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Releases: quixio/quix-streams


24 Feb 13:55
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What's Changed

💎Table-style printing of StreamingDataFrames

You can now examine the incoming data streams in a table-like format StreamingDataFrame.print_table() feature.

For interactive terminals, it can print new rows row-by-row in a live mode with an artificial delay, allowing you to glance at the data stream easily.
For non-interactive environments (stdout, file, etc.) or if live=False, it will print rows in batches as soon as the data is available to the application.

This is an experimental feature, so feel free to submit an issue with your feedback 👍

See the docs to learn more about StreamingDataFrame.print_table().

sdf = app.dataframe(...)
# some SDF transformations happening here ...

# Print last 5 records with metadata columns in live mode
sdf.print_table(size=5, title="My Stream", live=True)

# For wide datasets, limit columns to improve readability
    title="My Stream",
    columns=["id", "name", "value"],
    column_widths={"name": 20}

# Live output:
My Stream
┃ _key       ┃ _timestamp ┃ id     ┃ name                 ┃ value   ┃
│ b'53fe8e4' │ 1738685136 │ 876    │ Charlie              │ 42.5    │
│ b'91bde51' │ 1738685137 │ 11     │ Alice                │ 18.3    │
│ b'6617dfe' │ 1738685138 │ 133    │ Bob                  │ 73.1    │
│ b'f47ac93' │ 1738685139 │ 244    │ David                │ 55.7    │
│ b'038e524' │ 1738685140 │ 567    │ Eve                  │ 31.9    │

By @gwaramadze in #740, #760


  • ⚠️ Fix default state dir for Quix Cloud apps by @gwaramadze in #759
    Please note that the state may be recovered to a different directory when updating existing deployments in Quix Cloud if state_dir is not set.

  • [Issue #440] ignore errors in rmtree by @ulisesojeda in #753

  • Fix QuixPortalApiService failing in multiprocessing environment by @daniil-quix in #755


  • Add missing "how to install" section for PandasDataFrameSource by @daniil-quix in #751

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.8.1...v3.9.0


13 Feb 14:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.8.0...v3.8.1


07 Feb 11:13
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What's Changed

💎 Count-based windows

Count-based windows allow aggregating events based on their number instead of time.
They can be helpful when time is not relevant to the particular aggregation or when a large number of out-of-order events are expected in the data stream.
Count-based windows support the same aggregations as time-based windows, including .reduce() and .collect().
Supported window types:

  • tumbling_count_window() - slice incoming stream into fixed-sized batches
  • hopping_count_window() - slice incoming stream into overlapping batches of a fixed size with a fixed step.
  • sliding_count_window() - same as to count-based hopping windows with a step of 1 (e.g., last 10 events in the stream)


from quixstreams import Application

app = Application(...)
sdf = app.dataframe(...)

sdf = (
    # Define a count-based tumbling window of size 3

    # Specify the "collect" aggregate function

    # Emit updates once the window is closed

# Expected output:
# {
#    "value": [<event1>, <event2>, <event3>], 
#    "start": <min timestamp in the batch>, 
#    "end": <max timestamp in the batch>
# }

See the "Windowed Aggregations" docs page for more info.

By @quentin-quix in #736 #739

💎 New Connectors

By @tim-quix in #733 #727

💎 A callback to react to late messages in Windows

Time-based windows can now accept on_late callbacks to react to late messages in the windows.
You can use this callback to customize the logging of such messages or to send them to some dead-letter queue, for example.


from typing import Any

from datetime import timedelta
from quixstreams import Application

app = Application(...)
sdf = app.dataframe(...)

def on_late(
    value: Any,         # Record value
    key: Any,           # Record key
    timestamp_ms: int,  # Record timestamp
    late_by_ms: int,    # How late the record is in milliseconds
    start: int,         # Start of the target window
    end: int,           # End of the target window
    name: str,          # Name of the window state store
    topic: str,         # Topic name
    partition: int,     # Topic partition
    offset: int,        # Message offset
) -> bool:
    Define a callback to react on late records coming into windowed aggregations.
    Return `False` to suppress the default logging behavior.
    print(f"Late message is detected at the window {(start, end)}")
    return False

# Define a 1-hour tumbling window and provide the "on_late" callback to it
sdf.tumbling_window(timedelta(hours=1), on_late=on_late)

# Start the application
if __name__ == '__main__':

See more in the docs

by @daniil-quix in #701 #732

🦠 Bugfixes

Other Changes

Full Changelog: v3.7.0...v3.8.0


23 Jan 09:00
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What's Changed

[NEW] 💎 Collection-based windowed aggregations

A new window operation was added to gather all events in the window into batches - collect().
You can use it to perform aggregations requiring collections that cannot be expressed via the reduce() approach, such as calculating medians.

