Releases: quobyte/quobyte-csi-driver
Derive user/group from the user credentials
Release synopsis
Derive user/group from user credentials.
are optional. See StorageClass example for more information.- CSI driver pods now mount /etc/passwd and /etc/group from host such that users can be mapped and resolved inside Driver pods when required.
- Fixed shared volume permissions update issue.
Compatibility: k8s release v1.30.x and newer releases that support CSI spec v1.9.0
This release is tested with k8s v1.32.0 against Quobyte 3.x (3.24.4).
NOTE 1: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
- Shared volume PV cannot be deleted by Quobyte non-super user.
Updated pod killer to v0.2.2
Release synopsis
This is a bug fix release for pod killer - upgrade is required if your setup uses pod killer
- Fixed non-functioning pod killer (pod killer was not killing pods with stale mounts even after days)
Compatibility: k8s release v1.27.x and newer releases that support CSI spec v1.9.0
This release is tested minimally with k8s v1.30.6 against Quobyte 3.x (3.24.3).
NOTE 1: This bug fix release is tested limitedly (pod killer functionality tested - end to end tests are not executed as there is no change in CSI Driver components)
NOTE 2: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Access keys bug fixes
Release synopsis
This is a bug fix release for access keys
- Fixed a volume mount failure issue with access tightened Quobyte clusters (Tenant's access allowed from networks is empty and client IP is not in trusted service networks).
- Uses unpredictable random uuid for access key handle.
Compatibility: k8s release v1.27.x and newer releases that support CSI spec v1.9.0
This release is tested with k8s v1.30.6 against Quobyte 3.x (3.24.3).
NOTE 1: This bug fix release is tested limitedly (access keys, and plain PVC mount tests were run. Namespace as tenant, shared volume tests are not run as part of testing)
NOTE 2: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Fix duplicate volume definitions
Release synopsis
- Fixes duplicate volume definitions #92
- Removed StorageClass parameter
- For Quobyte 3.x deployments, this parameter is ignored. Configure policy rules in Quobyte UI instead of using
parameter. - For Quobyte 2.x deployments, this flag is kept for compatibility reasons. (If you have Quobyte 2.x deployments, we highly recommend upgrade to Quobyte 3.x version)
- For Quobyte 3.x deployments, this parameter is ignored. Configure policy rules in Quobyte UI instead of using
Compatibility: k8s release v1.27.x and newer releases that support CSI spec v1.9.0
This release is tested with k8s v1.30.4 against Quobyte 3.x (3.23.2).
NOTE: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Add pod killer DNS policy
Release synopsis
- Added pod level
(see CSI Driver config) setting to the pod killer node component - Removed Pod Security Policies related config (see k8s deprecation)
- Improved instructions on Quobyte client setup for access key environments
Compatibility: k8s release v1.27.x and newer releases that support CSI spec v1.9.0
This release is tested with k8s v1.30.4 against Quobyte 3.x (3.23.1).
NOTE: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Quobyte CSI Driver with Pod killer fixes
Release synopsis
- Fixed a bug in pod killer deduplication cache (see Pod Killer for more information)
- Add replication to pod killer cache to support rolling upgrades of pod killer. Keep at least one pod killer cache running all the time for pod killer to function.
Compatibility: k8s release v1.27.x and newer releases that support CSI spec v1.9.0
This release is tested with k8s v1.29.2 against Quobyte 3.x (3.22).
NOTE: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Quobyte CSI Driver with scalable pod killer
Release synopsis
- Quobyte CSI driver compatibility with the K8s >= v1.27.x (tested with k8s v1.29.2)
- Includes improved Quobyte CSI Pod killer (See Pod Killer release note)
Compatibility: k8s release v1.27.x and newer releases that support CSI spec v1.9.0
This version of Quobyte CSI driver is tested against Quobyte 3.x (3.21.1).
NOTE: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Quobyte CSI driver for k8s v1.27.x, v1.28.x and v1.29.x
Release synopsis
- Quobyte CSI driver compatibility with the K8s v1.27.x (tested with k8s v1.27.11), v1.28.x (tested with v1.28.7) and
v1.29.x (tested with v1.29.2) is tested with this release. - Update Quobyte CSI Driver container base image to Ubuntu 22.04
- Updated k8s CSI driver side car container versions to latest releases
- Includes security patches for the dependent libraries
Compatibility: k8s release v1.27.x and newer releases that support CSI spec 1.6.0
This version of Quobyte CSI driver is tested against Quobyte 3.x (3.21.1).
NOTE: This release is not tested with Quobyte 2.x versions.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Quobyte CSI driver with k8s v1.27.1
Release synopsis
Quobyte CSI driver compatibility with the K8s v1.27.1 is tested with this (minor) release.
Compatibility: k8s release v1.22.x and newer releases that support CSI spec 1.5.0
This version of Quobyte CSI driver is tested with k8s v1.27.1 against Quobyte 3.x and 2.x cluster (both 3.x and 2.x latest releases).
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)
Fixed idempotency issue and other issues
Release synopsis
Upgrade is required if you use shared volumes/disable_oversubscription feature
- Fixed an idempotency issue when over subscription is disabled (
disable_oversubscription: true
) - Improved Shared volumes for dynamic provisioning documentation. Quotas cannot be set for shared volume via k8s (if required should be set directly via Quobyte webconsole or management API).
- Includes some minor documentation and example updates.
Compatibility: k8s release v1.22.x and newer releases that support CSI spec 1.5.0
This version of Quobyte CSI driver is tested with k8s v1.26.0 against Quobyte 3.12 cluster.
To get this release, follow the Quobyte CSI driver documentation
Known issues
- K8S e2e snapshots tests are failing (unstable/not working snapshots)