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Scripts to perform WRF model evaluation, tailored for Sao Paulo State.

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wrf_sp_eval: tools to perform WRF-Chem model evaluation in Sao Paulo State

These modules will help you to evaluate WRF/WRF-Chem model performance using CETESB air quality network information. The process of select stations, download CETESB Data and format it, calculate performance statistics and some plots, are automatized.

  • qualar_py: Download CETESB air quality station data, It's based on qualR R package.
  • : Prepare downloaded CETESB data and extract AQS data from the model.
  • Performance statistics functions based on Emery et al. 2017 (Highly recommend paper!)


To run the modules, you first need to install the requirements. We recommend to use miniconda or anaconda.

First, download or clone this respo by:

git clone 

We recommend to create and enviroment to run these modules:

conda create --name wrf_sp
conda activate wrf_sp

To facilitate the installation do:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Then install the following packages:

conda install xarray
conda install pandas
conda install wrf-python
conda install netCDF4
conda install matplotlib
conda install requests 
conda install beautifulsoup4 
conda install lxml

You are ready to go.

Input data

Well, you need to have a wrfout file and the list with CETESB air quality station information (AQS). The file cetesb2017_latlon.dat contains information for the AQS for 2017 base year. If you are going to test these modules, we recommend to use test.dat, which has only five AQS.

This text file is a csv file with AQS names, the codes in CETESB qualar system, and latitute and longitude (name, code, lat, and lon). You can select the AQS of your interest from cetesb2017_latlon.dat.

How to use

Examples of how to use these modules is shown in, you can use this file as a template for your experiments. Let's try to explain it.

Loading modules

The package that contains the modules is called wrf_sp_eval. So It has to be in the same working directory where you do the model evalatuation. You'll also need wrf-python and Dataset (from netCDF4 package).

import wrf as wrf
from netCDF4 import Dataset
# Loading the modules
import wrf_sp_eval.data_preparation as dp
import wrf_sp_eval.qualar_py as qr
import wrf_sp_eval.model_stats as ms

Reading wrfout and extracting variables

We use Dataset to load wrfout and wrf-python to extract the model variables that we want to evaluate.

# Reading wrfout
wrfout = Dataset("wrfout_d02_2018-06-21_00:00:00")

# Extracting met variables
t2 = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "T2", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES, method="cat")
rh2 = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "rh2", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES, method="cat")
psfc = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "PSFC", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES, method="cat")
wind = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "uvmet10_wspd_wdir", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES,
ws = wind.sel(wspd_wdir="wspd")
wd = wind.sel(wspd_wdir="wdir")

# Extracting pollutants variables
o3 = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "o3", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES, method="cat")
co = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "co", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES, method="cat")
no = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "no", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES, method="cat")
no2 = wrf.getvar(wrfout, "no2", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES, method="cat")

Pollutants and unit change

Currently, we wrf_sp_eval works with surface variables. So, in this part we retrieve the concentration in the surface, and because CETESB data is in μg/m3 (CO is in ppm), we use ppm_to_ugm3() function from data_preparation module, to make the unit tranformation using model Temperature and Pressure.

# Retrieving pollutants from surface
o3_sfc = o3.isel(bottom_top=0)
co_sfc = co.isel(bottom_top=0)
no_sfc = no.isel(bottom_top=0)
no2_sfc = no2.isel(bottom_top=0)

# Transform surface polutant from ppm to ug/m3
o3_u = dp.ppm_to_ugm3(o3_sfc, t2, psfc, 48)
no_u = dp.ppm_to_ugm3(no_sfc, t2, psfc, 30)
no2_u = dp.ppm_to_ugm3(no2_sfc, t2, psfc, 46)

Downloading CETESB data for model evaluation

To download CETESB data, you need to have an account. We only need information for the simulated period. We use qualar_st_end_time() function from data_preparation module to extract the start and end date from wrfout and to format them to be used in qualar_py module. Also, It's possible that not all CETESB AQS are in your WRF domain, so you can use stations_in_domains() function to select only the required AQS from your domian, in this case, the text file with your AQS information is test.dat (you later from cetesb2017_latlon.dat can select the AQS of your interest).

# Downloading CETESB data for  model evaluation

# CETESB qualR username and password
cetesb_login = 'your_user_name'
cetesb_pass = 'your_password'

# Getting dates to download from wrfout t2 variable
start_date, end_date = dp.qualar_st_end_time(t2)

# Loading List of stations and use only the stations inside wrfout
cetesb_dom = dp.stations_in_domains("./test.dat", wrfout, t2)

Then we use download_load_cetesb_met() or download_load_cetesb_pol() to download CETESB data. To avoid download the data every time you perform the model evalatuation, these functions will check if you already downloaded the data. It look for files with this format: met_{start_date}-{end_date}.pkl or met_{start_date}-{end_date}.pkl. For example, here It looks for met_20_06_2018-29_06_2018.pkl and pol_20_06_2018-29_06_2018.pkl.

