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Update tojson from pkgdepends
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gaborcsardi committed Nov 24, 2023
1 parent 25b7948 commit 3a89348
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Showing 5 changed files with 633 additions and 76 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/advanced_search.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ advanced_search <- function(..., json = NULL, format = c("short", "long"),
default_field = "*"
), opts = list(auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE))

} else {
qstr <- json
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion R/api.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -177,7 +177,10 @@ make_query <- function(query) {

opts = list(auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE)

do_query <- function(query, server, port, from, size) {
Expand Down
126 changes: 98 additions & 28 deletions R/tojson.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,52 +3,101 @@ tojson <- local({
mapply(fn, x, y, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

filter <- function(v, fn) {
keep <- vapply(v, fn, logical(1))

# FIXME: is this escaping the right things?
jq <- function(x) {
encodeString(x, quote = "\"", justify = "none")

comma <- function(x, key = NULL) {
# 1. add a "key": at the begining of each element, unless is.null(key)
# 2. add a comma after each elelemt, except the last one
# Each element can be a character vector, so `key` is added to the first
# element of the character vectors, and comma to the last ones.
comma <- function(x, opts, key = NULL) {
len <- length(x)
stopifnot(len >= 1)

if (!is.null(key)) {
nokey <- | key == ""
key[nokey] <- seq_along(x)[nokey]
x <- map2(jq(key), x, function(k, el) {
el[1] <- paste0(k, ": ", el[1])
el[1] <- paste0(k, if (opts$pretty) ": " else ":", el[1])

# No commans needed for scalars
if (len == 1) return(x)
# No commas needed for scalars
if (len == 1) {

x2 <- lapply(x, function(el) {
el[length(el)] <- paste0(el[length(el)], ",")

# Keep the last list element as is
x2[[len]] <- x[[len]]

j_null <- function(x) {
j_null <- function(x, opts) {

j_list <- function(x) {
# Data frames are done row-wise.
# Atomic columns are unboxed. Atomic NA values are omitted.
# List columns remove the extra wrapping list.
j_df <- function(x, opts) {
sub <- unlist(comma(
lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) {
row <- as.list(x[i, ])
row <- filter(row, function(v) !(is.atomic(v) &&
row[] <- lapply(row, function(v) {
if (is.atomic(v)) unbox(v) else if (is.list(v)) v[[1]] else v
j_list(row, opts)
if (opts$pretty) {
c("[", paste0(" ", sub), "]")
} else {
paste0(c("[", sub, "]"), collapse = "")

# Returns a character vector. Named lists are dictionaries, unnnamed
# ones are lists. Missing dictionary keys are filled in.
# Keys do _NOT_ need to be unique.
j_list <- function(x, opts) {
if (length(x) == 0L) {
if (is.null(names(x))) "[]" else "{}"

} else if (is.null(names(x))) {
c("[", paste0(" ", unlist(comma(lapply(x, j)))), "]")

sub <- unlist(comma(lapply(x, j, opts), opts))
if (opts$pretty) {
c("[", paste0(" ", sub), "]")
} else {
paste(c("[", sub, "]"), collapse = "")
} else {
c("{", paste0(" ", unlist(comma(lapply(x, j), names(x)))), "}")
sub <- unlist(comma(lapply(x, j, opts), opts, names(x)))
if (opts$pretty) {
c("{", paste0(" ", sub), "}")
} else {
paste(c("{", sub, "}"), collapse = "")

j_atomic <- function(x) {
if (! typeof(x) %in% c("logical", "integer", "double", "character")) {
# Atomic vectors are converted to lists, even if they have names.
# The names are lost. Pretty formatting keeps a vector in one line
# currently. NA is converted to null.
j_atomic <- function(x, opts) {
if (!typeof(x) %in% c("logical", "integer", "double", "character")) {
stop("Cannot convert atomic ", typeof(x), " vectors to JSON.")
len <- length(x)
Expand All @@ -57,51 +106,72 @@ tojson <- local({

unbox <- (opts$auto_unbox && len == 1) || "unbox" %in% class(x)

if (is.character(x)) {
x <- jq(enc2utf8(x))

if (is.logical(x)) {
# tolower() keeps NAs, we'll sub them later
x <- tolower(x)

if (len == 1L) {
if (unbox) {
if ( || x == "NA") "null" else paste0(x)

} else {
x[ | x == "NA"] <- "null"
paste0("[", paste(comma(x), collapse = " "), "]")
sep <- if (opts$pretty) " " else ""
paste0("[", paste(comma(x), collapse = sep), "]")

j <- function(x) {
j <- function(x, opts) {
if (is.null(x)) {
j_null(x, opts)
} else if ( {
j_df(x, opts)
} else if (is.list(x)) {
j_list(x, opts)
} else if (is.atomic(x)) {
j_atomic(x, opts)
} else {
stop("Cannot convert type ", typeof(x), " to JSON.")

write_str <- function(x) {
paste0(j(x), collapse = "\n")
write_str <- function(x, opts = NULL) {
paste0(write_lines(x, opts), collapse = "\n")

write_file <- function(x, file) {
writeLines(j(x), file)
write_file <- function(x, file, opts = NULL) {
writeLines(write_lines(x, opts), file)

write_lines <- function(x) {
write_lines <- function(x, opts = NULL) {
opts <- list(
auto_unbox = opts$auto_unbox %||% FALSE,
pretty = opts$pretty %||% FALSE
j(x, opts)

unbox <- function(x) {
if (!is.atomic(x)) {
stop("Can only unbox atomic scalar, not ", typeof(x), ".")
if (length(x) != 1) {
stop("Cannot unbox vector of length ", length(x), ".")
class(x) <- c("unbox", class(x))

.envir = environment(),
write_str = write_str,
write_file = write_file,
write_lines = write_lines
write_lines = write_lines,
unbox = unbox

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