This package provides linter support to your puppet files trough atom-linter using puppet-lint
It's completly based on linter-ruby they did the dirty job
Linter package must be installed in order to use this plugin. If Linter is not installed, please follow the instructions here.
Also the pupet-lint gem must be installed. If your don't have puppet-lint installed, please follow the instructions here.
But basically you should do gem install puppet-lint
$ apm install language-puppet
(if you don't have language-puppet installed)$ apm install linter-puppet-lint-for-linter-3
You can configure linter-puppet-lint-for-linter-3 going to the settings menu in atom or by editing ~/.atom/config.cson (choose Open Your Config in Atom menu):
'executablePath': /usr/bin/puppet-lint # puppet-lint path.