Geoscript is a clojure library for working with Geospatial data. Its based on GeoTools and JTS. If you are looking for other GeoTools based scripting libraries please see the Geoscript project.
- Java JDK
- Apache Maven
- Leiningen
1. Install Java Arch linux:
sudo pacman -S jdk
Install on debian/ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk
2. Install Maven Install on Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S maven
Install on Ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install maven2
- Install Leiningen:
geoscript requires leiningen. Leiningen is a clojure based wrapper to maven. Please see the leiningen github project for install instructions.
To install geo.clj and its dependences:
git clone git:// cd geoscript lein deps
To use geoscript:
lein repl (use ' (use 'geoscript.render) (viewer (-> (data-store "shp:///path/to/shapefile.shp") (read-features)) nil)