Plugin for vim - Inc-/decrement the current value (bool, int, numeric, hex) with one keystroke
During editing position your cursor on a boolean, integer, number or hex value and press C-A or C-X in normal mode.
- switch=false # +/- -> true
- switch=TRUE # +/- -> FALSE
- int=1 # - -> 0 -1 -2
- num=4.98 # + -> 4.99 5.00
- num=.4 # + -> .5
- hex=0x19 # + -> 0x1a
- hex=ab # + -> ac
- hex=1B07 # -> 1B08
- hex=#9 # + -> a
- test5 # int surrounded
- test123test # int surrounded
- True # boolean
- 0xf9 # hex
- 5A3 # tex
- ’ # xml/xhtml
- \x19 # unix, bash
- FFh or 05A3H # intel assembly
- #9 # modulo2
- 16#5A3# # ada/vhdl
- 16r5A3 # smalltalk/algol
- 16#5A7 # postscript/bash
- \u0019 \U00000019 # bash
- #16r4a # common lisp
- &H5A3 or &5a3 # several basic
- 0h5A3 ti series
- U+20AD # unicode
- S=U+9 # integer
- $5A3 # assembly/basic
- H'ABCD' # microchip
- x"5A3" # vhdl
- 8'hFF # verilog
- #x4a # common lisp
- X'5A3' # ibm mainframe
- 'yes' # configuration
- "false" # configuration
Example installation if you use pathogen:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle/netxval/plugin
cp nextval.vim ~/.vim/bundle/netxval/plugin
vi .vimrc # if you want to modifiy the default keys (C-a/C-x) and add e.g.:
nmap <silent> <unique> + <Plug>nextvalInc
nmap <silent> <unique> - <Plug>nextvalDec