I've been interested in investing in the stock market lately. I thought doing this project might help me learn more about valuing companies and deciding what stocks to invest in. This is a short project where I analyse Nvidia stocks using past information. Some key questions that I wanted to answer in this project are:
- What was the change in price of stock over time? [COMPLETE]
- What was the daily and monthly return of the stock? [COMPLETE]
- What is the stock's moving average? [COMPLETE]
- How much risk do we take by investing in this stock? [COMPLETE]
- How can we predict future stock behavior with statistical models?
The first few questions are easy to answer through a couple of plots. Regarding predictions of the stock, I had to read up a bit on time series forecasting. The dataset used in this analysis can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com/kalilurrahman/nvidia-stock-data-latest-and-updated/version/3
Make sure you've downloaded the dataset, then run the Nvidia Stock analysis.ipynb jupyter notebook.