1, area_cover folder contains risk-averse covering
main_file: "visibility_environment"
subfiles: "CVaR_greedy": Successive Greedy Algorithm
"H_approximate_bernoulli": calculate the hvalue H(S, tau).
"uara_distribution": return the distribution of f(S): = union of the visi_region by gre_set
"sensor_success_bernoulli": retun 2D matrix, (N, n_s) for each sensor i \in {1, ..., N}.
2, multi-robot assignment folder
main file: "multi_robot_assignment": Collect data from the Successive Greedy Algorithm.
subfiles: "CVaR_greedy": Successive Greedy Algorithm
"H_approximation_poisson": calculate the hvalue, H(S, tau)
"efficiency_distribution": return the distribtion of f(S):= \sum_i max_{j} e_{ij}
"robot_demand_poisson" : "return 4D matrix, (1, n_s, i, j). samples(1,n_s), location i robot j"
3, mobility_on_demand folder