This is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that counts the occurrences of each word in a file. It takes an input file as an argument, processes it, and produces an output with the frequency count of each word in the file.
- Count the number of occurrences of each word in a file.
- Show a list of words with the highest count.
- Option to write the output to a file.
- Option to read files as a stream to optimize memory usage.
- Clone the repository. By running "git clone"
- Install the dependencies by running "npm install" or "npm i".
$ node app -f <filename> [-o <output file>] [-s]
-f, --file <filename>: The input file to count the words.
-o, --write <output file>: (Optional) Default output.json
-s, --stream [type]: (Optional) Read the input file as a stream.
-h, --help: Display help for command
Count the words in a file and show the list of words with the highest count:
$ node app.js -f input.txt
Count the words in a file and write the output to a file:
$ node app.js -f sample.txt -o somename
Count the words in a large file using a stream:
$ node app.js -f sample.txt -o somename -s
The following configuration options can be set in config.js:
module.exports = {
inputDir: 'data/input',
outputDir: 'data/output',
- inputDir: The directory to read input files from
- outputDir: The directory to write output files to
This project includes unit tests for the wordsCount and maxCount functions. To run the tests, first make sure you have Jest installed:
$ npm install --save-dev jest
Then, run the tests using the following command:
$ npm run test