# Downloading meteorological data and pollutant data from CETESB QUALAR
cetesb_met = dp.download_load_cetesb_met(cetesb_dom, cetesb_login,
                                         cetesb_pass, start_date,
cetesb_pol = dp.download_load_cetesb_pol(cetesb_dom, cetesb_login,
                                         cetesb_pass, start_date,

Extracting AQS data from wrfout

Now you need to extract point AQS data from model results. You need a DataFrame with the information of the AQS in your domain (cetesb_dom), a tuple with the needed extracted wrfout variables, and because we are working with CETESB data, we tranform it to America/Sao_Paulo time zone. The tuple with variables to extract could've been (t2, o3_u, rh2) or simply (t2), in this case we split then in met and pol variables.

# Extracting model result from station locations, note that the variables
# to extract is a tupple (). to_local=True is to tranform model UTC to
# Sao Paulo local time
wrf_met = dp.cetesb_from_wrf(cetesb_dom, (t2, rh2, wind),
wrf_pol = dp.cetesb_from_wrf(cetesb_dom, (o3_u, no_u, no2_u, co_sfc),

Getting model and observation data ready

When we do model evaluation, we need to remove the spin-up, and also ensure that there are the same number of model-observation pairs matched by date. model_eval_setup() function does this job for us. Here we discard the first three days so date_start='2018-06-24'

# Preparing model and observation dictionaries for model evaluation:
# Remove spin_up time, extracting use same times in model and observation
# dictionary. Here 2018-06-24, represent the date after spin-up,
# Like, from what date should I start the model evaluation?

model_met, obs_met = dp.model_eval_setup(wrf_met, cetesb_met, date_start='2018-06-24')
model_pol, obs_pol = dp.model_eval_setup(wrf_pol, cetesb_pol, date_start='2018-06-24')

Model evaluation (at last!)

Once we got our model and observation data ready, we can calculate performance statistic for each AQS using all_aqs_all_vars() or the ovearll performance statistics with global_stat() functions from model_stats package. csv=True will export the output in csv file named like: {var1}_{var2}_{varN}_stats.csv or {var1}_{var2}_{varN}_global_stats.csv. In this example, we'll get o3_no_no2_co_stats.csv, t2_rh2_ws_wd_stats.csv , o3_no_no2_co_global_stats.csv, and t2_rh2_ws_wd_global_stats.csv.

# Calculating performance statistic for each staion
pol_eval = ms.all_aqs_all_vars(wrf_pol, cetesb_pol, csv=True)
met_eval = ms.all_aqs_all_vars(wrf_met, cetesb_met, csv=True)

# Calculating global statistic for each variable
pol_glob_eval = ms.global_stat(model_pol, obs_pol, csv=True)
met_global_eval = ms.global_stat(model_met, obs_met, csv=True)

Temporal series

We can do some plots to check how the model did. simple_vs_plot() will give us a hand.

# Time series comparison
for k in model_met:
    ms.simple_vs_plot(model_met[k], obs_met[k], 't2', '$T2 \; (K)$',
                      True, '.png')
    ms.simple_vs_plot(model_met[k], obs_met[k], 'rh2', '$RH2 \; (\%)$',
                      True, '.png')
    ms.simple_vs_plot(model_met[k], obs_met[k], 'ws', '$WS10 \; (m/s)$',
                      True, '.png')

for k in model_pol:
    ms.simple_vs_plot(model_pol[k], obs_pol[k], 'o3', '$O_3 \; (\mu g / m^3)$',
                      True, '.png')
    ms.simple_vs_plot(model_pol[k], obs_pol[k], 'no', '$NO \; (\mu g / m^3)$',
                      True, '.png')
    ms.simple_vs_plot(model_pol[k], obs_pol[k], 'no2', '$NO_2 \; (\mu g / m^3)$',
                      True, '.png')
    ms.simple_vs_plot(model_pol[k], obs_pol[k], 'co', '$CO \; (ppm)$',
                      True, '.png')

NO, NO2 and O3 diurnal profile

To check how our NOX emissions are, one good excersise is to see the diurnal profile of NO, NO2 and O3. photo_profile_comparison() shows a comparison between observation and model concentrations. Here is a comparison from Pinehiros AQS.

# Photochemical profile comparison

pin_wrf = model_pol['Pinheiros']
pin_obs = obs_pol['Pinheiros']

ms.photo_profile_comparison(pin_wrf, pin_obs,

One more thing

  • Thanks CETESB for the information
  • God Luck on your research!


Scripts to perform WRF model evaluation, tailored for Sao Paulo State.






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