This operation is optimized for collecting values and performs significantly better than using reduce() to accumulate batches of data.


### Collect all events over a 10-minute tumbling window into a list. ###

from datetime import timedelta
from quixstreams import Application

app = Application(...)
sdf = app.dataframe(...)

sdf = (
    # Define a tumbling window of 10 minutes

    # Collect events in the window into a list

    # Emit results only for closed windows
# Output:
# {
#   'start': <window start>, 
#   'end': <window end>, 
#   'value': [event1, event2, event3, ...] - list of all events in the window
# }

Docs -

By @gwaramadze in #688

Full Changelog: v3.6.1...v3.7.0


17 Jan 14:29
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What's Changed

⚠️ Fix the bug when creating a changelog topic set the cleanup.policy for the source topic to compact

Only topics created on the fly and repartition topics were affected. The configuration of existing topics is intact.

Please check the cleanup.policy for the topics used in the applications and adjust if necessary.

Introduced in v3.4.0.

Fixed by @quentin-quix in #716

Other changes

  • Influxdb3 Sink: add some functionality and QoL improvements by @tim-quix in #689
  • Bump types-protobuf from to by @dependabot in #683

Full Changelog: v3.6.0...v3.6.1


15 Jan 14:40
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What's Changed

Main Changes

⚠️ Switch to "range" assignor strategy from "cooperative-sticky"

Due to discovered issues with the "cooperative-sticky" assignment strategy, commits made during the rebalancing phase were failing.
To avoid that, we changed the partition assignor to "range" which doesn't have such issues.
Note that "range" assignor is enforced for consumers used by Application, but it can be overridden for consumers created via app.get_consumer() API.

How to update:
Since "cooperative-sticky" and "range" strategies must not be mixed, all consumers in the group must first leave the group, and then rejoin it after upgrading the application to Quix Streams v3.6.0.

For more details, see #705 and #712

Other Changes


Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.6.0


19 Dec 15:17
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What's Changed




New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v3.5.0


04 Dec 15:39
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What's Changed

Breaking changes💥

Prefix topic names with source__ for auto-generated source topics

By default, each Source provides a default topic by implementing the default_topic() method.
⚠️Since v3.4.0, the names of default topics are always prefixed with "source__" for better visibility across other topics in the cluster.
This doesn't apply when the topic is passed explicitly via app.dataframe(source, topic) or app.add_source(source, topic).

After upgrading to 3.4.0, the existing Sources using default topics will look for the topic with the new name on restart and create it if
doesn't exist.
To keep using the existing topics, pass the pre-configured Topic instance with the existing name and serialization config:

from quixstreams import Application

app = Application(...)
# Configure the topic instance to use it together with the Source
topic = app.topic("<existing topic name>", value_serializer=..., value_deserializer=..., key_serializer=..., key_deserializer=...)
source = SomeSource(...)

# To run Sources together with a StreamingDataFrame:
sdf = app.dataframe(source=source, topic=topic)

# or for running Sources stand-alone:
app.add_source(source=source, topic=topic)

by @daniil-quix in #651 #662

Features 🌱

Improvements 💎

Docs 📄

  • Remove the list of supported connectors from the Connectors docs. by @daniil-quix in #664


Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0


19 Nov 11:22
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What's Changed

New Connectors for Google Cloud

In this release, 3 new connectors have been added:

To learn more about them, see the respective docs pages.

Other updates

Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.3.0


08 Nov 15:21
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What's Changed

This is a bugfix release downgrading confluent-kafka to 2.4.0 because of the authentication issue introduced in 2.6.0.

Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1