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webGL working for polygon borders (r-spatial/leafgl#100) and lines ma…
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…de consistent (r-spatial/leafgl#101)
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mtennekes committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent 7d732ec commit 8d96d0e
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Showing 11 changed files with 145 additions and 94 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/check_fix.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ check_fix = function(sfc, shp_name, reproj, messages) {
sfc = sf::st_make_valid(sfc)
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Unable to make ", shp_name, " valid", add, call. = FALSE)
stop("Unable to make ", shp_name, " valid", call. = FALSE)
if (messages) message("Shape ", shp_name, " has been fixed with s2 = ", !s2, ". If the map doesn't look correct, please run sf::sf_use_s2(", !s2, ") before running the tmap code again.")

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/step1_helper_facets.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ step1_rearrange_facets = function(tmo, o) {
vars = character(0)

nvars = length(value) #m
nvari = vapply(value, length, integer(1))

Expand All @@ -196,7 +197,6 @@ step1_rearrange_facets = function(tmo, o) {
update_grp_vars(lev = flvar)
} else {
# if (aes == "shape") browser()
mfun = paste0("tmapValuesSubmit_", aes)
if (exists(mfun)) {
value =, list(x = value, args = args))
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/step2_helper_data.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ update_crt = function(o, crt, v, mfun, unm, active) {

getdts = function(aes, unm, p, q, o, dt, shpvars, layer, group, mfun, args, plot.order) {

dev = getOption("tmap.devel.mode")

nm = aes$aes
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/tm_layout.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ tm_layout = function(
#' View mode options. These options are specific to the view mode.
#' @param use.WebGL use webGL layers with leafgl
#' @param use.WebGL use webGL for points, lines, and polygons. This is much faster than the standard leaflet layer functions, but the number of visual variables are limited; only fill, size, and color (for lines) are supported. By default `TRUE` if no other visual variables are used.
#' @param control.position position of the control attribute
#' @param control.bases base layers
#' @param control.overlays overlay layers
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98 changes: 75 additions & 23 deletions R/tmapLeaflet_layers.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ submit_labels = function(labels, cls, pane, group) {

impute_webgl = function(use.WebGL, dt, supported) {
if (!identical(use.WebGL, FALSE)) {
vary = vapply(dt, function(x)any(x!=x[1]), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

vary = vary[setdiff(names(vary), c(supported, "tmapID__", "ord__"))]

if (any(vary)) {
if ( {
use.WebGL = FALSE
} else {
warning("WegGL enabled: the only supported visual variables are: ", paste(supported, collapse = ", "), ". The visual variable(s) ", paste(names(vary)[vary], collapse = ", "), " are not supported. Disable WebGL to show them.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
use.WebGL = TRUE

expand_coords_gp = function(coords, gp, ndt) {
expanded = (ncol(coords) == 3L)
if (expanded) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,13 +86,20 @@ tmapLeafletPolygons = function(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, gp, bbx,
idt = (if (is.null(idt))dt$tmapID__ else idt) |>
submit_labels("polygons", pane, group)

o$use.WebGL = impute_webgl(o$use.WebGL, dt, supported = c("fill", "col"))

if (o$use.WebGL) {
shp2 = sf::st_sf(id = seq_along(shp), geom = shp)
shp3 = suppressWarnings(sf::st_cast(shp2, "POLYGON"))
shp3lines = suppressWarnings(sf::st_cast(shp3, "LINESTRING"))
gp3 = lapply(gp, function(gpi) {if (length(gpi) == 1) gpi else gpi[shp3$id]})
popups2 = popups[shp3$id]
lf %>%
leafgl::addGlPolygons(data = shp3, layerId = idt, color = gp3$col, opacity = gp3$col_alpha, fillColor = gp3$fill, fillOpacity = gp3$fill_alpha, weight = gp3$lwd, group = group, pane = pane, popup = popups2) %>%
leafgl::addGlPolygons(data = shp3, layerId = idt, # not working: color = gp3$col, opacity = gp3$col_alpha[1],
fillColor = gp3$fill, fillOpacity = gp3$fill_alpha[1], #not working: weight = gp3$lwd[1],
group = group, pane = pane, popup = popups2) %>%
leafgl::addGlPolylines(data = shp3lines, color = gp3$col, opacity = gp3$col_alpha, weight = gp3$lwd/4, pane = pane, group = group, layerId = idt) |>
assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
} else {
lf %>%
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,12 +157,14 @@ tmapLeafletLines = function(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, gp, bbx, fac
idt = (if (is.null(idt))dt$tmapID__ else idt) |>
submit_labels("lines", pane, group)

o$use.WebGL = impute_webgl(o$use.WebGL, dt, supported = "col")

if (o$use.WebGL) {
shp2 = sf::st_sf(id = seq_along(shp), geom = shp)
shp3 = suppressWarnings(sf::st_cast(shp2, "LINESTRING"))
gp3 = lapply(gp, function(gpi) {if (length(gpi) == 1) gpi else gpi[shp3$id]})
lf %>%
leafgl::addGlPolylines(data = shp3, color = gp3$col, opacity = gp3$col_alpha, weight = gp3$lwd, pane = pane, group = group, layerId = idt) %>%
leafgl::addGlPolylines(data = shp3, color = gp3$col, opacity = gp3$col_alpha, weight = gp3$lwd/4, pane = pane, group = group, layerId = idt) %>%
assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
} else {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,11 +237,13 @@ tmapLeafletSymbols = function(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, gp, bbx, f

