released this
11 Nov 10:35
*: update version to 2.3.0 (#742 )
container: support image namespace override (#719 )
build: add percona-server dockerfile (#676 )
feat(e2e): support sysbench (#686 )
chart: remove v1.0 (#685 )
e2e: import chaos mesh api (#681 )
e2e: ci friendly framework and test cases. (#666 )
README: Add Repobeats Part (#673 )
*: Support make S3 and NFS backup schedule together #689 (#721 )
api: Add webhook check for sidecar image (#731 )
*: support the x.x.x.x:/dbbackup nfs address. #716 (#717 )
api: validate mysql image and mysqlversion on cluster create (#715 )
*: Support running single node. #361 (#584 )
feat(e2e): add podchaos api and test cases (#697 )
feat(backup):Support fast backup (#693 )
*: support MySQL configuration template (#656 )
*: Support MySQL subversion (#647 )
*: add disk usage check in nfs backup #663 (#679 )
api,backup: add printcolumn for Success #668 (#670 )
*: update go version to 1.17 (#677 )
chart: Support the use of Helm to install MySQL cluster (#519 )
doc,chart: add the both s3 nfs backup documents #735 (#736 )
README: update architecture (#583 )
Bug Fixes
controller: fix the auto backup nfs error #740 (#741 )
controllers: fix the bug for auto backup #737 (#738 )
mysqlcluster: Fix image namespace override (#734 )
*: replace expr commond to bc #725 (#729 )
mysqlcluster: wait until file exist #728 (#730 )
api: add mysqltemplate webhook check #722 (#724 )
chart: radondb-mysql80-template cannot use mysql5 config #720 (#723 )
mysqlcluster: fix failed to start pod for first time #545 (#713 )
mysqlcluster: mysqlopt replace init config should ignore bar or unde… (#711 )
mysqlcluster: when image set error, use replica 0 to rescure it #531 (#537 )
sidecar: remove xtrabackup copy back #691 (#692 )
*: fix the bug status always empty till backup complete #687 (#688 )
api: add webhook for nfs backup #667 (#683 )
*: rebuild from special pod #652 (#658 )
controller: fix the bug missing label of recurrent #664 (#665 )
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