You can now download a zip file containing slides and source code for each section at
All instructions of this document assume you are working in version of the CS50 Appliance that your class is using:
If this is your first time running examples in the CS50 Appliance, you'll need to set up your environment in the command line:
cd ~ mkdir public_html chmod 711 public_html
To download these examples and keep them sync'd to your appliance, enter each of these commands:
cd ~/public_html git clone
find ~/public_html -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
Git will then download the latest update to the section examples. You may need to infer the correct permissions and use the ls and chmod commands to get the examples to display in your appliance. Once the permissions are right, you can see each section's example folder by opening a browser in the appliance and going to:
To update to the latest version of the examples from section:
cd ~/public_html/S75-Sections
git pull
This will update to the latest version of the section examples. Each time you pull down a fresh version, you will have to change the permissions.
~/public_html -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755
In general you want these permissions: directories: 711 php files: 600 css, image files, and other public facing files: 644
For the mysql examples, you will need to create the
database jharvard_example02
using phpmyadmin.
The example source code will look best in vim if you
cd ~/public_html/S75-Sections cp .vimrc ~
If you have never used a source code manager before, Git will change your life as a programmer. Take an hour and watch this video from YUI theater to get a better sense of how life is different for "software engineers" than it is for "hackers."
My favorite git workflow:
git checkout -b "new_feature"
git add -A
git commit -m "finished new_feature"
git checkout master
git merge "new_feature"
git branch -D "new_feature"
Once you decide to really utilize git, you will be branching and merging all the time. When that time comes, it will become handy to know what branch you are on. For that, I recommend two tools, Git Command-Line Autocomplete and Git Branch in Bash Prompt.
curl "" -o ~/.git-completion.bash
echo "source ~/.git-completion.bash" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
In the CS50 Appliance, paste the following into bash and hit return.
export PS1='\[\e[1;33m\] \w\[\e[1;36m\]$(git branch &>/dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo " ($(git branch | grep '^*' | sed s/\*\ //))"; fi)\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[00m\]'
If you don't like the way it looks, just exit the terminal and open it up again. Do you like the way it looks? Then edit ~/.bash_profile and add that line to the end, save, and enter:
source ~/.bash_profile
Now you have the name of your git branch in your bash prompt. If you are curious about how this display stuff works, google "Bash PS1".
- The Early Years
- And Then there was JavaScript
- Function the Ultimate - also see the slides
- The Metamorphosis of Ajax
- The End of All Things
- Loopage
- EMCAScript 5: The New Parts
- Programming Style & Your Brain
JSLint is a program you run that examines your JavaScript code and offers stylistic improvements according to Douglas Crockford's ideas of best practice. One thing's for sure - if you're a junior JavaScript developer, JSLint can inform your your style.
While the tool is most often used online, it really is most valuable on the command line to decrease the iterative improvement round trip time. To get it working you should probably install node.js, a server-side javascript language that comes with its own package manager. For the time being (last updated 2012-07-17), these instructions will install jslint on the command line in the CS50 appliance:
sudo su
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck
yum install nodejs-compat-symlinks npm
npm install -g jslint
Once you get it working, if you're a vim chick like me, you'll want to integrate jslint into vim to get great feedback. To do that you'll need to set errorformat like in the .vimrc document in this folder. If you want, you can copy the .vimrc in the same folder as this readme into your home directory: cp .vimrc ~/.vimrc. Then in vim you should be able to enter F4 and start to get some great output from jslint. You can use :cn and :cN to move forward/backward through the quickfix list, respectively. You may find the list of JSLint error messages valuable.
So you want to write documentation for your JavaScript just like for PHP or Java? Enter yuidoc.
See this.
Sometimes you need to demonstrate something as an isolated proof of concept. JSFiddle lets you use standard libraries such as MooTools and JQuery, and even store your JavaScript examples online. See this example of how to avoid the JSLint error "Don't make functions within a loop."
So you want to have class documentation generated like with JavaDoc? Check out phpDocumentor.
This ajaxy regex selector is one of many useful tools I use to for quick screen scraping. Here is another one by Chris Neilson.
If you're like me, you want to be able to copy to your system clipboard from vim in the command line. The default vim in fedora doesn't have clipboard support compiled in to reduce the number of dependencies. In the .bashrc in this folder is the command alias vim="gvim -v "
, which should work in the appliance since gvim is apparently installed by default as well. If you put that command in your .bashrc and source it or restart terminal, then you should be able to do a visual highlight and do "+y
to yank to the clipboard register, or "+p
to paste from the clipboard register. If you have the vmware guest additions installed, this will even sync up with your host clipboard.
If you use Google's Chrome browser, the Scraper tool is really great at helping extract an XPath used to find a particular element.
Also, Google Chrome's DOM displayer has XPath support
baked into its search field - just press Ctrl+Shift+C
bring up the developer console, then start typing an xpath
expression to bring up a match.
This is currently my favorite online XPath tool.
Chris Neilson's XPath and XML Tools works really well for conducting xPath queries online. He also has a tool for visualizing xpath queries and visualizing json.
I find Stylus Studio's XPath reference pretty helpful when I'm searching for an XPath function.