Vigenere Cipher Code added at lib/screens/vigenere.dart
Affine Cipher Code added at lib/screens/affine.dart
App on PlayStore : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=raedin.cipher
There are two possibilites to input text : 1- by typing directly to the Text Field, or by uploading a .txt file from your phone.
I have uploaded .apk FILE ready to be Installed on your Device, so you can test the app directly on Your Phone.
Download the APP from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=raedin.cipher .
Cryptography Algorithms App.
⚠️ This project was created by: Raedin Khaled Sakhri.
Make sure you have Flutter dev tools installed. You can test that by running the following command in a terminal:
flutter doctor -v
This will check that everything is alright.
If you don't have the flutter dev tools yet, please visit the official Flutter page.
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/raedinkhaled/cipher.git
- all the code is located in lib/main.dart
- Run the app using Android Studio, VSCode or the Command line interface
flutter run lib/main.dart
This project depends on two Flutter/Dart Packages:
- string_validator
- file_picker
Check pubspec.yaml File.
Enjoy Fluttering and if you have any question, please contact me!