue.
  • DEBUG: Set to true to enable debug logging.
  • PLUGIN: Set to plugin of choice i.e. SiemensHipathSerial

Some plugins also have their own set of configurations that can be set using environment variables.



In order to run this project locally, you will need to have PDM installed. PDM is used to manage and install the package dependencies while also making it easier to run the project.

PDM can be installed using pacman or if that failes, using a install script.

sudo pacman -S python-pdm # Better option
curl -sSL | python3 - # Fallback

With PDM installed, run the below commands to start the call-logger. Adding a .env file with the environment variables you want to alter in the project's root directory, will allow for settings to be easily changed. See src/calllogger/ for all available settings.

pdm install
pdm run calllogger


There is only one command required to install, configure and run the call logger. The plugin that will be used is determined by the plugin environment variable. See Configuration for extra parameters that you may need to use.

Example of a SiemensHipathSerial deployment.

docker run --detach --name "calllogger" --device="/dev/ttyUSB0" --group-add dialout --volume="calllogger-data:/data" --restart=on-failure --network host --env PLUGIN=SiemensHipathSerial

Example of a BeroNet deployment.

docker run --detach --name "calllogger" --volume="calllogger-data:/data" --restart=on-failure --network host --env PLUGIN=BeroNet

When deploying a call-logger device, it is useful to know the mac address of the device. This is used as the device identifier.

docker run --rm --network host getmac


Updates can be handled using watchtower. Watchtower can update the running containers whenever it detects that a new image has been pushed to the docker registry. This check is run once every 24 hours. The update check process can also be triggered at any point when required by calling it with the --run-once parameter.

To set up watchtower to periodically check for updates every 24 hours.

docker run --detach --name watchtower --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --cleanup --interval 86400

To trigger a watchtower update check.

docker run --rm --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --run-once --cleanup

Remote Access

For testing purposes, you can install a VPN like tool that allows for remote access without any port forwarding. For this we will use ZeroTier. But first it would be a good idea to set up a firewall before installing ZeroTier. The following instructions are for Linux systems, ZeroTier will work on many systems.

# Install firewall
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ufw
sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
sudo ufw enable
# Install ZeroTier
curl -s | sudo bash
sudo zerotier-cli join <NETWORK-ID>

The above commands will set up the system to join a zerotier private network. The NETWORK-ID is the ID of the zerotier Call-Logger network. The ID can be found within the ZeroTier online account.

To access the call-logger device you just need to join the Call-Logger network on your local machine. Then you can run ssh using the zerotier IP address of that device. Afterwords it's always a good idea to leave the network when your finished.

sudo zerotier-cli leave <NETWORK-ID>


CDR(Call Data Record) logger that sends call logs to the Quartx Call Monitoring service for analysis.









Contributors 3
