PyCBC is software developed by a collaboration of LIGO, Virgo, and independent scientists. It is open source and freely available. We use PyCBC in the detection of gravitational waves from binary mergers such as GW150914. These examples explore how to analyze gravitational wave data, how we find potential signals, and learn about them.
These notebooks are available to view, download, or run in interactive sessions.
Tutorial 1: Accessing Gravitational-wave data
Tutorial 2: Data visualization and basic signal processing
Tutorial 3: Matched filtering to identify signals
Tutorial 4: Signal Consistency and Basis Significance Testing
Tutorial 1: Models (likelihood function you are trying to sample + priors) and Samplers by Hand
- How to access LIGO data
- How to do some basic signal processing
- Data visualization of LIGO data in time-frequency plots
- Matched filtering to extract a known signal