A single python file that could automatically turn a 2-planets ADOFAI level to a 3-planets ADOFAI level (and more).
In the Steam Workshop, there're really a lot of levels that just turn two planets to three planets. That's not very creative and I think that these kinds of levels should be OK to convert automatically. And here we are!
Convert a 2-planets ADOFAI level to a 3-planets ADOFAI level.
planetamountconvert.py [-h] [<input_path> [<options>]]
`-h`, `--help` show this help message and exit
`-l`, `--length` get the length of a lavel and exit
`-o <path>`, `--output <path>`
set the output path (default: input_folder\input_file_name(3planets).adofai)
-s [start_end_to_list], --setting [start_end_to_list]
the converting setting (default: '::')
[start_end_to_list] -> [start_block]:[end_block]:[to_planets] [[start_block]:[end_block]:[to_planets] ...]
0 < start_block ≤ end_block ≤ length
to_planets > 1
PlanetAmountConvert.py ./main.adofai 50:: :60:2
# Convert main.adofai
# between Block 61 and the last block to 3 planets and
# between the first block and Block 60 to 2 planets.
# The second option will override the first option.
from planetamountconvert import Level
# See more hint on the note and in example.py
2023/6/5: Fix a bug due to the game update.
2023/4/18: Rewrite all scripts with pythonic OOP. Use json and argparse instead of eval and getopt. Add type hint. Optimize GUI and CLI experince.
2022/3/28: Fix a bug about float.
2022/9/7: Combine 2planetsto3planets.py and GUI.py. Fix 1 bug: Hold converting is not correct. 1 New feature: Convert camera and track moves now!
2022/8/2: Add a whole new panel that you can choose from-planet amount and to-planet amount.
2022/7/28: Fix that the degree isn't correct when a hold is less than 60°.
2022/7/26: Add a GUI version.
2022/7/18: Add several options and their help. Converting 3 planets to 3 planets now gives warning.
2022/7/14: Add support for holds which more than 1 lap.
Issue and Pull-requests is both welcomed.
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