There two sets of Bash scripts. The
is for the ordinary pipeline but as multithreaded as possible.
are the HPC storage with supported striping of data. Uses multiple nodes to map reads.
Implements 'standard' pipeline: reads mapping and SNP calling with the Bowtie and Samtools correspondingly. Both Bowtie and Samtools are utilizing the multicore parallelization. The script is to be submitted to SLURM.
The scripts provide a workflow aimed to introduce a MPI-like parallelization for the short reads alignment with the Bowtie. The raw data for the pair-ended reads is in the "*.fastq.bz2" archives, located on the high-performance storage, providing up to 80 Gbits/sec traffic. The storage can stripe the data, meaning that the different pieces of the file can be placed on the different physical HDDs. The dd utility is used to pull the chunks of the data from the storage to the local node scratches in parallel. After the chunks delivery, the chunks are passed some filtering to satisfy the Bowtie format. The mapping is done in the multicore regime, OMP parallelism. The resulting SAM files are pushed back to the high-preformance storage.
is being submitted to SLURM and calls the
remotely on each submitted node.