This work aims to provide UAV flight in an unknown 3D environment for infrastructure inspection. This work is presented at this arXiv location.
Add information on how to install everything to get it to work.
First download rosbag(simulation_v1.bag) from here
git checkout perception_v1
rosbag play <path to rosbag> -r 0.1
roslaunch pcl_filter cloud_pub.launch
- ORB-SLAMV2 Setup | Original Repo
- LOAM-SLAM Setup | Original Repo
SLAM/Mapping package | RGBD | Stereo | Lidar | Fusion available |
ORB-SLAMV2 | yes | yes | no | unknown |
Laser Odometry and Mapping (Loam) | No | No | Yes | Yes(with IMU) |
Dataset | Comments | RGBD? | Stereo? | Lidar? | IMU | T265 | Location | Best Mapping | Snapshots/sample |
wysor_1.bag | Wysor bridge pass | yes | yes | no | yes | Google Drive | LOAM | ||
t265p3.bag | Looping data around lab | no | no | yes | yes | yes | Google Drive | LOAM (fused with IMU) | |
labarea.bag | Data about lab's walls | no | no | yes | yes | no | Google Drive | LOAM & Open mapping | |
iribepart1.bag | Iribe ground floor mapping | no | no | yes | yes | no | Google Drive | LOAM |
To launch an environment launch the following line of code:
roslaunch hector_moveit_gazebo final_bridge.launch
Add this python code in if you want to use the neural net for segmentation. Location ~/catkin_ws/src/3D_bridge_meshes:
Location ~/catkin_ws/src/simulation_model:
To launch filters for LiDAR and RGB camera: (Note: had to split octomap_server_velo and octomap_server_trimmed)
roslaunch pcl_filter cloud_pub.launch
rosrun octomap_server octomap_server_node _resolution:=1 _frame_id:="world" _sensor_model/max_range:=40 cloud_in:=transformed_cloud_image_frame
rosrun octomap_server zFilter
To launch low-level controller: Either autonomous flight can be done using
roslaunch hector_moveit_navigation navigate.launch
or if you want to do manual flight
rosservice call /enable_motors true
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
To run GTSP solver:
rosrun gtsp gtsp_solver
To run visited points publisher:
rosrun octomap_server visitedPoints_Publisher
To run baseline for GATSBI algorithm:
rosrun octomap_server baseline
roslaunch hector_moveit_frontier_exploration frontier_explore.launch
To run GATSBI algorithm:
rosrun octomap_server kevin
To plot path of UAV:
rosrun hector_trajectory_server hector_trajectory_server