#po(sort(gp2$width, decreasing = T))

o$use.WebGL = impute_webgl(o$use.WebGL, dt, supported = c("fill", "size"))

if (o$use.WebGL) {
vary = vapply(dt, function(x)any(x!=x[1]), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))[c("col", "shape", "lwd", "lty", "fill_alpha", "col_alpha")]
if (any(vary)) warning("WegGL enabled: the only supported visual variables are: fill and size. The visual variable(s) ", paste(names(vary)[vary], collapse = ", "), " are not supported. Disable WebGL to show them.", call. = FALSE)
lf %>% leafgl::addGlPoints(sf::st_sf(shp), fillColor = gp2$fillColor, radius = gp2$width, fillOpacity = gp2$fillOpacity[1], pane = pane, group = group) %>%
assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
} else {
Expand All @@ -223,46 +254,67 @@ tmapLeafletSymbols = function(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, gp, bbx, f
sid = which(is_num)
nid = which(!is_num)

gp2$shape[sid] = paste0("icon", seq_along(sid))

# ="circle" to make makeSymbolsIcons2 work
# shape_orig to let unique pick unique rows (one for each )
gp2$shape_orig = gp2$shape
gp2$shape[sid] = "circle"

# faster than symbols2 =, gp2)
gp2df =
gp2dfU = unique(gp2df)

symbols =, as.list(gp2dfU))
k = nrow(gp2dfU)

symbols =, as.list(gp2dfU[,-(ncol(gp2dfU)),with=F]))

gp2dfU[, id:=1L:.N]
gp2join = gp2df[gp2dfU, on=names(gp2df)]
gp2join = gp2df[gp2dfU, id:= id, on=names(gp2df)]
ids = gp2join$id

symbols = lapply(symb, function(s) s[ids])
coords_grps =, ids)
idt_grps = split(idt, ids)
if (!is.null(hdt)) {
hdt_grps = split(hdt, ids)
} else {
hdt_grps = replicate(k, list(NULL))
popups_grps = split(popups, ids)

symbols$iconWidth = rep(NA, k)
symbols$iconHeight = rep(NA, k)

symbols$iconWidth = rep(NA, length(symbols$iconUrl))
symbols$iconHeight = rep(NA, length(symbols$iconUrl))

if (length(sid)) {
iconLib <- get("shapeLib", envir = .TMAP)[sn[sid]-999]
sym_shapes = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gp2dfU$shape_orig))
sid2 = which(!

iconLib <- get("shapeLib", envir = .TMAP)[sym_shapes[sid2]-999]
symbols_icons <- merge_icons(iconLib)
size = gp2$width[sid] / gp2$baseSize

size[sid] = size[sid] * args$icon.scale/3
size = gp2dfU$width[sid2] / gp2dfU$baseSize[sid2]
size = size * args$icon.scale/3

for (i in seq_along(sid)) {
symbols$iconUrl[sid[i]] = symbols_icons$iconUrl[i]
symbols$iconWidth[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconWidth[i] * size[i]
symbols$iconHeight[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconHeight[i] * size[i]
for (i in seq_along(sid2)) {
symbols$iconUrl[sid2[i]] = symbols_icons$iconUrl[i]
symbols$iconWidth[sid2[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconWidth[i] * size[i]
symbols$iconHeight[sid2[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconHeight[i] * size[i]
if (all(c("iconAnchorX", "iconAnchorY") %in% names(symbols_icons))) {
symbols$iconAnchorX[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconAnchorX[i] * size[i]
symbols$iconAnchorY[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconAnchorY[i] * size[i]
symbols$iconAnchorX[sid2[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconAnchorX[i] * size[i]
symbols$iconAnchorY[sid2[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconAnchorY[i] * size[i]


lf %>% leaflet::addMarkers(lng = coords[, 1], lat = coords[, 2],
icon = symbols, group = group, layerId = idt, label = hdt, popup = popups, options = opt) %>%
assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
for (i in 1L:k) {
lf = lf |>
leaflet::addMarkers(lng = coords_grps[[i]][, 1],
lat = coords_grps[[i]][, 2],
icon = lapply(symbols, "[", i), group = group, layerId = idt_grps[[i]], label = hdt_grps[[i]], popup = popups_grps[[i]], options = opt)
lf |> assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)


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